The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2685: Part ways

Yes, this is the last fuse left by the British to the Japanese! Dock to survive! Abandon one of the warships and let the other warship escape with all the British! To be honest, if you can, Betty is not willing to let the British Royal Navy elite who follow him sacrifice anyone! They are all hopes for the future of the Royal Navy! And it is impossible to fall into the hands of Americans, so Betty chose this move!

And in this way, Asagiri, who has been supplied by friendly forces, has a real chance to escape to heaven! To be honest, judging from the current situation, in fact, the United States still has very low control over the depths of the ocean! The success of this strangulation system lies in two points. The first is the suddenness. The Japanese suddenly cut off Japanese supplies without precaution, making them unable to cope. The second point is the relatively poor self-sustaining power of Japanese warships. Because of the limited endurance, as long as the supply line can be cut off or even suppressed for a period of time, the Japanese warships will not be able to return to their homeland.

Then maybe someone said that since the Japanese Navy burns coal, it can use the fuel of captured American ships! This is true. But this is not the case. First of all, it is easier to destroy a transport ship than to capture a civilian ship. Therefore, if you want to cause more damage to the fleet, the Japanese fleet must choose to destroy instead of Seized, and because the Japanese could obtain high-quality coal and fuel oil from the supply ship before, naturally they would not want to capture the ship’s fuel... After all, poor-quality fuel will increase the load on the power system.

So can it now obtain fuel by capturing American ships? This is too late. If the Japanese can think of it, then the Americans can naturally think of it too! On the one hand, the Americans have strengthened the protection of the fleet, and on the other hand, the Americans have added self-sinking devices. If captured, the American ships can quickly self-sink to avoid enemies. As for the Japanese attacking a neutral country transport ship? Sorry, this is really troublesome. After all, merchant ships are not special supply ships. When they load coal, they only consider how to load it conveniently, but not how to easily take out the coal from the bunker... And because of the size of the ship and the issue of freeboard, sometimes it seems OK, but the actual operation is really difficult... The efficiency will be very low, and there will be dangers. For example, what if the two ships collide when refueling?

Steddy’s persuasion work went very smoothly. Yamamoto Fifty-Six quickly agreed to Steddy’s suggestion, and he also thought of an excuse. Since the US Navy has begun to dispatch a large number of warships to the East Pacific region, so in order to prevent After being overwhelmed, the Fleet Command decided to disband the fleet. Asagiri obtained some supplies from Sangiri and continued to fight, while Sangiri went to New Zealand for supplies, and then could consider returning.

And the officers in the dark on the mountain fog did not object, and began to prepare immediately. The Japanese refitted battleship used a kerosene mixed-burning boiler. Although the battleship did not consider removing the coal from the battleship’s bunker after loading coal, it is convenient to replenish heavy fuel oil. A pipe is pressurized. Pumps can quickly transfer heavy oil from the tank of one ship to another ship. In fact, in the end, heavy oil can replace coal. In addition to higher combustion value, it is more convenient to replenish, and it is also very important to not need to shovel coal. of.

In 2 hours, Yamagiri delivered more than 600 tons of fuel to Asagiri, and coupled with the previous Asagiri’s fuel reserves, Yamamoto’s ship was enough to return to Japan’s control. Up!

"I wish you a good journey." After the signal was sent on the Asagiri, he slipped away. However, the mountain fog was played and went to New Zealand, and the mountain fog had no other choice. After all, the warship had run out of fuel. If you missed the wave of supplies in New Zealand, the mountain fog might really not go back. Up!

As a result, the Asagiri regained a large amount of supplies and immediately sailed west. They did not dare to sail directly to the northwest and chose the nearest route to return to the Japanese-controlled island of Guinea. Because of the large number of US fleets and domestic efforts to the entire eastern Australia Blocked, wanting to go directly back 80% is self-rejection. Therefore, Stetti formulated a very conservative route for the Asagiri. The warship went west first, broke through the sparse cordon deployed by the US military between New Zealand and Australia, and then headed north. The supply of the Mist is not particularly sufficient. It is impossible to directly meet on Kalimantan. However, if it can escape the American blockade, then the Japanese warships can naturally call for supplies in a safe area.

And if you don’t get supplies from the Shanwu, it’s impossible for the two ships to even enter the safe zone. From a rational point of view, Stetti's decision is no problem. Of course, it is still very contemptible to stray directly and then throw the friendly army into the opponent's trap. The British are pragmatism. Otherwise, there will be no such thing as Ballista Operation in World War Finally, what will be the result of Shanwu? Its result was actually doomed when it sailed to New Zealand, it would plunge into the encirclement of the Germans deployed near New Zealand, and then be easily killed by the opponent!

As for the transport ship that supplies the Japanese fleet? Sorry, this ship was controlled by an American destroyer not long after it left the port. This time, Su Xiong was not as complicated as Fletcher. Directly through electronic interference, the other party could not send a signal, and then the destroyer quickly approached. After several threats of naval gun shots, the transport ship decisively persuaded it, and even the codebook and the dumb machine were not destroyed. After all, you can't expect everyone to be true men...

According to the information obtained, the German fleet traveled to the area where the Japanese fleet was scheduled to supply ambushes. In the final stage of the attack, the Americans put forward their own suggestions, that is, this naval battle made Mitchell's aircraft carrier the first Can a gun work?

The reason for the Americans is simple. Once the battle begins, the Mecklenburg battleship will catch a ship, and there will be no problem. The destroyer squad entangles one ship, and then waits for the Mecklenburg to solve the target and then comes up. Chazi, with absolute superiority, the Americans want to test the combat effectiveness of their own aircraft carriers.

"Okay, let your aircraft carrier attack first." Su Xiong also wanted to know how powerful the US aircraft carrier is now, so he agreed, and the Americans who had the opportunity would naturally perform well!

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