The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2777: Against three

However, the encounter with the Mississippi was only the beginning. Soon in the fierce high-intensity confrontation, the American fleet, which was already weaker, began to gradually decline in this engagement, first the Colorado, then the Mississippi, and then Pennsylvania, Arizona. Ryder’s Mecklenburg was still steadily suppressing Ikai. However, as Betty expected, the Mecklenburg’s ammunition was insufficient, and because of the Japanese damage and defense improvements, although Meck The Rumberg has repeatedly hit opponents, but it is difficult to strike a fatal blow like a King Kong-class battlecruiser!

In the exchange of fire that has lasted for more than half an hour, no new battleship has been removed from the battle, but at this time, no matter it is the battleship of the Japanese combined fleet or the iron turtle of the U.S. Navy, every battleship has been hit many times. , There are at least traces of flames or flames on the deck of every battleship, and there will always be broken cabins and broken armor left after heavy artillery bombardment on the huge hull.

This is a marathon battle, like two teams of berserkers with heavy armor and heavy hammers. They keep hitting each other with the weapons in their hands, which are like a tortoise shell. Although it seems that both sides are still lined up. The battle line, but the real master knows that if it continues, when the injury of a certain party accumulates to a certain extent, or some force intervenes, then the losing party will eventually know what a big avalanche is!

"We are already showing signs of decline. The Japanese are deliberately controlling the combat distance. If they get closer, the probability of their shells penetrating our armor will be greater, and it is still difficult for us to penetrate them." Nimitz Looking at the warships in the own fleet braving the flames and smoke, said.

"They are waiting for the land-based bomber. Maybe the Japanese mentioned in the meeting in the officer's restaurant of the Colorado that day is true that the Japanese bought their pilots a one-way ticket. If that's the case, it would be really bad. Now," a German officer whispered.

"Not only are they waiting, they are also afraid." Riddle's words made the noise in the entire control tower disappear in an instant. To be honest, in this kind of environment that is gradually becoming desperate and the atmosphere is becoming more and more depressing, there are people who can say that the Japanese are afraid. Is this really an insight or a joke? If the person who said this was an unknown person, then it would naturally not attract people’s attention, but if the person who said this was a veteran who had been on the battlefield, the meaning would be completely different. This represents hope after careful consideration!

In fact, he has little to do with the battle between his battleship and the distant Ibuki. The power gap between the two sides is like a wolf and a lion. Ibuki is unlikely to cause fatal damage to Mecklenburg. For Mecklenburg, which has insufficient ammunition, it may take a bit of luck to completely destroy the opponent, and luck is in the hands of God. For this matter, Riddle is useless in anxiousness. It is better to simply think about some more important things. Anyway, Raidel believes that his soldiers will do their best.

Raidel put all his experience on the battle. The Japanese are waiting for their bombers and the fall of the American fleet, while Raidel is also waiting, waiting for a chance to fight the Japanese fleet and lose both! Yes, the best result is to lose both sides. The US fleet will lose more, but the Japanese fleet will not be well! This is the best result!

"General, the flagship sent a signal asking if we want to launch an offensive as planned." An officer said to Raidel.

"Wait a little longer," Raidel said.

"If you wait, the Japanese bombers will come." Nimitz said. "When the Japanese bombers flew over our heads, it was definitely the darkest time for the United States of America fleet."

"The darkness before dawn." Similar to Su Xiong, Raidel is more tolerant of the German next to him: "The arrival of the Japanese bomber is a disaster and an opportunity. The Japanese think they are about to win. They will Speeding up this process will bring them closer and attack us unreservedly, and this is when they are most vulnerable."

Before the war, Sims and Raidel had considered the situation in front of them. Therefore, they formulated a very extreme tactic for this purpose. In order to realize this plan, Raidel had already made a lot of this, and so far So far, the previous steps of this plan have been realized! Waiting is sometimes a torment, especially when waiting for the opponent's long sword to stab oneself. Human nature can't help but let them choose to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and sometimes this can only be counterproductive, so As military chiefs, they must learn to be patient, keep their eyes open, watch the opponent's long sword stab at them, and then strike a sharp blow when the opponent thinks they are winning!

"How about General Fletcher's armored cruiser?" Raidel asked.

"It's The Japanese old-fashioned dreadnoughts do not seem to have replaced new armor-piercing shells, so General Fletcher is not bad, but the power and long-range accuracy of the 10-inch gun is really not suitable. In today's battle, the two sides fought for a long time, but the effect was not obvious." An officer said.

"Where is the destroyer assigned to me?" Raidel continued to ask.

"It's ready. This is definitely the most elite destroyer squadron in the entire fleet. There are 16 ships in total, of which 6 are destroyer leaders over 2000 tons. All warships and personnel on it have been adjusted to their best conditions! "The officer continued.

"Is the battle injury of the Yichuan horn evaluated?" Raidel said.

"Come out. Although this guy is lucky today. We haven't penetrated his ammunition storehouse so far, but we have hit him at least ten times! The battleship has leaned to the right of more than 15 degrees, and a lot of water has entered him. The speed will never exceed 18 knots.” Nimitz said.

"Very good, it seems we have enough chips in our hands." Raidel nodded and said. "Send a telegram to General Sims, saying that the current situation is still under planning, and everything will be implemented as planned."

"The fleet will arrive on the battlefield in more than 20 minutes." On the flagship of the Japanese combined fleet, the Nagato, when Hayao Shimamura informed all the officers in the command tower of the news, he was suddenly overwhelmed by cheers.

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