The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 610: Soft knife three

Knowing this, then the problem will be solved. This is a time race, to win the Eastern Front in the shortest time, and then consolidate the results. The troops then go south to Austria-Hungary to complete the changes in the Austrian political situation. The rest is waiting. Waiting for the actions of both parties!

If nothing else, the time for Germany’s war exhaustion should be two years after the start of the war. In other words, Ruprecht has two years to deal with the problems of the Eastern Front and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It is possible to launch a coup. If by then it is still impossible to get things done on the Eastern Front and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, let alone reaping the profits, it is possible to be trapped directly.

"Then, my dear, what is your attitude towards Hungary?" Count Laura asked.

"They are willing to go as long as they are willing to go. My plan never meant to include Hungary in the Greater German system. What I need is a united and consolidated country, not an internal fragmentation. Two places are needed to pass a resolution. A confederate country approved by the parliament. Hungary can be independent, but we must at least make sure that they are not our enemies." Ruprecht said very firmly.

"You are very measured. Compared with Emperor Wilhelm and Emperor Fritz, your greatest advantage is that you know what you can do." Countess Laura complimented. After getting the assurance, the nobleman who was born in Hungary also let out a sigh of relief. In his opinion, good gathering and good separation may be the best result. On key issues, he has never lied to his subordinates. Even if there are some things that are not convenient to tell, he will bluntly explain. Just from the perspective of credibility, this person's reputation is still very good.

Ruprecht didn’t lie. He really didn’t intend to annex Hungary. At this point, his starting point was very close to Bismarck. Even with the power of the Kingdom of Prussia, Bismarck still stayed away from Austria. He was fully aware By the time, Prussia simply cannot eat such a big country. Regardless of its size, population, religious beliefs, etc., after Prussia annexed Austria, it can only bring itself endless trouble! The power of the country is not concentrated, but scattered!

From the perspective of land area, Prussia is 345,000 square kilometers, while the territory of Austria at that time is about 300,000 square kilometers. In terms of population, Prussia is more than 30 million, and Austria is more than 24 million. Regarding religion, Prussia is a Protestant, while Austria, Bavaria, and Württemberg are all Catholics. If Germany is divided by religious power, then perhaps the Catholics in the south will have an advantage.... It is impossible to directly obliterate the Habsburg dynasty. Germany's victory over Austria-Hungary is a problem, but the complete destruction of a European power that has been passed down for hundreds of years is another problem.

Neither France, Russia nor Britain on the other side could accept this fact, so Bismarck finally sensibly chose to exclude Austria from Germany, and this is not the end. Prussia must also guarantee the independence and privileges of the three kingdoms of South Germany. ! Otherwise, if the countries of South Germany are really urgent, the North German Federation headed by Prussia is really difficult to handle! Although Bavaria was weak, it was able to squeeze an army of 100,000. When the front line fights, and other powers take another shot, Prussia can't eat the rhythm of walking.

Now, the situation faced by the prince is very similar. Austria and Hungary each account for almost half of the territory of this old kingdom. Both the Germans in Austria and the Hungarians in Hungary account for less than half of their respective kingdoms! The Germans in Austria and Bavaria are of the same language and the same kind. They are both Germans and Catholics. The allegiance royal family also has a very close blood relationship. Coupled with years of cooperation and exchanges, the Germans are right. The merger is not contradictory, and if Mary can wear the Austrian crown, then the nobles in the Czech Republic and other places will also support it, so the pressure for merger is not great. For those nationalists, just use a bayonet directly.

Calculate, at the time of war, the population of Austria was probably more than 24 million, and the German population was about 12 million. In addition to the 12 million Germans in Bavaria, this newly established Bavarian-Austrian Federation has a population of about 36 million, and two-thirds of the Germans are among them. This forms a dominant nation, which can be guaranteed during the war. Social stability.

But if you count Hungary, it’s not the same, Hungary also has a population of more than 20 million! 36 million Germans are nothing more than a population base of 60 million! And Hungary is preparing for independence from the top down, not only the civilians, but even the military. At that time, if the prince had to swallow Hungary, he would have to fight hundreds of thousands of Hungarians and other nations first, right? After crossing the waist-deep blood, we must continue to leave considerable troops to maintain local stability, and use precious materials to feed the This cost is too high and too dangerous Up!

So, when the Hungarian Parliament expressed its willingness to maintain unity with Austria, His Highness would not accept it with pleasure. This is a huge burden. Let alone how to feed these people and the consumption of resources for maintaining stability, the Hungarian Parliament cannot represent the whole country! After all, more than half of the population are from other ethnic groups! Back then, as strong as Horti, trying to maintain Hungary's territorial integrity, what was the result? As a result, Hungary lost two-thirds of its territory, and ultimately only 90,000 square kilometers of land.

In Hungary’s final carve-up frenzy, Czechoslovakia, Romania, and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia all took a share of Hungary’s mutilated corpse. Why did Horti support the Nazis in World War 2? The fundamental reason lies in the restoration of the territory of Hungary that year, and the result is naturally another failure. The so-called Greater Hungary has also become a historical term.

This also verifies the correctness of the dual empire established by Austria and Hungary that year. The Germans, who accounted for 23.5% of the total population of the empire, could not maintain Austria alone, so Hungary, which only accounted for 19.1% of the total population, would naturally not be able to maintain Hungary. Therefore, the two relatively strong kingdoms choosing to stay together for warmth is good for each other. The Emperor Fritz also allowed this country to continue for many years. And when the Austro-Hungarian Empire collapsed, Austria naturally could not maintain its empire, and Hungary did the same, was torn to pieces!

These chapters are very important turning points! The third one is here~~~! Please subscribe for a reward~~~!