The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2821: Collapsed war

Leaving aside Kemal’s anger and hesitation, nor the intrigue between the Sultans and Pashas in Constantinople, all this is not important to the Americans, because they have done it. The Americans want them to The most important thing to do at this stage is to kill Kemal and eliminate the Germans in Turkey as the most likely and most effective chess piece. Well, the rest can be temporarily slowed down. Of course, the military and economic support for the Pashas is still needed. Otherwise, neither Zemal Pasha nor Leta Pasha would have enough courage and Sudan has a showdown, and if Turkey does not fall into civil strife, the American plan will be difficult to handle.

At this time, on the arid Arabian Peninsula, an Arab cavalry was escorting a group of foreigners to the camp deep in the desert.

"It seems that you know them very well." An American named Henry said to Lawrence sitting on the camel next to him.

"Yes, during the war, I rebelled against the tyranny of the Turks with them. If the Allies won, they would have gained independence. To some extent, the United States is their enemy, so if you want to be here If you live more comfortably, then I hope you are more honest." Lawrence said to Henry.

"Hehe, if the Allies win, they will gain independence? When was the British Empire so benevolent? Britain is the world's largest colony country. If you win, wouldn't you take the opportunity to turn them into your colonies or vassals? "Henry said with a smile.

Half an hour later, after they turned around a dune, a small oasis appeared in everyone’s field of vision. Some armed men walked out of the camp. They helped unload supplies and supplies, and then someone guided Lawrence and Henry. Came to a huge tent. Outside the tent, a tall Arab was looking at Lawrence and his companions.

"I didn't expect that you would come here again after the war. Lawrence." The Arab head said in a deep voice.

"Sharif, I once said that I will help you until you win or I die. I have been traveling loyally. My vow. I left for today's return. Now, I bring your side. Urgently needed weapons, ammunition and medicine. I think what I did has complied with the oath between us, and you should treat us as the most honored guests as stated in the oath." Lawrence used pure Arabia Said the language.

"No one is following. The items have been inspected and there is no problem." An attendant walked to Sharif and whispered.

"Well, Lawrence, we have seen the sincerity of your Excellency and your friends, so good, we will naturally regard the two as the most distinguished guests in the tribe, so please come in now." Sharif said.

After entering the tent, after a brief greeting, Lawrence gave Henry the right to speak. After all, the latter is the highlight, and Lawrence is just a matchmaker.

"First of all, please allow me to bring the goodwill of the United States of America across the ocean. We sympathize with your situation and are willing to extend a helping hand. What we have done before has shown our sincerity, and now we are going to show another Sincerity. An opportunity to reverse the situation in the entire Arabian Peninsula in one fell swoop!" Henry said.

"A chance to turn the whole battle around in one fell swoop?" Sharif pondered the other party's words.

"Yes, a chance." With that, Henry delivered a document to Sharif, who opened the document with some suspicion and began to read the contents carefully. This document is a detailed battle plan, clearly showing the Turkish army's combat intentions and deployment of troops in the next month. This plan is so detailed, even in the eyes of Sharif, a bit untrue!

"Why did the Turks put this thing into your hands?" Sharif raised the file in his hand and said. "Are the Turks preparing to send these troops under our guns?"

"If I say yes, do you believe it?" Henry said with a smile: "Your Excellency has been fighting the Turks for several years. I think you should be very clear about the military factions in Turkey? And now, I The troops involved in this information are all direct descendants of Sudan. You should be able to understand the reason? Turkey is not monolithic. Some people want to let others die!"

"This is a reason, but we still need time to test." Sharif said.

"Time will prove what I said. I believe that after experiencing this, we will become true friends." Henry said with a smile.

Just a month and a half after the Kemal incident, and after the top Turkish leaders struggled to finally stabilize the situation in the capital and Asia Minor, the news from the Arabian Peninsula once again shook the old empire, which was originally scattered. The Arab tribal armed forces that were besieged by the Turkish army actually united and quickly launched an attack on the Turkish army with lightning speed. Their strikes were extremely fierce, advanced equipment, and fierce attacks were unprecedented. The other side was like knowing the Turkish army. The subordinates are average, and they have adopted a very bold and targeted force deployment!

In the month-long battle the Turkish army failed every time. Important logistics warehouses and military stations were destroyed one by one by the opponent. Then, a large number of Turkish troops trapped in the desert either chose to surrender or wait. Was annihilated, the loss of several divisions and a large amount of material losses caused the Turkish Empire to instantly reverse the situation in the entire Arabian Peninsula. Turkey, already exhausted by this war, was once again bloodletted. At this time, everyone who knows the inside story knows that the empire may not be better in the future!

"This is a betrayal, this is a conspiracy! A traitor has appeared among us! The real traitor, they want to overthrow me! They sold their intelligence to the Arabs for their own personal gain! Let tens of thousands of troops die in the desert!" Sudan was furious. His roar came from the hall, making everyone shudder!

This matter is obvious. Most of the lost troops are directly under Sudanese troops or people who are inclined to imperial power. The Arabs' strikes are so accurate, there must be an inner ghost, and the status of this inner ghost is still quite high and can be obtained. Detailed information. If you put all these information together, it would be really terrifying to think carefully!

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