The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2776: Confrontation 2

It was a coincidence that after the second shell hit the generator, the power supply to the back half of the entire warship was cut off. This undoubtedly swore that the fire at the back of this poor warship was no longer controllable, and made King Kong more What made the ship worse was the third shell, which severely damaged the steering gear of the King Kong, leaving the warship in a semi-uncontrollable state!

Although, because the water injection is instant. The King Kong is still floating on the sea, but everyone knows that the best result of this warship is to withdraw from the battle, and the worst result is to be slowly submerged by the sea! Ryder really lived up to expectations and was the first to eliminate the opponent from the battle sequence in today's engagement!

"His, it's terrible! The British warship is not reliable!" Looking at the battlecruiser King Kong, which was already immersed in a sea of ​​flames in the distance, was staggering out of the battlefield, Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu was so painful. , Even ignoring that British generals like Betty and Stetti were right next to him, he said this. However, Betty and others also feel the same about these words, so it is really hard to explain...

With the change of the command flag, the Japanese warships readjusted the order of catching them in a short period of time. Starting from the Tosa, the order of engagement of each warship went backwards by one position. Therefore, the Tosa began to concentrate its firepower against Nagato. Nagato dealt with Maryland, and then back, while Raidel faced the flagship Ibuki of the Japanese Third Battleship Squadron.

"I can't go on like this. If Ibuki can't hold it anymore, then we can't make up for the lack of position on the battle line." Shimura Hayao said anxiously.

"The situation is far from that bad. Didn't you notice that the gun firing rate of that German battleship slowed down?" Betty said with a smile after putting down the telescope in his hand.

"You mean, Mecklenburg's ammunition is not enough?" Hayao Shimamura said somewhat unexpectedly.

"Anything to do is to pay a price. Since last night, Raidel's series of operations are perfect, but this perfection undoubtedly overdrawn Mecklenburg's combat effectiveness. Last night, Mecklenburg was killed. We have a light cruiser and several destroyers. Today, we killed several of our destroyers and severely damaged the King Kong. That’s good, even if the Mecklenburg’s ammunition warehouse was full before the attack, every gun was assigned With 120 shells, 70% of which are armor-piercing shells, then it is estimated that Mecklenburg has not even half of the armor-piercing shells left?" Betty said with a smile.

Although Betty can’t really count the number of shells fired by Mecklenburg, judging from the King Kong-class shots, this poor battlecruiser was hit by at least 10 rounds, and then the main artillery shells reached 3%. Calculated with a hit rate of about 5%, it is easy to estimate the ammunition situation of Mecklenburg, and in battles with battleships, Mecklenburg should not use semi-armor-piercing ammunition, right?

"Wait slowly. In terms of capital ships, we have the advantage. The U.S. fleet now has only one scoring point, but we have a lot of scoring points. We only need to slow down. As long as the land-based bombers arrive, we will You can seal the victory." Betty is not worried about the situation.

However, the actual situation is indeed the case. At least in the middle of the battle line, the Japanese battleships began to gradually take advantage. In the previous engagement, the Colorado suffered heavy casualties under the salvo of two battleships, even though there is only the Tosa battleship. Dealing with the Colorado is also quite easy.

Nagato lost an artillery, and faced up to the Maryland. The Mutsu in the back is playing under the Mississippi! The Fuso and Ise also have an advantage when facing the right American battleships they catch. The American standard battleship is still a bit worse than the Japanese Fuso-class.

And soon, the development of the battlefield situation confirmed Betty's guess. Seven minutes after Mecklenburg shot King Kong out of the battle line, Mutsu finally left a deep scar on the Mississippi ship. ! It fully verified that caliber is justice and power is truth!

Just as Riddle’s Mecklenburg battleship penetrated the gun mount of King Kong, the Japanese finally waited for their fatal blow. The American iron tortoise armor is indeed very good. The previous attacks have been Their heavy armor bounced off, but this time, this 1,080 kg armor-piercing projectile ripped off the Mississippi’s main sidestring armor belt from 17 kilometers away!

The blow was very sharp and somewhat reluctant. At such a long distance, even the most powerful naval gun on the planet would be very difficult to tear off the 13.5-inch armor. Excellent performance plus a little luck. This blow was achieved. First, the hardened layer, which was 35% thick of the entire armor, collapsed, and then the blunt warhead began to cut the armor behind. The projectile and armor gradually shattered in vibrations and collisions. Finally, The violent vibration triggered the fuze of the cannonball, and at the last moment, the projectile penetrated the Mississippi’s good interior and exploded in the secondary artillery ammunition delivery channel!

A large amount of ammunition was detonated in a small space. Even more than ten kilometers away, the rangefinder on the Japanese battleship could still clearly capture the flash of the explosion inside It was a series of explosions. , And then there was thick smoke and fire. The fire spread quickly along the gun gallery. A large amount of gun smoke even entered the vents of the battleship's engine room. The backflow of exhaust gas caused some boilers to malfunction, and the thick smoke obscured all vision. The US military damage control team trying to save the warship was groping in the dark space filled with toxic gas, and the neighboring walls that collapsed from time to time and the cracks on the ground were like devil's tentacles that swallowed people's lives.

The Mississippi was much stronger than the King Kong. Although the blow was very heavy, it was not deadly. But this was just the beginning. When the smoke began to obscure the rangefinder at the top of the mast, the Mississippi was hit hard again. A 16-inch shell hit the mount of the No. 3 turret on the battleship, which was thick enough. The 16-inch gun mount armor successfully blocked the blow, but the violent impact caused the distortion of the armor plate to completely jam the turret, and if you count the 1 artillery that was lost due to servo damage during the battle. If so, this battleship has completely lost 4 artillery, and because of the sighting problem, the firepower of this battleship is far from the data on paper!

"The situation is getting better. Maybe our previous thoughts have gone astray. For the superior side, playing an upright game is the best choice." Betty said cheerfully.

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