The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2757: Counter Attack Three

The United States of America needs all combatants to perform their duties! Our task is to destroy all the enemy forces in front of us, even if all of us have to pay the price of our lives! "Before the attack, the officer leading the American bomber unit said this to his teammates, and this order was also passed on to other squadrons by word of mouth. The offensive channel has been opened, and the rest is up to them!

The first to enter the battlefield is the bomber unit. Most bombers are equipped with 500-pound bombs and 100-pound small bombs, the latter of which are used to suppress air defense fire. In order to improve the strike effect, some aircraft are equipped with 1000-pound bombs. In theory, bombs of this weight can only be thrown by horizontal bombing. Of course, if you are not going back, you can also carry out dive bombing!

At this time, the newly added carrier-based aircraft of the Japanese fleet had not yet climbed to combat altitude, and the old aircraft were entangled by the German fighter group. Therefore, the attacking American bomber group had a window period of about 15 to 20 minutes to allow them Have fun! And the first to be targeted was the Hiryu, the largest aircraft carrier in the Japanese fleet!

"Disband the formation and prepare to evade!" Looking at the American bomber that had entered the dive attack channel in the distance, Betty decisively issued the order. The four aircraft carriers began to separate quickly, and the accompanying destroyers also followed the aircraft carrier to maneuver. However, One thing that is different from the Americans is that when a US aircraft carrier is attacked, as long as the battleship that can arrive will at least block the attack from one side of the aircraft carrier, what about the Japanese navy? The Japanese battleships divided into three units only made a symbolic interception at the outermost periphery away from the aircraft carrier, and then each evaded... There is no idea of ​​protecting the aircraft carrier as a personal guard!

The reason for this is also very simple. The U.S. Navy’s operational principles and tactics refer to the German Navy. The German Navy attaches great importance to aircraft carriers. It clearly states in the engagement manual that aircraft carriers should be in the safest position to launch attacks. Carrier aircraft or other means of attack pierced the outer line of defense, then the accompanying fleet is responsible for providing cover for the aircraft carrier, and this accompanying fleet clearly mentions including battleships. Although this situation has never been encountered during the war, this principle has been inherited by the US Navy. Therefore, when facing Japanese land-based bombers, the battleship forces shared a considerable part of the pressure, which is why the Constellation was able to survive.

And the British Navy. Although they are also working on aircraft carriers and developing related tactics, the positioning of aircraft carriers is very vague. In the British Royal Navy system, aircraft carriers are called capital ships, but they belong to the battleship squadron. Therefore, at least in the eyes of most people, The status of aircraft carriers is half lower than that of battleships, and when the British thought this way, the Japanese inherited it directly.

The Japanese fleet’s Great Artillery Party believers were powerful, so when American bombers came over, a small number of people were still hesitating whether to go up and down, and most people were afraid that American bombs would fall. On them, and after the incident, many battleship squad officers also plausibly stated in their reports that the battleship squadron will face American battleships in future operations. Therefore, the premature loss of the entire battle situation is unfavorable!

However, Shigeru Yoshimatsu was still preparing to bring his own squadron to provide some help. The fleet approached some and tried to use the heavy artillery on the ship to provide some support to the aircraft carrier squadron. Will do it, even if you are determined to do it, the specific operation is not easy. After all, the weapon that the warship can actually lay down the aircraft is the machine gun, and the range of these artillery is very short, which means that the escorted battleship and aircraft carrier must It is very close. It is necessary to bring the aircraft carrier into the range of its own anti-aircraft artillery, but also to leave enough maneuver space for the aircraft carrier. To be honest, this operation is actually quite difficult...

As for the aircraft carrier’s air defense firepower, the Japanese are even worse. The aircraft carrier’s air defense artillery deployment is originally different from that of battleships. It requires a special deck. The Americans reserved an antiaircraft gun deck when designing the new aircraft carrier. Unfortunately, the Japanese did not stay, so they could only deploy a small number of antiaircraft artillery. So, if the American air defense artillery can be described as terror, then the Japanese air defense firepower has only caused a little trouble. Therefore, in the next 20 minutes, the American's first hit was very smooth!

In the near-creation of the Universiade, after the Flying Dragon aircraft carrier killed three American dive bombers, more dive bombers extended their claws at the targets on the sea like predatory falcons! The roar of the aircraft engine and the screaming sound of the aircraft passing through the air resounded like death's wailing over the Flying The first round of 4 250KG bombs were thrown out, and stripes were drawn in the air. Predicting dangerous arcs, they were dropped from 700 meters to 900 meters high. On the water, the Flying Dragon aircraft carrier twisted its huge hull like a giant dragon running on the sea, and the engine power was increased to that level. At the limit, the four rudders at the tail are also constantly adjusted, and the huge centrifugal force generated by high-speed turns even makes the battleship's deck tilted significantly.

However, the so-called long-term protection will be lost. Without the cover of fighter jets, it is impossible for an aircraft carrier to dodge attacks from the air all the time, no matter whether it is mechanical performance or luck!

boom! Two bombs fell into the water next to the Flying Dragon one after another, and the huge explosion of water splashed on the deck of the Flying Dragon. The bombing like a giant thunder strike made everyone frightened. And a moment later, two more bombs roared down. This time, the drop point of a bomb was less than 7 meters away from the sidestring of the Flying Dragon! The explosion of hundreds of kilograms of bombs in a high-explosive bomb is tantamount to a small mine! The energy generated by the explosion was instantly transmitted to the hull through the sea water. With a sour metal breaking and twisting sound, the middle of the flying dragon hull was blown into a huge pit!

After evading several bombs in a row, the Flying Dragon is like an exhausted beast. The large amount of steam stored in the steam pipes has been consumed, and the steam produced by the boiler has not been supplied, and the American attack will not Stopped, bombs fell from the air one after another, like a heavy hammer, slammed on the deck of the Flying Dragon!

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