The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 612: Back to Berlin

"We finally have sufficient funds, relatively abundant resources, and an unreliable ally. This may be the best news we have heard recently." In the royal paddock, William II personally greeted Lu Precht. Herbert was in charge of the back, so when he went to sign the treaty, the prince had already returned to Berlin and reported the results of his trip to the Kaiser. From the words of the Kaiser, the prince could hear that the other party was fairly satisfied with the result.

"For this war to end everything, we need to make full preparations, but at most it will not take more than 7 years, which means that we must start a war in 1912! We cannot let the Russians slow down, nor can we let them The French and the British are well prepared! Understand? 1912 at the latest!" William II said to the prince beside him as he walked, and their attendants were scattered around so that they could stay in a relatively private place. Communication in the space.

"Ruprecht, you are a genius, but it is a pity that you are not a Prussian. If you change positions with Mooqi, I will be assured of handing over the entire army to your hands, but unfortunately, you are not I will seriously consider every word you say, but it is not guaranteed to be implemented. After all, Prussia has its own national conditions, and the emperor cannot act recklessly. Do you understand what I mean?" The Kaiser said seriously.

"I understand what you mean. What you need is Bavarian technology and new tactics, but you don't want to change the original strategy. Is that right? Your final idea is to concentrate your forces on France at the beginning of the war." Ruprecht thought for a while and said.

"That's it. Defeating France directly is the most direct way for us to win. This temptation is too great for anyone to resist. So we plan to give it a try. We will do our best to make some problems happen in time. We It can also get a better situation for the subsequent battle, can't it?" The Kaiser continued after a pause.

"Of course, Prussia fully considers the demands of the Kingdom of Bavaria. The Bavarian Legion can not participate in the Western Front and work with the Austro-Hungarian Empire against the Russians and Yugoslavia. Of course, East Prussia will leave a group of troops to cooperate with you. But the latter is mainly for defense. The Bavarian Army and the Austro-Hungarian Army need to open a breakthrough on the battlefield."

Is this the so-called slap to a sweet date? The prince slandered. Obviously, the Kaiser has already expressed his attitude. He expressed dissatisfaction with Ruprecht's influence on the German General Staff through his interactions with Xiaomoqi and others. Although he realized that the prince might be right, But still decided to hold on to his own opinions, this is not only the desire for victory, but also believes that the prince's behavior has been overrun!

Of course, blind suppression is absolutely impossible, and the good relationship between Prussia and Bavaria cannot be ruined by these trivial matters. What's more, some things that Bavaria has made are really good, and the Bavarian Legion is getting stronger and stronger. Both are very important aids, so as compensation, the Kaiser finally clearly expressed his support for the proposal of the Bavarian Army and the Austrian Army to merge.

According to the Kaiser’s idea, the entire northern part of the Eastern Front was defended by the Prussian Army, while the central and southern fronts were assigned to Bavaria and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. I don't expect a state and the Austro-Hungarian Empire to defeat the Russians. As long as it can delay the Russian offensive, after the German Army solves the Western Front, all problems will be easy to handle. And this world is about 2 months, that is to say, the Bavarian Army and the Austro-Hungarian Army need to fight the Russians alone for 2 months!

"Well, very good." Before Ruprecht asked, the Kaiser had agreed to the prince's request. This did make Ruprecht feel very good, but it was just a small surprise. Because he knew very well that the Kaiser was also throwing the pot! Threw a very heavy task to the Bavarian Legion!

You know, the Russian Army was not weak at the beginning of World War I. The so-called weakness of the Russian Army is relative to the main force of the German army. When the war just started, let’s not say that the Austro-Hungarian Army was half-stuck by the Russians. Even the Eighth Army of Germany stationed in East Prussia was also retreated step by step. It was not until more than 200,000 German troops were transferred from the Western Front to the Eastern Front that the situation was stabilized.

"The Austro-Hungarian Empire is of great significance to our plan. Before we solve the issue, we need the Austro-Hungarian Empire to attract the attention of the Russians in order to ensure that our precious Silesian region is not occupied by the Russians. This is a It’s a heavy task, so I hope you can complete it."

The actions of the Kaiser are very similar to those in history. Although the prince strongly demanded that Russia be the primary goal, due to the huge historical inertia, the Kaiser finally made a decision similar to the Schlieffen plan, and focused on the Western Front. In its strategy, the pressure on the Eastern Front could only be endured by the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but a little bit different from the history, the Bavarian Army also endured this pressure.

In fact, the Austro-Hungarian Empire did its best to undertake this task after the beginning of the war. The Battle of Galicia was the initiative of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In this huge battle, the Russian Legion invested a total of 5 army groups and one. The detachment confronted the 4 armies and a reserve army of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The two sides fought for a long time on a front line ranging from 320 kilometers to 400 kilometers wide ~ ~ In the end, according to Russian statistics, Austria-Hungary lost 400,000 troops and Russia lost 230,000.

The prince who knows a little about this war absolutely cannot allow history to repeat itself. The loss of 400,000 troops is simply unbearable for Austria-Hungary. And if he wants to change, then he must have the right to influence the Austro-Hungarian Army.

"I hope that I can discuss related matters with the Austro-Hungarian Empire on behalf of Germany." Ruprecht made his request.

"Do you represent Germany?" The Kaiser touched his chin and thought carefully. "Isn't it better to let Little Mochi come to talk to Emperor Fritz on behalf of the General Staff?"

"However, General Little Moqi is responsible for commanding the Western Front. The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. We can't always act according to the script made several years ago? We need an efficient and flexible command organization," said the prince.

"Believe me, Ruprecht, Fritz is not a good person to deal with, even if you are his son-in-law, he is a cunning man, your status and status do not give you an advantage, nor do they Will take the opinions of a country seriously, and the little Mochi represents Germany." The emperor said.

"I want to try." The prince's answer was very simple.

"Well, then you can try it." After a while, William II said.

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