The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 607: conspiracy

"Earl Schelling, you don’t seem to be in a good mood?" When Earl Schelling exited the prince’s study anxiously, he ran into the coming Countess Laura, who was dressed in a lavender dress. As beautiful as a delicate rose.

"His Royal Highness seems to have overlooked some problems. I tried to remind him, but the effect is very poor. I hope you can persuade him at the right time." Earl Schelling expressed his concerns more than once, and he didn't just talk about it. Once he pinned his hopes on this highly regarded countess.

"I will try my best, but after all, we are only subordinates of His Royal Highness. We can provide advice, but we can't go beyond them." Countess Laura said with a smile.

"What you said makes sense, dear lady." Earl Schelling was slightly taken aback, but decided to have time to discuss this matter in the future. After all, he just went out and the countess went in and said that it was obviously not good. . Thinking of this, Count Schelling gave way, and then watched the countess enter the prince’s study.

"My father once said that a true politician can implement his own plan according to the situation, and use the general situation to complete the cloth without being noticed by others. When things break out, everything is ripe and uncontrollable. , I didn't believe it, but I believe it today. Congratulations, Your Royal Highness Ruprecht." Countess Laura said with a slight bow.

"Actually, I can't help it. After all, the German Empire does not have so much hard currency to pay debts and interest, and we are fighting on the front line. The capitalists naturally need to pay some other costs, otherwise we will kill and live in the front. They are in Berlin. What's the matter of spending time in the mansion?" The prince smiled slightly, closed the file in his hand, and smiled at his subordinates.

"No, no, no. What I'm talking about is not just our relationship with the United States, but the relationship between Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. I really admire Your Royal Highness, you did it invisibly. What the Hungarian Empire wants to do but cannot do!" The countess shook her head.

"However, I am worried that if this incident breaks out, the impact will be very large. If it is not controlled well, it may not only affect Prussia, but even the entire Germany and even the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The final result is that we are on the battlefield. It hasn't collapsed, but internal contradictions and conflicts will kill us, and I want to ask, if the Prussian royal family compromises, then how can Bavaria guarantee that they can survive?" Laura asked nervously.

"It seems that you already know part of my plan. Okay, let me talk about my ideas, and then you can see if there are any loopholes." Ruprecht thought for a while and said. Count Laura is already a senior in his side, and his fate has been tied to the Kingdom of Bavaria. Although he is a Hungarian, all his foundations and abilities exist only when he is endorsed by the Bavarian side, and some things still exist. She needs to deal with it, so it is still necessary to let her know some details of the plan.

"My wife once said to me that if the situation in Germany does not change, if Germany loses, we will certainly lose everything, but it will not be better to win. In this war, the territory of the German Empire is very It is possible to directly expand more than doubled, and most of these places fall back to the hands of the Kingdom of Prussia. We now account for one-seventh of the empire’s territory and one-sixth of the population, and close to one-fifth of the total industrial production value. , But once the expansion is completed, Bavaria will not even have a tenth. At that time, I am afraid the Kaiser will consider doing something with Bavaria, right?" His Highness said gloomily.

Recently, the Kaiser has already begun to take action. First, in the name of the central government, he ordered Württemberg and the Kingdom of Saxony to complete the connection between the domestic railway system and the central government, and then the postal service. The German central government once issued a similar request to Bavaria, but King Friedrich III ignored this request.

Before leaving, the prince also wrote a letter to Xiaomoqi. The content is that the Bavarian Army will fight on the eastern front in the future, and in order to facilitate the battle, it is natural to ensure that direct contact with the Austro-Hungarian Empire is maintained. The empire’s transportation routes were aligned first, and then Prussia was considered.

And for this request, Xiao Moqi did not have too many objections. After all, Ruprecht's statement is indeed reasonable. The northern part of the Eastern Front is East Prussia. Naturally, the Prussian Army is responsible, and the Prussian Army is strong. Will not consider asking for reinforcements from other kingdoms. In the middle is Bavaria, and the south is the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It is Austria-Hungary that really needs reinforcements. Only Bavaria has been able to provide reinforcements recently. Therefore, Bavaria requires delays in changing the route, and it makes sense to guarantee smooth traffic with Austria-Hungary.

Although this matter was finally over, the prince still had fears, which meant that the Prussian central government was still advancing the process of centralization, but now Bavaria is slightly larger and has relations with the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Close can't be hard. Think about it, if one day, once the Austro-Hungarian Empire collapses, it has fallen from a prince to a Bavarian king who is about equal to a governor. Facing the unprecedentedly powerful German central government, if people want to cut down the vassal, there is really no way at all. what!

Don’t say back then, even now, it’s definitely impossible to resist. Prussia can easily mobilize four times its strength to deal with Bavaria. It is not enough to rely solely on Austria. Even if you can finally help your wife become the Queen of the Kingdom of Austria, it is still not very safe. After all, after Austria loses Hungary, its combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced. The place is not small and there are many people, but Let's forget about the industrial and military combat effectiveness. And Austria is a foreign country after all, and it also bears the brand of ally.

But adhering to something that I learned from the philosophy of the previous life, His Royal Highness still believes that the internal cause of a matter is the ultimate factor that determines the development of a matter, and the external cause only promotes or hinders the development of the matter. It cannot be terminated. However, Bavaria can't get anything out of these few kilograms. There is only one thing that can determine the direction of German politics, and that is the changes in Prussia itself!

Yes, since Bavaria can't make great progress on its own. Then we can only weaken Prussia a little bit internally, at least weaken the central energy and the power of the Hohenzollern family! Compared with Bavaria, there are indeed various contradictions within Prussia, and there is also the possibility of being weakened!

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