The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 611: Soft knife four

Although your Highness may not be able to swallow Hungary as a whole, for areas beyond the control of the Hungarian government, your Highness still considers eating some at the right time! And if nothing happens, the Hungarian government will definitely lose a lot of land. Even if there are no external reasons such as Poland, Romania, and Yugoslavia, Hungary, which has no population of half, can never control so many places. The leftovers are still respectful.

It is hard to say how much territory Hungary can occupy after independence, but one thing is certain is that they will never participate in the war again. Unlike Austria, Hungary’s power is weaker and the domestic situation is more complicated, and they cannot handle domestic affairs by themselves. How to continue the foreign war? Therefore, if it is not unexpected, Hungary will withdraw from the war. His Highness is willing to accept this result. After withdrawing from the war, there is no need to worry about feeding Hungary's tens of millions of people.

Of course, after exiting the war at this time, one cannot participate in the distribution of war dividends. At least the important part cannot participate in the distribution, such as Russian Poland and Belarus. But if Hungary has spare capacity, it would be fine to get a share of Yugoslavia. For a fanatical country like Yugoslavia, the prince has no idea in a short time. It is not that he can't beat it, but it is too troublesome... Imagine that Yugoslavia’s extreme violent forces defeated Austria-Hungary in World War I. If you think about Tito in World War II, you don’t want to touch these troubles.

For the prince, the worst of the future Kingdom of Hungary is a neutral country with no threats, and the best result is just an ally that can add to the cake. This is determined by the tragic national conditions of Hungary, and the industrial comparison of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Poor, and these industries are mainly concentrated in Austria and the Czech Republic. Hungary plays more of the role of an agricultural country, and such a country is destined to not play much role in the future competition. In addition to manpower, resources are very limited.

"Are you not afraid that what I said tonight will leak out?" Countess Laura said meaningfully.

"I can guarantee that during my absence, at least ten reports about Bavaria's preparations for rebellion were stacked on Emperor Wilhelm's desk. In other words, there have been people in Prussia who have been dissatisfied with us, but what is the result? Saying has no effect. You can say it." Rupresit said indifferently. "And have you ever thought about this question, if the members of the imperial parliament or those capitalists knew about you, what would they do? To some extent, I just took advantage of the trend, and even in some ways, My purpose is the same as those of the Prussian capitalists."

"And I think that apart from me and Princess Marie, I am afraid that you will not be loyal to others. Your family and the Hungarians are not willing to accept you, because what you have done in recent years has been tied to Austria, and Prussia is also It is impossible to give a higher bid. From a rational perspective, you will not get a higher position and power elsewhere than here. What's more, we have no essential conflicts. Hungary wants independence, I can allow it. , Even I long for Hungary to be independent."

"If there is nothing unexpected about this matter, in ten years, I might call you the King of Bavaria and the Regent of Austria? By the way, maybe I will add a guardian of Ukraine, right? Countess Laura said in a playful tone.

"What do you mean?" His Highness blushed slightly.

"Isn’t that in the future, it’s best for you to control Ukraine by the Countess Ajelena? Germany can’t eat the whole of Ukraine, so the best result is naturally to choose someone you can trust to help you control this. This is the most important area in Eastern Europe. Don’t tell me you didn’t arrange it like this.” Laura paused and said, “Have you not discussed this issue with Your Royal Highness yet?”

"Change the subject!" Rupresit's face tightened and said decisively.

"Well, if you can figure out this matter, I hope that one day, I can also get a guarantee that I cannot betrayed. Compared with Her Royal Highness Mary and your descendants, you can get Bavarian Austria, and you and Adelina Count’s descendants can get Ukraine. My requirements are actually not high." Countess Laura smiled charmingly.

"I will consider your wish." Rupresit's face blushed slightly.

"That's great, what are you going to do next?" Countess Laura did not continue to struggle with this issue, after all, it is not time to discuss these things.

"We have money now. On the Prussian side, it is natural that Wilhelm II decides how to spend. We in Bavaria also have a plan. But Emperor Fritz does not seem to have a complete plan yet. I think that as the Emperor's Majesty Son-in-law, and the most recognized ally, we should help the Austro-Hungarian Empire, especially Austria, to improve its combat effectiveness." His Royal Highness said without hesitation. Although Bavaria is doing very well now, far surpassing the level of the same period in history, but not to mention that it is comparable to Prussia, it is incomparable with the Austro-Hungarian Empire. If you want to quickly resolve the Eastern Front, Austro-Hungarian power is still needed.

Of course, you can also get reinforcements from Prussia, but these Prussian troops are not easy to master after all. If Prussia wants to transfer these troops, His Royal Highness has no way. The force that Bavaria can explode is limited by population. In history, there were more than 200,000 troops at the beginning of the war. With reference to the ratio of less than 4 million troops in Germany to a population of more than 60 million, Bavaria could save 600,000 troops. . It is obviously impossible for the troops to push Russia away by relying on this, so enhancing the combat effectiveness of the Austro-Hungarian Army has become an inevitable choice.

In order to achieve this goal, Rupresit needs to do two things. The first is to persuade the Kaiser to let Bavaria be responsible for the liaison work of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the second is to require King Fritz to agree to send at least one The group army and Bavaria fought together. The latter received the temperance of the Kingdom of Bavaria.

To outsiders, the first point seems more difficult. But considering that Bavaria has relatively independent diplomatic and military power, it is not illegal to do so, and because of geography, once war starts, only Bavaria is the most suitable to help the Austro-Hungarian Empire. So the first point is reasonable and legal.

The second point is troublesome. After all, this involves the issue of command in wartime. Although historically the German military advisory group in Austria finally mastered the Austro-Hungarian Army, it was also after a series of battles that the German army used actual actions to tell The Austrians themselves have big fists. When the war on this plane began, Austria was not necessarily willing to hand over military power.

Thanks to the book friends Merit Executive Committee, Golden Crab, xiaotang246, cgfhfyy, Wang Yao’s young guard rabbit, Slow You K, Blue Hot Spring, Fallen Dead, First Guards Tank Brigade, Fat Cow King and other book friends for fighting Reward~~~! As well as the monthly ticket support of book friends such as Shizun the Great, Demon King Bunsei, Book Friends 160321, and Offen~~~! Yesterday I subscribed more than 500--! The author is a little sad--! Three shifts today! Seek to subscribe for a reward~~!