The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2756: Counterattack two

However, as Japan's most elite fighter pilots of this era, they also quickly came up with a response plan, which is to concentrate more aircraft on a wider altitude to deal with the Germans. Don't you dive out of the battlefield to restore energy? Some Japanese fighter jets are waiting for you in the lower air by themselves! This method is still relatively effective, but there is a problem that cannot be avoided, that is, such a deployment requires a large number of fighters to maintain, so in the end, Major Tyrone and his colleagues entangled at least 30 Japanese fighters! The two sides fought in the air!

Well, now someone has to ask, what are the other airplanes doing out of the 35 airplanes that started operations? The answer is simple. They used the gap created by Major Tyrone to contain the Japanese fighter force and rushed directly to the Japanese aircraft carrier!

"It's the German bombers! They are here!" At this time, the remaining Japanese fighters also found the German fighters that went straight to the aircraft carrier! According to the information obtained by the Japanese, German fighters emphasize versatility. In carrier-based aircraft, in addition to torpedo and reconnaissance aircraft, fighters and bombers are actually interchangeable! When the German fighter jets carrying the auxiliary fuel tanks rushed to the Japanese aircraft carrier, the Japanese naturally regarded these aircraft as bombers! After all, you see a sub-fuel tank hanging under the belly of the fighter plane from a distance. Can you tell the difference between the sub-fuel tank and the bomb from the front?

Therefore, the Japanese who used the enemy's fighter as a bomber rushed over without hesitation! And to catch continuous shallow dives, the German fighter jets have a very large speed advantage. The Japanese can only conduct a wave of interception when the relative speed of the two sides is extremely high. If the interception fails and wants to catch up, it may be very laborious. ! Except for extremely unlucky circumstances, two German fighter jets were shot down in a head-on encounter. Most of the aircraft successfully passed through the Japanese mid-level air defense net and continued to lower their altitude and advance toward the inner layer. A huge number of Japanese fighter jets chased behind him.

Inadvertently, the originally scattered and orderly interception system of Japanese fighter jets was torn apart. After all, the final bomb height of the bomber was a few hundred to 1,000 meters. No matter how high the accuracy is, it is a problem. The Japanese fighter jets flew at a height of about 3,500 meters. Therefore, in order to hunt down the target, these aircraft were attracted to low altitude. When the Japanese saw that the height of the German plane was approaching the bombing limit, the latter easily threw the auxiliary fuel tank into the sea, then turned around and fought with the Japanese fighter jet behind him. After a brief surprise, The well-trained Japanese army also greeted them. The two sides fought fiercely in the air.

"Something is wrong." At this time, Betty, who had been observing the air combat in the distance with a telescope, was the first to smell the conspiracy! He also discovered that the German plane that he thought was a bomber was transformed into a fighter jet after dropping its load. So, from the first discovery of this wave of enemy planes to the present, all the more than 30 planes encountered were fighters! Well, now the question is, where are the American and German bombers?

"Our current air defense situation is very bad. The originally scattered and orderly air defense nets were torn apart. The first team of German fighters entangled Japanese fighters that were twice as many as they were, while the second team of German aircrafts The mid-air Japanese fighters were attracted to low altitudes. In this way, let alone how many fighters we were pinned down, at least in mid-air, we are wide open! If American bombers take advantage of the situation to kill, then along this line, they almost You can fly over our heads without any obstruction!" said a British officer who had worked on the USS Furious.

"Damn, the Japanese are not reliable in doing things." Stetti cursed in a low voice. The interception in this era is completely arbitrary interception. What you see is what you can do. When the entire air defense system has been torn out of loopholes, it is impossible to notify the fighters in the air to reorganize the defense line. After all, you cannot tell by shouting. What should fighters do when they are ten kilometers away? And what if it can be notified? It will take time for these planes to climb to the predetermined altitude again, and it will take time to recover their energy. Who knows, will the day lilies be cold by then?

"Release all the aircraft that have been filled with fuel! Since we have a quality gap, we must rely on quantity to make up for it." Betty ordered.

"Are all planes? Aren't they all fighters?" The Captain of the Flying Dragon said in surprise.

"All planes! Those attack planes that have been fueled but do not carry bombs and torpedoes are also sent out! Even though these attack planes have poor performance, they can always intercept torpedo planes at low altitudes, right? All planes with bombs cannot take off quickly. Push it directly into the sea! This is an order and cannot be discounted! Now is the time to determine the national fortune. You don't need to be frugal!" Betty said impatiently.

Now, the situation of the entire fleet is like the tranquility before the The Germans were very patient to tear apart the Japanese air defense nets, and now, the open Japanese fleet has no power to stop the opponent’s air strikes. Now, this blow should come soon, right?

The release of fighter jets is still very fast, and even the aircraft carrier can be easily released without entering the upwind route. At this time, Betty’s order was fully implemented by the Japanese troops on the four aircraft carriers, and all fighters that had completed their preparation were released to fill the gap. The gap created by the battle. Some planes that had finished hanging bombs had no time to unload their ammunition and were also pulled off the flight deck. However, their actions were still a little slower after all. Just when the Japanese fighter jets in the air were already entangled, and when the newly added fighter jets were not completely released, Logan and Mitchell planned to strike. It's finally here!

The attack aircraft group composed of more than 70 attack aircraft pierced out of the clouds like a sharp sword. They rushed to the Japanese fleet with a clear goal. The forbearance, sacrifice and hard work before are for the fatal blow now! The complicated and detailed plans, the sinking of the Constellation, and the fighting of the fighter forces are all for the next attack!

They are the hope of the entire U.S. fleet. Only if they succeed can the U.S. fleet have a chance to continue to live. This hope is exchanged for the sacrifice of the entire fleet. After all the aircraft are released, the two U.S. aircraft carriers have begun to head south. To evacuate, all attacking aircraft groups were ordered not to evacuate to the direction of the aircraft carrier after the end of the attack, but to make an emergency landing in a fixed sea area, and then wait for the rescue of the submarine. Although it is possible to be rescued in theory, no one knows what the actual situation is!

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