The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 606: Seeds of restlessness

"Can't we use other methods to obtain these loans?" Earl Schelling asked.

"The other way? The Americans are very sophisticated. They know that we are going to war with the Allies, so they cannot hold a lot of German assets in their hands. If we talk about overseas assets and investment, we are far inferior to Britain and France. Their control of the foreign seas is not only reflected in the vast colonies, and the economic interests that depend on the resources and markets in the colonies. At the same time, they are also the makers of international financial rules, and they are the largest creditor of the United States. Therefore, the Americans I would rather hold pounds and francs than accept the mark."

"We can't use gold and silver to endorse US loans, right? Germany's gold reserves are inherently limited, and these gold reserves will to some extent be used as a means of payment and outsourced funds for the Allies during the war. These precious metals The reserve is not necessarily sufficient for the needs of war, how can it be consumed before then? So we have no choice!" Ruprecht said.

"Of course, the most important thing is that once a war begins, our overseas assets will soon be swallowed up by the Allies. Not to mention countries such as Britain, France and Russia. Japan will also have a share, and those so-called neutral countries will also The name intends to get a share of our body, and for this kind of thing, we have nothing to do. Instead of making these wolves cheaper, we should give them as collateral to the Americans. At least we can reduce our debts while fighting for us. Time to obtain resources to provide guarantees."

"Think about it. For those assets located in neutral countries, we can convert them into real gold and silver to reduce our debts by just a statement or a procedure, and Britain and France will never relax some assets easily. These things It is as important to Britain and France as it is to the United States, and the competition for these assets will inevitably lead to tensions between the two parties. This is very cost-effective both politically and economically."

"This will lead to domestic political instability! The government used the assets of the factory owners and financiers as collateral for the war! Of course, the Emperor Wilhelm will provide these people with an IOU, or set it as Domestic debt, but this unstable factor has been buried. It may not be a big deal in peacetime, but once war starts, if these people do something, it will be very difficult for the empire. Even a catastrophic thing!" Earl Schelling said.

"This question? How to say it? If Germany wins, then they have a chance to be compensated for what they have lost, but if they fail? They won't get anything. Even if they are dissatisfied, it should be clear that they are tied to the interests of the empire. Together. So nothing will happen." Ruprecht frowned slightly, then said.

"Well, what you said is logically impeccable, but I don’t think it’s really foolproof. You don’t have much contact with those capitalists, and you don’t fully understand their greed and power. They only care about benefits. They don’t care about the country, and they may even cooperate with the enemy in some cases, and their power is also very powerful. Their resources and products are very important to the military. They are good at agitation and propaganda. Sometimes the regime may not be affected by military power. overthrow."

"Think about it. When our army is fighting on the front line, if there is a big turmoil in the rear, what should we do? Should we continue to defend against the enemy on the front, or turn around to suppress the rebellion? And our army will really do it. In this case, do you obey the emperor and your orders?" Count Schelling said worriedly.

Ruprecht's eyebrows couldn't help but twitch, but Earl Schelling's answer was a little unexpected. Because what Earl Schelling said was indeed possible. During the war, the Germans were not necessarily so firm. In other words, in addition to Britain, there were mutinies or revolutions in France, Germany and Russia during World War I. France was Block it, and Russia and Germany are dead! Of course, there is the main reason for the failure of the battlefield situation, but from the follow-up point of view, the German bourgeoisie can still control considerable military power in wartime. In other words, they may launch a rebellion!

You must know that in history, when the November Revolution occurred in Germany, it was the result of the simultaneous operation of the bourgeoisie and communism. Even the Kingdom of Bavaria established Soviet power! A 30,000 Red Guard was established, but what was the result? Comrade Lenin just sent a congratulatory message on April 17, 1919. The 60,000 troops of the German government surrounded Munich on April 30, and the war ended on May 3....

And the first president of the Weimar Republic, Friedrich Ebert, chairman of the German Social Democratic Party, not only dealt with powers such as the Bavarian Soviet government, but also the Mercenary Freedom Corps also dealt with dissidents such as the left-wing Spartacus League of the Social Democratic Party. Members, without sufficient military power, how can the first president of the Weimar Republic accomplish this task? And the biggest supporters behind them can only be the German bourgeoisie and the German army.

In history, in the final stage of World War I, after seeing that the situation could not continue, the emperor had planned to establish a constitutional monarchy to survive the crisis, and even made preparations not to be the emperor of Germany but the king of At that time, the upper and part of the German society also had the hope that the empire could continue, but these did not stop the riots in the rear. The November Revolution in Germany killed the Second German Reich, and then the Social Democratic Party and the army in the Weimar Republic were killed. The red forces in Germany. The end result was that the big bourgeoisie had control of securities and the Rongke system within the German Army was retained. The army became a country within a country. What a great deal! For this, it is obviously impossible to accept!

Historically, in the face of increasing internal and external pressures, the Kaiser is likely to give in. What is certain is that although the external environment in Germany has improved a lot, the domestic situation will still be worse, and the outbreak will force the palace to reconcile. The possibility of political governance is still very high. Once the Kaiser concessions, the impact will be very far-reaching, and it is impossible for Bavaria to suffer losses.

At least in the eyes of Earl Schelling, Prussia and Bavaria are one. If a revolution breaks out because of some people's incitement, everyone will be finished! From the point that Earl Schelling can see that other domestic forces have the ability and ambition to realize the change of state power, your Highness's evaluation of Earl Schelling must be raised by several levels! This buddy's vision is really poisonous!

"This is something the Kaiser considered. We don't need to bother, or it's useless. But what you say, I will seriously consider it." After thinking for a while, he gave an ambiguous answer.

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