The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2715: Exposure Three

"Our defensive effect on this penetration is not good?" Sims asked.

"That's it. Although the V1500 is very large, it is clear that they are all painted camouflage camouflage. The painting of the lower part of the aircraft is very close to the sky background, while the painting of the upper part of the aircraft is very close to the color of the sea. The problem, when they are flying at high altitude, it is easy to blend into the sky background, and when they are flying on the sea or low altitude, it is difficult to distinguish it from the ocean background color when we look down, and they all act alone. , The powerful cruising power gives them greater choice of routes, so they can make full use of the sun and clouds to hide themselves."

"What's worse is that even if our reconnaissance aircraft or destroyer finds the opponent, it is difficult to track it stably. What the guard post can do is tell us the approximate location and direction of the enemy aircraft, and then let the aircraft carrier take off the fighter to intercept it. This is very efficient. Low. Since today, our aircraft carrier has dispatched at least 100 fighters, but only 3 of them were hit and 5 of them were expelled. Most of the aircraft could not find the target." Ma Jifen expressed helplessness in his words. . No way, air defense is really not easy in this era, and it is even more difficult to prevent the opponent from conducting aerial reconnaissance!

"What should come will come after all." Sims sighed. At this time, his worries are gradually becoming reality. At this time, another V1500 long-range reconnaissance plane named Explorer is flying towards the main US fleet. At this time, although it has not been discovered due to the problem of vision, if If it continues to fly for half an hour, then you can find forest-like chimneys on the sea and huge battleships below!

However, the explorer still needs to cross a hurdle to succeed. On its front, five U.S. Navy fighters focused on this behemoth. Then, these brave interceptors launched the most rare tactics in the single-engine fighter intercepting twin-engine aircraft. -Attack head-on!

Head attack efficiency is the highest, but it is also the most dangerous. You can kill the bomber's head in one shot, but it will also be broken into pieces by the bomber's intensive forward fire. Generally, only those professional interceptors equipped with powerful firepower and heavy armor will do this. Fighters generally adopt tail chase attacks or dive to attack the relatively vulnerable places on the upper part of the opponent. It is very intriguing for the Americans to choose to force a head-on hedge at this time!

"Fire! Kill them!" Accompanied by the command of the Captain of the Explorer, a rain of bullets composed of 3 machine guns, 2 upper machine guns and 2 machine guns on the lower part of the fuselage rushed towards the two only. American fighter jets are coming! The dense bullets formed a deadly net of fire 700 meters in front of the explorer. Countless tracer bullets shining with the light of death flew towards the oncoming warrior, who was as fearless and fearless as the knight who challenged the dragon in Western legends. decisive!

The first American fighter was hit by more than 40 bullets of various calibers at a distance of 500 meters. The tracer ignited the canvas skin, and the blasting bomb left huge wounds on the fuselage, and flames burned on it. , The shrapnel tore the poor prey, and in less than 4 seconds, the plane and the pilot on it were directly broken into pieces.

Another plane fired at the huge nose of the Explorer at a distance of 400 meters! The powerful firepower of 1 20MM machine gun and 2 large-caliber machine guns pierced the dragon's head like a knight's lance, and then took advantage of it!

The spear composed of shells and bullets caused huge damage to the dragon flying in the air within a few seconds. The flying shrapnel and various body fragments instantly killed the co-pilot in the cabin and the gunner in the nose , And then left a deep scar with fire on the lower part of the nose!

After completing the attack, the aircraft dived quickly, trying to avoid the dragon's counterattack. The ammunition fired from the turret on the upper fuselage chased the target in vain, but just when the attacker thought that he had escaped and was for his own success. And fortunately, the rain of bullets fired from the machine gun on the lower part of the Explorer and the machine gun on the side of the fuselage was like the claws of a dragon! After a burst of fire, the assailant was also beaten into two pieces by a dense bullet!

However, the condition of the dragon that was almost beheaded was also very bad. It flew around, as if being knocked out. At this moment, the remaining attackers took turns to kill and continue to use their weapons to this head. The dragon left a series of scars. The roar of guns and the sound of bullets piercing the body were continuous in the air. After fighting for more than 20 minutes, the Explorer shot down two U.S. Navy fighters and shot them down. After hurting the other one, he finally couldn't hold it. His body was raging with gas, the left wing was beaten into briquettes, and the right wing was broken in half. With all the scars and unwillingness, the plane fell towards the sea, and finally turned into a bright fireball on the sea!

"Go back now, we don’t have enough fuel." The remaining US Navy fighters chose to evacuate immediately. However, what they did not expect at this time was that at a height of 1,500 meters behind them, a huge guy was hiding above the clouds. He watched the battle indifferently through the gap in the clouds. The Ceres was here ten minutes ago, but he did not join the battlefield, but watched the explorer being shot down without interference. Now, Gu The God is doing business, and that is to follow the returning American fleet to find the position of the American fleet!

One of the American planes was injured, so it flew very slowly, and Bell was not worried about losing the target. Bell's cold blood and shrewdness finally paid off. He found a "qualified" guide who could take him to find the US and hide himself as much as possible! Fifteen minutes later, Bell finally saw the American fleet sailing rapidly from east to west. 11 capital ships and 5 aircraft carriers were printed in Bell's field of vision! At this moment, Bell was shocked!

"What a huge fleet. With this fleet alone, the Americans can fight the main force of the combined fleet! More than 20 large battleships and auxiliary ships, and the densely packed destroyers around, God, the Americans want Decisive battle?" Bell said in his heart. But soon, he gathered his emotions and began to observe and record and prepare to report.

"The Americans are heading to the west, and they are now in the ED1 zone! It is very likely that they are directly attacking Lagen Island. Their speed is very fast. It is estimated that they are at least 16 knots. They have a total of more than 1 dozen capital ships and at least There are more than 6 aircraft carriers. There are more than 30 destroyers and cruisers. (The observation problem here leads to misjudgments in the number and type of ships.

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