The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2714: Exposure Two

"This is the starting point." Bell marked with a pencil on the map, and the confirmation of this starting point was the location where the WT15 fleet might have been attacked before. "This is the end point." Bell again clicked on Taragen Island.

"If I were an American, I would definitely hope that this war would be settled quickly. Therefore, I can't make a detour. Well, the problem now is very simple. The straight line between two points is the shortest. We just need to follow this Just find it in a straight line!" Bell said.

"Mechanician, turn on the other receiver and adjust the frequency to the civilian frequency." Bell ordered. It is tiring to search by yourself. Therefore, Bell hopes that other means can be used to search for targets, such as receiving merchant ships. Telegram, the telegram of the merchant ship is the ordinary Morse code, no need to decipher, and now the Sulawesi Sea is relatively busy, the Americans are crossing over like this and the probability of encountering the merchant fleet is high, so by receiving the merchant ship signal , Can also assist reconnaissance.

The huge plane hovered in the air. Three hours after takeoff, Bell’s Ceres had penetrated into the Sulawesi Sea, and at this moment, he received the first important message!

"Captain, the Viking was shot down. Before being destroyed, they signaled that they were attacked by at least 4 fighters from the other side. They were carrier-based aircraft, not seaplanes. In addition, they found a small fleet." Said the member.

"What's the location?" Bell frowned and said.

"The distance is about 50 kilometers, the direction is 30 degrees west of north, and the angle error is about 5 degrees." The mechanic said after playing with the equipment for a long time. The radio direction finding and ranging equipment on the plane is still a bit bad.

"In other words, we are already near the target area?" Bell looked at the map and commanded: "The plane climbed to a height above the clouds, and then began to circle. Pay attention to the new data."

At this moment, Bell’s experience and Lao Lao’s performance are incisive and vivid. If there is no data, Ceres will naturally need to lower the altitude and search for the target visually. But now, the Viking has sent the information, and other received aircraft will immediately catch up. Arrived, and now it is certain that the Viking must be near the target area, and it will not be a false alarm. The reason is simple, he was shot down! In this era, the distance to guide the aircraft to intercept a single flying target is certainly not far away. Therefore, the Viking uses its own life to mark the approximate location of the target. In this case, in order to allow itself to discover the US fleet , Then the premise is that you must live! As for information and data? Then let other guys with more iron heads use their sacrifices in exchange for it. Anyway, Bell will not go on his own, and this is not his own country, so he can't die!

"The height is 5000 meters! Just at this position." Bell said after looking at the altimeter. At this time, the plane was flying over the clouds, like a falcon looking down on the earth. Its eyes passed through the gaps in the clouds, searching the sea, and its ears were listening to the electric waves in the wind, hoping to get free from its colleagues. Information. And just below the clouds, the scale of the battles is small, but quite fierce air combat is going on. A huge fleet is accelerating towards Tarragon Island, and the aircraft carriers on the fleet are also beginning to take off and land frequently. Airplanes, when the Japanese increased their search efforts, the Americans also felt the pressure!

"The situation is not right. We have discovered at least 30 Japanese reconnaissance aircraft in multiple directions today. This situation was not encountered yesterday." Ma Jifen said to Sims with some concern.

"You mean we were exposed?" Sims frowned, and then measured the distance to the target. This distance is a bit far. Although he knows that the paper can't contain the fire, he also considered that the fleet had to reach the target. It may be exposed, but it is still a bit early. If it can be 6 hours late, and then exposed again near the night, it would be even better.

"The precise location of our main fleet should not have been revealed, but the other party must have known that a large fleet has entered the Sulawesi Sea." Majifen said.

"It seems that the war is inevitable, but the only thing to be thankful for is that the Japanese can't save Taragen Island. Their fleet is still thousands of miles away, and time is enough for us to calmly blow the island into a flat land." West Muss touched his chin and said.

The Japanese know that they send naval and air forces to search for Americans, and the Americans naturally know how to capture the position of the Japanese fleet by various means. This time, a special submarine called Sentry is dedicated to this task. The submarine is equipped with a very large folding antenna. The receiving frequency can cover all the currently known frequency bands of the Japanese Navy. They do not need to decipher the specific content of the telegram. They only need to seize the Japanese fleet-class telegraph transmission source and pass the ranging and measurement. Always determine the opponent's location.

Although the Japanese fleet may set up traps to deceive the U.S. military through radio feints, the Americans have enough sentries deployed, and if the Japanese fleet is to make a large-scale mobilization, it will certainly not be able to completely hide its whereabouts. Therefore, although Sims Cannot locate accurately, but it is still possible to determine the approximate location!

"We need to be careful about the Japanese land-based bomber forces. Our estimate of the Japanese land-based forces may be somewhat biased. The scale of their dual-engine and four-engine long-range fleet may be larger than we thought. So far, we can be sure that there have been 3 destroyed four-engine aircraft, and the number of sightings is as high as 24." Sims said.

"V1500? It is indeed a difficult opponent. They have severely damaged the German fleet." Sims was also full of awe at these giant eagles soaring in the air! After all, he doesn't have a dual-engine heavy interceptor specifically designed to deal with such targets!

" is very difficult, not only as a heavy bomber, but also very powerful when fighting in the air. We destroyed 2 V1500s, but we paid 5 fighter jets to be destroyed, 2 The cost of being injured is heavy. And the V1500 that was finally discovered is not far away from us. If they get closer, I am afraid they will find us soon!" Ma Jifen said.

"Send a plane to kill them, we can't expose ourselves too early, otherwise, we will give the other party more preparation time." Sims said.

"We can try to choose to change direction to evade." Ma Jifen thought for a while and said.

"No, it cannot be avoided. We must arrive at the attacking position at the scheduled time. We have less than one night to attack. Time is very tight." Sims vetoed.

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