The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2743: 1 fight 2

2743 1

how about it? Does the data look beautiful? Yes, the data is very beautiful, but it is difficult to read if it is put into actual combat. Let's not talk about anything else, just talk about the process of releasing the aircraft, it is quite tedious! If one airplane is released in half a minute, it would theoretically take about 40 minutes to release all 83 airplanes at such a high speed! The actual time may be longer than this. If you consider the air marshalling time, the larger the fleet, the longer the marshalling time. So if you want to integrate such a large-scale fleet into one, the time may be in hours. calculated!

What was the fuel carrying capacity of the aircraft at that time? I am afraid that when the last attack aircraft takes off, the fighters in front may have been forced to fly towards the target. Therefore, the entire attack process will be delayed for a very long time, and the so-called wave can only become some in actual operation. Several waves of attacks at regular intervals.

In order to carry out such an attack, it takes a long time for the replenishment and positioning of the aircraft. You have to add fuel and ammunition to dozens of aircraft, and then strictly push them on the deck for positioning. You must know that the refueling at that time Both bombs and hanging bombs are manpower-based, the loading of hundreds of kilograms of bombs and torpedoes, the loading of dozens of aircraft with more than five-digit bullets, and the use of manpower to push a multi-ton aircraft to a designated position. However, the number of ground crews is limited, and their energy is also limited. In fact, after preparing for this wave of attacks, these ground crews may also get tired.

(What? I don’t believe this? Readers who have a car at home can feel it on their own. For example, the more popular Lavida, which weighs 1.6 tons, is probably the weight of a fully armed fighter plane. Less than half of the weight of the fully loaded attack aircraft, actually push two steps, and then imagine.)

Generally speaking, this tactical offensive effect may not be as good as on paper. The preparation and exertion time is too long. After the fight, the follow-up is completely weak and there is almost no task flexibility. For example, if the opponent finds you first, people The plane is in the air, what do you plan to do with the attack plane on the back deck? In fact, the best way is to throw out the fighter jets on the front deck. Don’t even think about the hangars on the rear deck, and push them directly into the sea. After all, even if your ground crew are three-headed and six-armed, put them before you attack the enemy. The ammunition is unloaded, but what about the fuel inside? Whether it is retracted in the hangar or parked on the deck, they are all oversized incendiary bombs! Don't you throw it away and wait for it to be bombed?

As a result, this very extreme style of play has very limited meaning in actual combat. In the Pacific War, the Americans also chose a half-round attack method similar to the Japanese, releasing less than half of the aircraft at a time, and then they can continue in a short time. Prepare, if you suddenly find that the opponent is calling, you can also temporarily adjust. Both release and recovery are good, more flexible, and easier to operate.

But obviously, under the current situation, a half-round attack is definitely not possible, because to be honest, even in the most ideal situation, the remaining two and one-third of the US Navy’s aircraft carriers will not be able to pass the half-round. The round play method completely abolished the Japanese aircraft carrier squadron. There are a total of 180 carrier-based aircraft. You don’t even have 90 aircraft for half a round, so the fighter ratio is reduced to the lowest level. Even if you have 60 attack aircraft, you can fight 4 aircraft carriers? This is really difficult.

(Don’t tell me about the fact that 32 SBD bombers directly attacked the two aircraft carriers Akagi and Kaga during the Battle of Midway. Do you know what the U.S. Navy experienced before diving into the bombers? The eighth on board the USS Hornet The torpedo unit, 15 planes all hung up, and then the sixth torpedo unit on the USS Enterprise also lost most of it. In the end, 12 torpedo units on the Yorktown returned to one... also. In other words, when the Japanese aircraft carrier on Midway Island only relies on its own fighter jets for air defense, the Americans have more than 70 attack aircraft to attack before opening the battle!)

In the best case, the US Navy could sink one ship in the past, and it would be good if one ship was damaged. What then? Sorry, no more. As long as the 4 Japanese aircraft carriers can spot the US fleet, then after a large group of 140 up and down attacks, the Americans will directly hit GG, which will not give you a second chance! In the end, the Japanese Navy has 2 available aircraft carriers, and the Americans are zero! The next battle is really impossible to fight!

Therefore, at present, it is impossible for Logan and others to take the so-called half-round attack. They can only produce almost all the attack force in the first wave, except for the unusable aircraft and a small number of air defense fighters. In the hangar, the attack time may be extended, but it is better than not being able to play the second wave. For the remaining three aircraft carriers, apart from Zeppelin, which can retain some fighters, Constellation and Assault do not actually need to keep any aircraft, because the Constellation has been severely damaged, and it must be dead if it is attacked again. Assault. The defense force of Zeppelin is not as good as that of Zeppelin. Relatively speaking, Zeppelin has a higher probability of surviving. The U.S. fleet must ensure that this wave can hit 140 planes before it may hit the Japanese aircraft carrier detachment seriously!

In the American plan, it is possible to allow one Japanese aircraft carrier to maintain a certain combat If there are two, then this battle has actually failed for the US Navy. Think about it, 140. Airplanes, facing 4 aircraft carriers with more than double the carrier-based aircraft, it is necessary to sink and damage at least 3 aircraft. This is actually very difficult. Because 140 aircraft did not pass together, the attack time will be very long. In the end Let the offensive become sparse.

The redundancy of the entire plan is very small, and any loophole may lead to the failure of the plan.

"The release of 140 aircraft from two and a half aircraft carriers is actually not that difficult. The specific aviation operations can be handed over to me. Constellation releases all the fighters it belongs to, probably 20 aircraft, and then Zeppelin and Conqueror. , The two aircraft carriers use all the decks, and then put the remaining aircraft in the hangar first, and then lift them to the deck when they are released. It is estimated that the problem is not big. But the entire release time will be very long, there may be one After a few hours, the plane that was first released cannot wait for the last one to take off, unless they do not plan to return."

"So, now there is a very important question, how do we survive." Mitchell took a deep breath and said.

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(End of this chapter)