The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2707: Impossible and possible two

In the enemy's home court, it is impossible for a warship to sail at the most economical speed, and a high cruising speed must be maintained. The 10-knot endurance of the American battleship before Nevada was less than 8,000 nautical miles! So to be honest, those American dreadnoughts simply cannot participate in such expeditions, their endurance is not enough, and they burn coal themselves. Coal refueling is more troublesome than replenishing heavy fuel. This is true for capital ships, and the same is true for destroyers, but because American destroyers all burn oil now, it is convenient to supplement. If there are tankers, they can barely enter the Sulawesi Sea, but it is not enough to stay for a long time.

Therefore, Shigeru Yoshimatsu's inference is correct, that is, it is impossible for all capital ships of the US fleet to fight in the Sulawesi Sea, so now there is one question left. What if some US battleships come? This is possible from the perspective of endurance and supply. After all, the fleet is small and there are fewer ships that need to be supplied. The new type of warship has good endurance and more convenient supply. But this has another tactical problem. If the Americans only send super fearless and aircraft carriers, they will not be able to defeat the main force of the Japanese fleet, and they are fighting in the Japanese area and the opponent has a land-based advantage, so good, the Americans Are you not afraid of losing a lot of your fleet if you play a big game this time? Anyway, the Japanese didn't dare to do this. The Germans had done it in Beihai, but that was also a shot against the British at the Dorgel Sandbar not far away.

Therefore, even though the views put forward by Kantaro Suzuki are very close to the American strategic and tactical ideas, neither Shigeru Yoshimatsu nor Betty could have imagined that the Americans would be so crazy this time, and they really separated the main force of the fleet and sailed across the ocean. Kalimantan is doing things! Sometimes it makes sense to say that the upper limit is as high as the human mind is!

Therefore, after some discussion, the Japanese and the British were more inclined to the American fleet this time thinking of trying to ambush the combined fleet. For this reason, the Japanese chose to persuade first when the situation is unknown, and wait. The situation became clear. After knowing the size and location of the US fleet, the combined fleet launched another attack.

Therefore, the combined fleet began to shrink its forces, and even moved a bit north of the Philippines to avoid possible attacks from the US fleet. This undoubtedly meant that the last opportunity to prevent the US fleet from entering the Sulawesi Sea and attacking Zaragen was lost! After all, the distance between the two sides is a bit far away, and the US fleet is preparing to speed up to Zaragen Island this time!

"No matter what the Americans plan to do, we must increase the defense force of the Talau Islands, especially the aviation force. After all, this is a crossroads. If we deploy an air force here, it is of great significance to restrict the actions of the US military. , And can use this as a basis to form a complete battle line with the Philippines and New Guinea." Betty again said some of its previous plans.

"Yes, but in a rush, we cannot deploy too many aircraft, materials and ground crews. It may be difficult to attack the troops, but we can deploy some reconnaissance aircraft and fighter units. At the same time, we better let Gudnor's The seaplane reconnaissance force expands the search range to see if the US fleet can be found again tomorrow morning." Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu said. Afterwards, the British and Japanese navy leaders discussed a few things and then the meeting adjourned. Everyone prepared separately. At the same time, what are the Americans doing?

"We have crossed the last island of the Talau Islands, and now officially enter the Sulawesi Sea. So far, our main fleet should not have been exposed." Majifen said to Sims.

"I hope so. Didn't our fighter force destroy a seaplane? And it is said that the seaplane is sending reports?" Sims asked.

"That's the case, but the telegram should not have been sent. Our radio monitoring station tracked the seaplane. The transmission time usually did not exceed 3 minutes. The Japanese used a dumb machine similar to ours, which lasted three minutes. Only enough to send the previous identification code." Ma Jifen said.

"There are no other fish that slip through the net?" Sims said hesitantly.

"It should be gone. At least not in the core circle of the fleet. When we were replenishing, a total of 70 aircraft of various kinds were taken off and scattered around the main fleet, ranging from 300 meters above sea level to 5000 meters. Our fighter jets. In addition to the air defense sentry composed of a large number of destroyers, if this is missed, then it is God's will, and I can't help it." Ma Jifen said half-seriously and half-jokingly.

"Well, order the fleet to sail in a dense formation, maintain a speed of 18 knots, and further strengthen the control of the radio from now on, we have entered the final sprint stage!" Sims said.

"From now on, it would theoretically take two and a half to three days for us to reach Tarragon Island. This is the Japanese inland sea. What should we do if we run into a merchant ship?" Ma Jifen said.

"If the merchant ship of Japanese nationality is destroyed directly, the merchant ship of other nationality will be temporarily detained. By the way, if it encounters a British ship, it will be destroyed as well. That's it. At the same time, the avant-garde destroyer detachment may consider turning on radio interference during the day. Equipment." Sims said.

"Tomorrow, our submarine will also deploy a new cordon at this location to warn the Japanese fleet that may be coming from Davao." After speaking, Majifen came to the chart and drew a line across the Talau Islands. This is the newly deployed cordon line by the Americans to guard the eastern exit of the Sulawesi Sea.

"Actually, UU reading if the Japanese fleet has completed its combat readiness at this time, then even in the most ideal situation, we only exposed after the attack on Tarragona Island, then the Japanese combined fleet is also There is a chance to block us at the east exit of the Sulawesi Sea." Sims took a deep breath and said in a gloomy tone.

"Our fleet is far stronger than our opponents, and we are a surprise attack on Taragen Island, the loss will be very small, even if we encounter the Japanese fleet, we are not afraid." Ma Jifen said.

"Perhaps as the Germans said, this time we have taken too long to prepare, and there may be loopholes in our plan. We will show all the cards before our opponents. The Japanese are not stupid, if we show all the cards , If the Japanese fleet still dares to challenge, then it shows that their fleet strength has made great progress." Sims said.

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