The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2845: Test one

"It is said that just a few days ago, your country's parliament discussed the new naval bill?" Sims asked. For a country like Germany, which is almost the world’s largest in force, when he is threatened, he will subconsciously consider the issue of arms expansion and preparation for war. This time, taking advantage of the opportunity of the Americans in the Middle East, the German military proposed a new one. The naval expansion plan includes plans for new battleships, aircraft carriers, and second-class capital ships. The spearhead of this fleet is also very clear, and it is naturally aimed at the United States!

"Yes, not only in Parliament, but also within the navy. After all, the times are developing. Even during the war, the Bavarian-class battleships, which were invincible during the war, are now a bit outdated. Your country’s Colorado-class battleships, South Dakota-class battleships, and the Japanese The Nagato-class battleships are all products of the new era, and the Empire has no reason to fall behind. We naturally have to catch up, especially when we feel threatened.” Su Xiong did not deny.

"Thank you for your frankness. In fact, I think the Atlantic Ocean is wide enough to accommodate the next two superpowers. And our fleet is divided into two parts. Although there is the Panama Canal, there are restrictions on movement. In fact, your country There is no need to be so nervous," Sims said.

Is America strong in this era? Naturally very strong! However, in the face of the equally powerful Germany and the very powerful Austria-Hungary, no matter how arrogant the old Roosevelt was, he would never say that the other side would build 1 ship, build 2 of his own and accompany it to the end, because the Americans also spent a lot of money in this war. . And Germany and Austria have now controlled the entire Europe, and the Americans really can't play with the Allies!

Unlike the armaments of the British and German navies before the war, at that time, everyone was ready to fight, or all warships were available. But now? Even the old Roosevelt had absolutely no idea of ​​a direct war with Germany. Even with his closest friend, the old Roosevelt could only say that the future virtue contending can only be seen in the next generation. The current international situation is simply not suitable for Americans to launch a positive challenge, because Americans have no allies, or in other words, no reliable allies!

In fact, Sims knew very well that even if the Americans achieved the optimal goal of the Pacific War, they would still not seek an advantage over Germany in the navy. Because it’s almost impossible. Without fighting or relying on the arms race to bring down the other side, it is reasonable to limit the military strength of both sides so that they can obtain an acceptable balance of power, which can ease both sides. The contradiction between the two can also save a lot of money, why not do it? Therefore, Sims said the above remarks.

"Is this your opinion or the idea of ​​your government?" Su Xiong asked.

"At least I think so. Although the relationship between our two countries is very tense because of some recent events, you and I know very well that fierce confrontation is not good news for our two countries." Sims said.

"However, even when your country was engaged in the Pacific War, it was actually confronting the empire in the Middle East. This ambition made the empire very angry, and you should be very clear that the empire will not succumb to external forces, and a military response is necessary. "Su Xiong said.

"This may be a misunderstanding." Sims said.

"Perhaps." Su Xiong didn't want to comment on this matter.

"Then I want to ask a question, is your country willing to divide maritime hegemony equally with the United States?" Sims asked.

"What do you mean? I personally think that a mere agreement or division of spheres of influence is not binding." Su Xiong put down the wine glass in his hand and said seriously.

"The two navies maintain the same size, and the fleet composition is basically the same." Sims said. "If our two fleets are of the same size and we form a military balance while restricting the construction and replacement of new warships, both of us can remain stable for a long time. After all, we have not overwhelmed our opponents. Possible."

"It is almost impossible. It is very difficult for the Imperial Navy to accept such a treaty. Our position today is obtained after the overthrow of the former maritime hegemony-the British. We do not believe that sea power is unique, but we are also pursuing it at the same time. Our maritime power should be an advantage over any navy. Because we have a wider colony to guard, the empire's power spans across Europe, Africa, and West and South Asia, all the way to the western boundary of Southeast Asia."

"The empire has replaced the British people. We also need to maintain an advantage in maintaining the safety of communication lines and the strength of the fleet. Only in this way will the empire feel safe. And why does your country think that you can have the same as ours? What about the navy's share? Is it because of the warships now being built in places like Bethlehem? If the empire wants it, we can have it soon." Su Xiong categorically rejected it.

"What your Excellency said is very unfriendly. You came to discuss with the other countries in good faith and your navy an idea that is beneficial to both sides, but you want to suppress others with power. We are avoiding conflicts, and you are intensifying conflicts. "Sims said very dissatisfied.

"However, the actual situation is that we have faithfully fulfilled our obligations as an ally, but your country stabbed our allies! How did the Russians and American equipment that appeared in large numbers in Persia come from? This can't be a fake, right? If you want evidence, I can personally purchase one of the tanks and mail it to you!" Su Xiong said.

"This is just normal military trade." Sims said.

"If this is considered normal military If our weapons are transferred to Japanese hands several times, wouldn't it be considered normal trade?" Su Xiong's tone is already very bad.

"Can we stop talking about this? We are navy soldiers, and soldiers should stay away from politics. We are just trying to avoid possible conflicts with each other." Sims finally persuaded, because the Americans are real in this matter. It's unreasonable.

"In fact, I have always believed that the construction of the navy should be based on local needs. If both of us can use this as a standard, in fact, the fleet size can be controlled within a reasonable level. Your country expanded the fleet before the war. The purpose of is to fight against the British Great Fleet, but now that the British Great Fleet has collapsed, and your country does not think that we can reach each other's coastal waters to fight, right?" Sims said as peacefully as possible.

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