The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2706: Impossible and possible one

For this, Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu is very open to it. To be honest, in this case, before the battleships and new aircraft carriers ordered by Japan are in place, if the US fleet takes time to make a round of New Guinea, it is absolutely how much. You can get some, this is not based on your will. This is like, in war3, the opponent wolf rides and runs home, and you don't have the means to retain soldiers, then you must be at a loss!

However, for this kind of loss, Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu said that it can be tolerated. After all, the amount of ammunition carried by the US fleet is limited. A considerable part of the armor-piercing projectile must be set aside to deal with naval battles. Then the actual attack effect will be average. Considering this situation, many facilities are beyond the range of naval guns, or in the upper reaches of the river mouth, so that battleships cannot reach them. This is the so-called disguised stop loss! Although the U.S. fleet is strong, they do not have the ability to continuously replenish the battleship with ammunition to continuously attack. Therefore, basically it is just a wave and leave. If you don't leave, there is no way. The ammunition and fuel are not enough!

And this is why Sims finally did not choose this stable profit tactic. In his view, the goal of the coast of New Guinea is just chicken ribs, no meat to eat, but a taste to discard. And even if the Japanese-controlled area of ​​New Guinea is dealt with, the British can still send supplies from British New Guinea to the Japanese army.

"But here comes the question. If the U.S. fleet chooses to attack the island of New Guinea, they can bypass the Bismarck Islands and attack the eastern part of the island of New Guinea, which is farther away from us. We can't have time to reinforce it. Why do they have to come to the tower? What about the Lao area? This practice of staying close and seeking further distance makes me wonder, or are they here for us to discover on purpose?" At this moment, Betty spoke. And his words hit the crux of the problem to some extent, wouldn’t it be better to attack the eastern part of New Guinea? Why do Americans choose more risky and farther routes?

"It's really unreasonable for the Americans to do this. We need to find a suitable reason for the American fleet to appear here." Yasuo Shimura agreed with Betty's words.

"First of all, we can be sure that the only purpose of the US submarine's actions during this period is to determine the situation of the combined fleet, so good, as a basis. We next inferred that the US fleet appeared near the Talau Islands , And prepare to go south, then what would you do, Commander Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu?" Betty asked.

"I have said before, first use the land-based aviation power of Guinea to consume, and then the joint fleet will attack." Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu said.

"So what if the Americans made a silly shot and after they attacked a certain location on the island of New Guinea, they contracted their troops and waited for us on our way south?" Betty put forward another point of view, which is logically the same. reasonable! That is, the Americans still intend to take action against the Japanese fleet!

First of all, it needs to be explained that even during the Great War, Japan began to prepare for the Pacific War, even though the Japanese received a large amount of material and technical assistance from the British. But at this time the Japanese Naval Air Force is far worse than the British Royal Navy's heyday! You know, the latter had more than 3,000 various aircraft and more than 100 airships in its heyday!

In the case of far less power than the Royal Navy, the Japanese are responsible for a much larger area than the North Sea. Think about it, the area of ​​the Sulawesi Sea alone is about the same as the North Sea. Therefore, Japan's aviation forces are concentrated in several major theaters, namely the southern Philippines, New Guinea, and Kalimantan. Between these theaters, the Japanese naval aviation power has a huge gap. Therefore, if the Americans choose to ambush the Japanese navy in a certain gap, then the scene of the battle between the two sides will definitely make the Japanese feel distraught! There is no future for fighting in a relatively fair state.

"Well, it is indeed possible." Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu was also nervous when he thought of this result. "In this situation where the enemy situation is still uncertain, I think the combined fleet should be more cautious. We can even move the fleet to the northern part of the Philippines. After all, the loss of New Guinea can be tolerated, but the heavy loss of the main fleet is The gain is not worth the loss."

"Of course, if we determine that the size of the U.S. fleet is not as large as we thought, we can take the initiative to attack at the right time. After all, there are many old dreadnoughts in the U.S. fleet. Their speed and The condition of the ship will not be very good even after repairs, so the Americans may not take these old ships to participate in this battle." Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu added.

"So if there is a problem with our guess, this fleet is not the main fleet of the US Navy but just a sub-squadron, then what do we do? Or, their target is not Davao or New Ireland, but Kaliman What about Shima?" Kantarou Suzuki asked at last.

"If it's just a squadron, then we can use the fast fleet to pursue the pursuit. As for the second point you mentioned, I personally think it is unlikely. First, they will greatly extend their voyage through the Sulawesi Sea. The length of the Raw West Sea is 840 kilometers from east to west, and it is nearly 1,700 kilometers in a single round trip. Although the American battleship has a range of 10 knots and a speed of 8,000 nautical miles, the destroyer definitely has no such long range, even if there are transport ships in the fleet~www is still difficult for such a large fleet to enter the Sulawesi Sea. After all, the distance is too far. Not to mention that if you want to attack the southern part of Kalimantan, the range will be increased by thousands of kilometers. Old fashioned Capital ships and light warships cannot be supported at all, and if only part of the warships enter the Sulawesi Sea, then the Americans will not have the advantage of combat power. They will fight us in our deep areas with a fleet that is not dominant in strength. Isn't that looking for death?" Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu rejected his subordinate's idea.

Shigeru Yoshimatsu’s idea is also very reasonable. You must know that it seems to be enough to travel 8000 nautical miles at 10 knots, but in fact, if you want to increase the speed to 14 knots, don’t look at the speed increase by only 1.4 times. , But fuel consumption per unit time may increase 3 times or more! The relationship between this speed and fuel consumption is not linear. For example, the historical Emden sailed at an economic speed of 12 knots, and consumed only 2 tons of coal per hour. If it sailed at a speed of 23 knots, every hour The hourly coal consumption is as high as 15.7 tons, the most economical voyage is 5700 nautical miles, and the fastest voyage is only 1200 nautical miles!

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