The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 604: compromise

"I..." After hesitated for 2 minutes, Roosevelt didn't say a word, because he didn't know how to answer the old friend who was ruined to help himself. The only reason why Roosevelt was hesitant was the horror of the rise of Germany. Germany is different from the United States. The United States has all the factors for the rise of a country, a peaceful and stable environment, a vast territory and a moderate population. Rich resources. But Germany is different! This country is terrible, but 500,000 square kilometers, put in the United States, which is the area of ​​one or two states, ended up sitting on the second place in the world's industry. And also has a huge military power.

Of course, Roosevelt is thinking about it now, and even he himself has great doubts about this judgment. He thinks more about what to do if Germany goes up and gets beaten down by the Allies... This is also a question that most senior US officials think, otherwise they would not put forward this so-called aid plan. Most American politicians hope that this melee among European powers will last longer... Imagine how can a person who cannot even persuade himself persuade others?

"A whole generation of us tried to make the U.S. Navy rush out of the Americas to the world. However, a dozen warships, tens of thousands of naval officers and soldiers have been unable to return a foothold in the Far East. And now, an excellent place The opportunity lies in front of us, as long as you nod your head for a small price, we can obtain an unshakable fortress in the Far East! The entire territory of Emperor William and the Bismarck Islands are ours! Tell me Roosevelt, why are you? And hesitate?" Simpson adjusted himself and continued to ask.

"I just worry about the emergence of a superpower in Europe." Roosevelt said.

"Isn't France strong during the Napoleon era? What does it have to do with us? In the end, it wasn't the British who burned the Great Lakes naval base at our door, and by the way, the White House?" Simpson sneered, "Or maybe You think that Britain is not a superpower now. It is a good thing for us that a big country is willing to limit its power to Europe and Africa. Can Germany become another empire that never sets in the sun?"

"Germany will not become a new empire that never sets. He has already withdrawn his power from the Far East. The Americas are in contention between us and the British. During the war, we can completely overwhelm the British power in the Americas. Africa is too far away. It's too barren, we don't need to work hard." Roosevelt said.

"We just provide loans, we can get huge benefits, and there is almost no risk. Even if Germany loses, we will only take less, and if Germany wins, we will have a firm foothold in the Far East. The credibility of Simpson is still good, at least what he promised will not break his promise. And this time he is the special envoy of the Kaiser, with the endorsement of the German government." Simpson paused and continued.

"Although I heard that the Germans want us to use part of the gold to pay the bill, it is understandable to think about it. Once the war starts, even if they can break the British blockade, what can be exchanged is precious metal. Sooner or later, they will return. The United States of America, and the British also need to buy goods from the United States, and they must also pay for precious metals. Our financial security will not be affected in any way."

"Your old friends, like William Rufus Day, they all hope you can have a good relationship with the Germans. They also asked me to send you a letter. I hope you can seriously consider their opinions. "Simpson delivered a letter to Roosevelt.

Day, letter? ! Something dangerous popped out of Roosevelt's mind! At this moment, Simpson added, and Mr. Wilson, I remember that you seemed to have worked together at the beginning, he asked me to bring you a message, he said that he hopes the friendship between virtues can continue, not because of a certain There are twists and turns in small problems, after all, the fault tolerance of some things is very low.

Fuck, what does this mean? Roosevelt was really scared this time! Compared to others, Simpson is more pure, just a soldier, and less politician. This kind of person is better to fool. Come over to express your opinion or take a soft statement, you can think about it, maybe you can send the plague **** away. But the latter two were not given for nothing. One is the Secretary of State of the United States and the other is the future president of the United States. Is this kind of people foolish?

Then listen to Wilson’s threatening words. Roosevelt knew what the other party wanted to say without reading Day’s letter, because they were all people with a dark history and belonged to a group of “traitors”, although on the surface they participated in the negotiation. There are not many, but there are too many people behind them. If this matter is turned out, not one or two will die! It is impossible for a powerful person to confront political parties and consortia. Especially the highness who came to the negotiation this time is someone who has their full set of evidence, or if it reaches a certain stage, let's not say whether the negotiation can be completed, it is estimated that it will not be a big problem to ruin yourself in minutes...

"Let me think about this question. I am not opposed to the approach of virtue. I just want the United States to obtain greater benefits at a smaller cost. Trust me, Wilson, I hate the British and Japanese more than you~www. For things that require careful consideration, Roosevelt would naturally dismiss the man before him.

"Then you need to be quicker, because people including your good friend William Howard Tuft will also come here to persuade you that they hope you can solve this problem cleanly. It is not appropriate to hesitate at this time. "Simpson is already at home, so naturally it is impossible to force Roosevelt to make a decision on the spot, to let the other party loose, and to carefully consider the great gains and losses!

"I will seriously consider this opinion." Roosevelt said haggardly. If Ruprecht’s negotiations with him made him feel tricky, and the tremendous pressure brought by Congress and the consortium made him a little breathless, then after the arrival of the current Vice Admiral Simpson, Roosevelt finally realized that he could no longer Support continued. To some extent, he had reached the brink of rebellion and separation, and maybe one step further. I will fall into the abyss.

There is no politician who doesn’t care about his political life, and no politician who doesn’t care for his feathers like a peacock. Especially when he couldn't be sure whether his ideas were correct, especially when he was sure that the United States would indeed get considerable benefits, Roosevelt finally decided to give in, and he gave himself countless reasons. Each is very reasonable, such as finding a foothold for the United States in Asia, such as borrowing the power of Germany to attack Britain and France. But this can't conceal the essence of his retreat!

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