The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 603: Debts that have to be paid

Then go back to the first question. When something goes wrong, someone will always have to pay for it, just like going out to eat, someone will always have to pay the bill. According to ordinary people’s thinking, since it is naturally not so important to find it, but it seems that the weight is enough. People, how big was the U.S. Navy at that time? How many people can participate in decision-making?

Dewey is a good choice. If he did not participate in the war, but stayed in the United States, then the pot would fall on him in all likelihood. After all, he was once the commander of the US Navy’s Far East Fleet. He collected it. After all, he agreed to go to war with Japan, and the top leaders were just deceived.

But what happened? Dewey is in the war! And he died in battle! More importantly, he was dead and very heroic. Even Essen, who also participated in the naval battle, published an article afterwards saying that he was a true warrior. He and Dewey killed thousands of American troops. They fought to the end. These people used Blood and life tell the world that they are worthy of the United States of America. They are the most important fig leaf for politicians. They pour sewage on them, regardless of whether the masters agree, the U.S. Navy and the families of the tens of thousands of dead relatives. Disagree. Besides, killing people is nothing but head nodding, and people are dead. Who will chase after the strategic mistakes made during their lifetime?

Dewey is a brigadier general, his status is already very high, and then he is higher than him, it has a direct relationship with this matter, there are not many people who can manage the fleet, Simpson is also a lieutenant general... The final result is like this. There are only two people who can carry this pot, one is General Simpson, and the other is the Undersecretary of the U.S. Navy. This person's name is Theodore Roosevelt!

If you don’t consider personal factors, Roosevelt’s chances are much higher than Simpson’s! First of all, this decision was ultimately issued by the Navy Department. As the commander of the US fleet, Simpson is more important to implement. He can even find excuses for supporting this plan. First, he is not in the Far East and does not know the situation in the Far East. , All inferences are made based on the intelligence of the Navy Department. Second, he is the commander of the fleet, and he did a good job in fighting the Spanish fleet in Cuba, and he is considered meritorious.

That’s great, where is Roosevelt? He himself is the Undersecretary of the Navy, so he doesn't have the energy to make the Secretary of the Navy lift the tank... However, he is in charge of daily work again, so good, it is almost the consensus of the navy to let the deputy push the cylinder. And in fact, this decision is indeed dominated by Roosevelt, it is not too much for him to push the cylinder. This is a very just and correct decision.

What's more deadly is that he also accidentally pushed two battleships that could have joined the Russian or Spanish navy to the Japanese side, and the addition of these two battleships directly led to the defeat of the war. If the matter is turned out, it is enough to pull out and shoot ten times! This is a proper traitorousness! And it was sold out, and I haven't got any benefits yet...

If there is no accident, or if there is no earthquake level accident, Lieutenant General Simpson, who has beaten the Spanish fleet with blood and sweat, and has a certain distance from the decision-making department, will definitely be fine with Roosevelt’s secret things. He reminded Roosevelt to pay attention to the whereabouts of the two warships, reminded Roosevelt to pay attention to the Japanese, and reminded Roosevelt to be careful of the British. Objectively speaking, Simpson did everything he could!

But the final result was that Simpson went to the back of the game, sadly forced to retire, and then under investigation, almost avoiding jail, so many years of efforts have been in vain. Glory and passion go with the wind. The root cause of this result is not someone else, but Simpson himself! Because he took the initiative to take the blame! Did not even speak to Roosevelt before this!

When Roosevelt, who had almost resigned his fate, found Simpson at home and promised to guarantee compensation, the latter just shook his head and asked: "Can you make me a lieutenant admiral again?" Roosevelt said frankly that he couldn't do it. You know, the U.S. Navy could only promote 7 captains a year! You want a man who made a mistake to be a lieutenant again, what joke?

"Can you let me fight the British and Japanese shorties?" Lieutenant General Simpson continued.

"This is impossible." Roosevelt said with some guilty conscience.

"Well, I hope that one day, you can avenge us, otherwise I will be a ghost with the naval officers and soldiers who have fought in the Far East, but you can't let you go!" Simpson said at last. The reason for Simpson's decision was simply because he believed that Roosevelt was a man who could do things, he could develop the navy, and he was most hopeful of revenge. Sometimes people are so noble, because of these hopes, he took the blame for Roosevelt, and then resigned sadly, and for Roosevelt, this is an unrepayable favor! The glory and sweat of a lieutenant admiral's life, and even the future of his descendants, have taken advantage of him. How did you make Roosevelt pay it back?

"Why? Why don't you tidy up the British? You accepted a bribe from the British?" As soon as Roosevelt entered the door, Simpson stood up, walked quickly over, and pointed to Roosevelt's nose.

"How is it possible, as the President of the United States, I..." Roosevelt felt that his personality was greatly insulted. He retorted sharply.

"Then our Mr. President personally ruined more than ten years of accumulation of the U.S. Navy before he took office?" Simpson said this has a somewhat threatening The reason is simple, he knew something about Roosevelt, And if he took it out, someone would testify. After all, as a lieutenant admiral, how could he almost control the existence of the US fleet without having his own team? Marshall did not accept a higher rank because Pershing was a five-star general. Although he stepped down with grievances, Simpson had no problem trying to pull up a group of people, especially if he was not short of money.

What's more, what Simpson said is not groundless. The British are naturally unwilling to allow the United States and Germany to get closer. After all, the industrial capacity of virtue lies there. The British are even more unwilling to turn the Allies into a group of allies that span three continents... . Their public relations work is also very good. Bribery and lobbying are the most common things. It is true that some people take advantage of the British. Of course, Mr. Theodore Roosevelt, a famous president, did not take it. Not only him, but the people around him didn't take it either.

The current Roosevelt is really hardworking for the future of the United States of America. And his direction of judgment is really right from the perspective of the traveler Ruprecht. If Germany is allowed to survive World War I, let alone take advantage of it, as long as the Brest Treaty can be implemented, another 20 years You look back again...

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