The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2846: Test two

"Actually, in the foreseeable future, the probability of military conflicts with other countries and your country is very low. We may not regard each other as enemies, as long as we can guarantee an absolute advantage over other potential enemies. For example, Said that with the nations, we need to completely overwhelm Japan, while considering the inconvenience of fighting in the two oceans and the geographical location of Hawaii, we need twice the strength to gain an advantage."

"And your country does not need to be like this. The Royal Navy has become a thing of the past. Your country and the United Kingdom are close at hand. At the same time, it has the Shetland Islands, an important area that controls the North Sea. Encircle and control. In this case, your country does not need to maintain too strong maritime power, and the French navy does not need to worry, because your country can completely use the army to solve the French threat. As for the Italians? Give it to your country in the Mediterranean. Allies are fine, so your country really doesn't need to invest in this expensive war game." Sims said.

"Your statement is actually problematic. The empire has more than 12 million square kilometers of territory and dependent states in Africa. In order to ensure the safety and prosperity of this colony, the empire must deploy a considerable part of its naval power. These colonies may not deploy large fleets of aircraft carriers and Battleships, but the deployment of some new armored cruisers and light aircraft carriers similar to those built by your country is also needed. This part of the fleet is scattered, and it is difficult to return to the North Sea to deal with possible conflicts during wartime."

"Secondly, the empire also has important interests in the Mediterranean and Indian Ocean directions. We also need to deploy some naval forces, which greatly weakens our fleet size advantage. And as a naval commander, you should be very clear. In terms of tonnage and cost, the performance of warships used for ocean warfare is worse than that of decisive battleships. Your country does not have a colony to guard. You need battleships that are decisive battleships, but we are different. We must make up for this part of combat power. "

"Think about the beauty of the British Royal Navy back then. They have an overwhelming advantage in tonnage. Before the start of the war, we didn't think that the High Seas Fleet would destroy the world that has dominated the world for more than 300 years. The great maritime power of the British fleet is beyond doubt, but it is too scattered in the face of challenges from multiple directions. We used broken warships and submarines to greatly consume the resources of the British fleet, and finally passed Continuous accumulation has won. And when we become the new overlord and the new colonial empire, we must also make various efforts to make up for these weaknesses, and sufficient fleet tonnage is our material basis!" Sim Said.

"Your country wants to reproduce the maritime hegemony of the British Empire, which is very unfriendly to other countries. I can be sure that this kind of behavior will be resisted by many countries. A single hegemony, not a win-win situation through cooperation. The layout is not working. Even if it is temporarily won, it will only plant the bane of the next war." Sims said.

"We don't want to reproduce the British hegemony in the past, we just want you to respect our dominant position in Africa, Europe and West Asia! Your country owns the entire Americas and has entered the Far East with one foot. This range of strength Is your country still not satisfied?"

"For the friendship between the two countries, we did not intervene in Latin American affairs. For the friendship between the two countries, we did not leave a colony in the Far East. We exchanged our losses for a quarantine zone with your country, but obviously, Under the current circumstances, your country has taken the initiative to try to break this quarantine zone and reach out into our control zone. This is a fact and cannot be refuted. In this situation, we will inevitably take measures!"

"In fact, I think it’s too early to discuss arms restrictions between the two countries in this situation. Both our two countries are deeply wary of each other. Your country is still at war, and the pace of military expansion will not stop. Yes, and at this time, you are restricting the speed of our military expansion. This is obviously unreasonable. And I want to say that if we want to make this system of arms limitation more reasonable, we should count all other maritime powers with certain capabilities. , Such as Austria-Hungary, France, Japan and Italy." Sims said.

"What about Britain and Russia?" Sims asked.

"As a defeated country in World War I, Britain has signed relevant treaties with us. The signing of new treaties should not be based on the destruction of the old treaties. This is an infringement of the interests of the empire and a challenge to the dignity of the empire! This behavior is bound to Leading to strong revenge from the empire! As for Russia? A country with almost no navy can naturally be excluded." Su Xiong said.

"It seems that we still have a lot of differences in the total tonnage of the fleet. So how about we change to a more technical issue? Don't talk about politics, don't consider the so-called imaginary enemy, just analyze the problem from the perspective of technology and use." Sims said.

"For example?" Su Xiong asked.

"The tonnage and composition of future battleships, I personally think, from the current situation, the standard displacement is about 40,000 tons, and battleships equipped with 16-inch naval guns are already at the level of our current shipbuilding level, between performance and cost. A very perfect balance. Our future South Dakota-class battleship is like this, and the Japanese Nagato-class battleship is like this. Although your country’s new warships do not know what the situation is, it is estimated that the tonnage should be within this range~www So, I think it is very reasonable for us to limit the tonnage of battleships to this level, so that we can all have battleships with decent performance, and will not fall into the endless vortex of rising battleship tonnage." Sims said.

To tell the truth, Sims’s statement is also reasonable. After all, any warship has its proper tonnage in a certain historical period. For example, the battleship of the Napoleonic era. History has proved that the displacement of 3,500 tons of three. Sail battleships on the artillery deck are the most efficient. Are there larger battleships?

Naturally there are, such as the Holy Trinity, but the actual performance of this warship is really sorry for its cost. The same was true during the war. The standard displacement tonnage of 32,000 to 35,000 tons of the Bavarian and Fuso classes was considered the most appropriate. The British Fury class battleship and the Italian Caraggiono class battleship are also of this class. Relatively speaking, the British Queen Elizabeth-class battleship has a low tonnage. The result is insufficient combat effectiveness. What about the American standard battleship? Due to artillery and technical problems, the tonnage is enough, but the combat effectiveness is also worse.

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