The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2822: Chaos

Sultan would naturally think of two Pashas who had some contradictions with him after Kemal was eliminated, but the current situation is that Zemal Pasha is in Damascus and Letapasa is in Baghdad! Both are responsible for suppressing the local rebellion, and they theoretically have no access to this information. Therefore, even if the Sultan had doubts, he couldn't do anything to the two Pashas who were in the field and holding heavy soldiers! Because once you do it, it means civil war! And Sudan himself has no conclusive evidence!

"The situation is very bad now, Your Majesty Sultan, take a look at the current situation." Enver Pasha came to the front of the map and gestured on the map with the putter in his hand.

"First of all, the main military power of the empire was divided into three parts. The first part is naturally Asia Minor and the Balkans that you control. This is the core of the empire. It originally had the strongest legion, but unfortunately, there are quite a few of these legions. Part of it was transferred away."

"The second part is the Fertile Crescent, which runs from the Mediterranean coast through Syria and extends to the Mesopotamia. This is the second richest region of the empire. Here, the two Pashas of Zemal and Leta are in the name of suppressing the rebellion. Control the local military and government affairs."

"The third part is located on the coast of the Red Sea all the way to the Arabian Peninsula. The expeditionary corps that we subordinate here are huge. Most of them are loyal to your Majesty. But now they are isolated from Asia Minor. The most important thing is that they lack Replenishment, and trapped in the sand sea, due to Arab attacks, our strength was severely weakened and dispersed!" Enver Pasha said with a serious expression.

"So what is Zemal and Letta's attitude toward this matter now? I suspect that they betrayed our plan, but I don't have the evidence and the ability to deal with this matter!" The Sudan was a little depressed. Said.

There are conflicts between Sudan and the two Pashas on many issues. This is no secret. After all, the country is big, and there can be no contradictions within the regime. In fact, there has been a long-term struggle and compromise between the two. Everyone takes a step back, and then it is normal to pull over.

For example, in dealing with the Kemal issue, the Sudan naturally gained some benefits by selling favors to the Germans, but the two Pashas also did not lose, and they could arrange some positions for their party members. However, at the request of the Sultan, the two Pashas also agreed to temporarily disappear from the court of Constantinople in order to avoid some "unnecessary troubles." So they came to the field to command local military affairs. Sultan and Enver Pasha thought that this matter would be over, and that peace between each other could be maintained at least until the end of the Arab War, but who knows, two Pashas had just left before such a thing happened. thing!

Sultan was hesitant. He was hesitating between sensibility and rationality. Perceptually, he believed that the two Pashas were inseparable from this matter, and they had a lot of conspiracy. But rationally, he knew that he couldn’t make the difference. How about people, if there is a big disturbance, it is likely to endanger the entire empire! This choice is really difficult!

However, while the Sudanese side was still struggling with the fiasco of the Arabian Peninsula, the two Pashas, ​​Zemal and Leta, who controlled the Fertile Crescent, were also in a bad situation. Although, their military strength did not What a great loss because of the terrible defeat of the Arabian Peninsula, but the chain reaction caused by the defeat of the peninsula caused the entire Fertile Crescent to be seriously affected!

The news of the Turkish army's fiasco was like sparks that lit a torch, shaking the entire empire! Too many oppressed nations looked at the Turkish army and police with hatred. After deliberate incitement, they suddenly discovered that this behemoth that had enslaved themselves for hundreds of years did not seem to be so powerful. Their main army received a heavy blow, financially. There is also a crisis in the Hehe economy. Not long ago, the best commander in Turkey was declared a traitor. In their view, all this is an opportunity to resist Turkish rule!

They began to connect and act, and someone from outside provided timely help and guidance! Especially in the Mesopotamia, there have been large-scale armed rebellions and separatist regimes, and the Turkish army, which has just experienced heavy injuries and purges, is unable to deal with these sudden rebellions!

"The script shouldn't be like this." An angry voice came from the microphone in Zemal Pasha's hand. "According to our previous plan, our losses on the Arab battlefield should be only about half of what we are in reality. We lost too much this time, and even a stable front could not be maintained. At the same time as the battle on the Arabian Peninsula broke out, The Mesopotamia where I live is also in turmoil. The mobs are very tough and professional. They must have won the support of outsiders."

"According to our previous plan, after the terrible defeat in the Arabian Peninsula, we can send troops to help stabilize the situation, so as to gain the trust of the people, and then take the opportunity to control the army on the peninsula. In this case, our power will be relative to Sudan. Say that there is an advantage, and then we can put forward our own requirements, starting with political reforms, and then gradually weakening Sudan. But now, the loss of the Arabian Peninsula has seriously threatened the foundation of the empire, and we are also in a quagmire! "Letapasa’s angry and doubtful voice continued to reach Zemal Pasha’s ears through the The situation is very bad, our previous plan has been unable to execute, what we have to do now is We must first stabilize the situation and stabilize the Fertile Crescent that you and I control, and then think of other ways. We can’t take care of the army in the Arabian Peninsula. We don’t have enough strength to help them, and we have to guard against Threat from Sudan. Said Zemal Pasha.

"The threat from Sudan? How is it possible? Sudan's direct military forces have been severely weakened and divided. He can guarantee that the situation in the Balkans and Asia Minor is good. How can it be able to threaten us?" Letapasa said.

"Hehe, if it is only in Turkey, the Sudan will naturally not have this ability, but if there is external interference, it will be different. Remember the amnesty issued by the Sudan to Kemal's family that night?" Zemalpa Xia asked.

"What's the matter? Is there still something tricky in it?" Le Tapasya asked with some confusion.

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