The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2742: 1 fight to the death

2742 ok(1)

"Japan should have discovered our submarines. They often change course and increase the anti-potential capacity, but they do not mean to leave this sea area. Fleet liaison has been compressed to a low level, but the absolute quantity is still high. We The submarine deployed in this sea area can complete the positioning. If we do not hesitate to pay, we can lock the opponent in a short time!" On the new flagship of the US aircraft carrier squadron Zeppelin, Mitchell reported to Fletcher and Logan. Information collected so far.

"In other words, we are now a leopard hidden in the grass, ready to kill a lion far stronger than us, but in the light?" Old Fletcher asked.

"It's two lions. The bombers on the Talaw Islands are equally lethal to us. So now we have to deal with two problems. The first problem is how to make the Japanese aircraft carrier detachment fight before the decisive battle. Excluding the battlefield, the second question is how we can escape from the attack of the Talau Islands and the Japanese aircraft carrier as much as possible," Logan said.

"We don't care about the air force of the Talaw Islands?" Fletcher frowned and said: "Just now Mitchell said very clearly that the air force of the Talaw Islands has more combat power than an aircraft carrier."

"No matter, because this has exceeded our limit, in fact, as far as our current state is, a round of attacks by 4 Japanese aircraft carriers may send us all to the west! And according to our previous deductions, Japan is very likely Make two waves of attacks." Logan said very simply.

Many things have two sides. The Japanese joint fleet has made a strategic conservative due to misjudgment, which in turn gives the U.S. Navy time to operate. At the same time, the Japanese’s shrinking effect is also very good, relying on the land-based bombers of the Talau Islands. Units and seaplane units, the Japanese reconnaissance and attack power during the day have been unprecedentedly enhanced. At this time, if the US fleet wants to board during the day, the ending will be very tragic!

"The Japanese fleet is on the east of the Talau Islands, we can be on the west of the Talau Islands, we can attack the Talau Islands, and the attack distance of the Japanese fleet may not be enough, and we can also choose to attack at dawn. , And leave after a wave." Old Fletcher said.

"If we are to stay out of the attack distance of the Japanese aircraft carrier detachment, then our range of attacking the Talau Islands will also increase. Using the cover of dawn can indeed give us an advantage in the first wave of attacks, but I need to explain. One point is that we know very little about the intelligence of the Talau Islands. How many airports does the Japanese have in the Talau Islands? How many alternate airports? Where are the planes hidden? We don’t know anything about it, and we need to complete reconnaissance. It’s too long, it will take at least a few days, and we can’t afford it.”

"Even if we take a step back, we now have all the clearance of the Japanese airfields and the deployment of air forces in the Talau Islands, and then launch an offensive at dawn tomorrow. We were protected by God, and the aircraft arrived at the battlefield silently at dawn. , And the light was good at the time, and then we launched an attack. However, the attack also took time. We need at least an hour or more and at least two waves of attacks. But you must know that there is a Japanese fleet in the eastern part of the Talau Islands. The carrier-based aircraft can reach the sky over the Talau Islands in half an hour. That is four aircraft carriers! Needless to say, 60 fighter jets can cause irreparable losses to our attack fleet. As for the rest after the battle The fleet of aircraft carriers, even in our most favorable situation, is definitely not enough to withdraw the four aircraft carriers from combat.” Logan explained.

"It is unrealistic to accomplish two goals at the same time. This has exceeded our upper limit of strength. In the face of the choice of aircraft carriers and land-based air forces, we are more inclined to destroy aircraft carriers, because the latter is more powerful and more maneuverable. Good, but very fragile.” In the end, Mitchell’s speech stopped the discussion, and after the professional aviation commanders reached an agreement, Fletcher had no way to change. Although he was the commander of the aircraft carrier detachment, This commander is more only responsible for things other than air combat.

"Well, we have now decided to still make plans in accordance with the previous mission objectives. Now the question is, if we can lock the position of the Japanese aircraft carrier squadron in a short time, then how do we severely damage the Japanese aircraft carrier squadron. In the future, we will still We must try our best to keep a certain amount of aviation power to deal with the Japanese fleet in the Talau Islands, and we must retain ourselves as much as possible." Old Fletcher asked.

"From the intelligence we have collected so far, the combat distance between the two carrier-based aircraft is actually the same. In other words, when we are able to reach our opponents, they can also hit us. We have absolutely no chance of a second wave of attacks, so , We must use the limit attack method, the first attack, do our best, not to leave behind!" Logan said.

How many carrier-based aircraft can an aircraft carrier release at a time? If you look at the history of World War II, if you limit the take-off time to about half an hour, then an aircraft carrier can release about 50% of the conventional carrier-based Attention, the conventional carrier-based aircraft It does not include reserve machines in the form of parts. )

But this is not the real limit, because in actual combat, the carrier-based aircraft of the aircraft carrier are prepared for attack in turn, usually with two wheels out of the attack, and enough aircraft must be left to prepare for the next wave. In addition, a certain number of fighter jets must be left for air defense, and some reconnaissance aircraft will be used to detect the enemy and guide attack aircraft. Therefore, in this way, there is not even half of the fleet that is actually used for a wave of attacks. Generally, 40% is enough. For example, in the history of Pearl Harbor, only 180 of the 450 carrier-based aircraft on the 6 aircraft carriers of the combined fleet were used for the first wave of attacks.

But in history, there is another more extreme style of play, that is a true full deck attack! Utilize all the space on the deck, and even prepare the hangar, so good, how many planes can this extreme play in history release? The performance of the USS Saratoga in the Ninth Fleet Problem Exercise of the US Navy in 1929 gave you the answer! The Saratoga released 83 aircraft at one time during this exercise! Almost emptied his hangar! (The planes at the time were very small, so the amount of aircraft carried would be higher.)

The second is more~~~! Please subscribe for a reward~~~!

(End of this chapter)