The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2686: The first American aircraft carrier

As a result, everything unfolded according to the predetermined script. The seaplane first released the reconnaissance plane to search this area. The whole process was calm. The U.S. reconnaissance plane got its wish and found the Japanese warship Yamagiri, which had arrived from the northeast. Of course, what disappoints the Americans is that this time only one warship was still captured, while the other warship was missing. This makes Americans feel a little depressed.

"Is there only one warship? Or we can clean it up by ourselves." Mitchell said a little depressed in the command tower of the aircraft carrier Constellation.

"Is this not so good?" Nimitz on the side looked at the German battleship about 1 km away from him and said. After all, Su Xiong is the nominally highest commander of this fleet. It is a bit unnatural to throw people aside, and if Su Xiong disagrees, Mitchell cannot do that.

"We need to prove ourselves. We finally got a chance to test the combat effectiveness of our aircraft carrier. Why should we give up? And there will be opportunities for war in the future. The Japanese still have some camouflaged assault ships in this sea area. "Mitchell insisted.

"Well, I will be responsible for contacting. If General Su Xiong agrees, then it will be executed." Nimitz gave in. He also wanted to know the combat effectiveness of the U.S. Naval Aviation. But after a while, Su Xiong's answer was yes, and at this time, the US fleet's attack officially entered the countdown!

More than 30 various aircraft are neatly arranged on the deck, because this time there is no need to consider the opponent's carrier-based aircraft attack, so almost all of these aircraft are bombers and torpedo aircraft. The Americans eventually developed their own carrier-based aircraft system. Among them, the most important of the sea aircraft are the tb1 torpedo and the sa1 bomber. The former can carry an aerial torpedo weighing more than 500kg, while the latter can carry a 1,000-pound bomb for horizontal bombing or a 500-pound bomb for a limited dive bombing. The combat distance of these aircraft is about 350 kilometers when fully loaded with ammunition, which means that, theoretically, they can attack targets 150 kilometers away.

Each squadron of the US Navy has 18 aircraft, and on the Constellation, there are a total of 4 carrier-based aircraft squadrons, one of which is a fighter squadron, a bomber squadron, a torpedo squadron, and a reserve squadron. This squadron is composed of fighters. , Reconnaissance aircraft and reserve aircraft. In this attack, except for the 6 fighters responsible for suppressing the opponent’s air defense firepower and for dealing with possible seaplane interception, the remaining 30 aircraft were all carrier-based attack aircraft. In other words, this wave, the constellation The number has almost used all the sea attack aircraft he can use!

"In fact, I have always wondered why our torpedoes are equipped with so many torpedoes? The torpedoes carried by warships even have only 1.5 bases. In other words, each torpedo can only be divided into 1.5 torpedoes. The base of bombs is. A lot more. There is only one squadron of bombers." Nimitz asked.

"The reason is very simple. First, in terms of combat effectiveness, torpedoes have the highest lethality, and when a group of torpedoes launch an attack in a tight formation, its lethality is the greatest. Under ideal conditions No warship can retreat under a squadron of torpedo planes, and we can even let six torpedo planes fire a volley at a distance of less than 800 yards from the enemy ship!"

"Relatively speaking, the bomb power of the bomber is relatively limited. The hit rate of horizontally dropped bombs is relatively low, and the accuracy of dive bombing may be higher. However, the 500-pound bomb has limited lethality on capital ships, and we cannot hit. It penetrates the opponent’s core compartment, so this attack is no bigger than an armor-piercing projectile that cannot penetrate the opponent’s armor. According to our current research results, the bomber only weakens the opponent, and the final sword can only be a torpedo stab Out."

"As for the second reason? Naturally, after the torpedo has been thrown, the torpedo can continue to carry bombs as a bomber, although the accuracy may be less. But the bomber cannot carry the torpedo. For the high speed, the bomber is equipped with a semi-sale type. In the bomb bay, when the plane dives and bombs, the push rod in the semi-sold bomb bay will throw the bomb away. In this way, the bomber can no longer carry torpedoes because the semi-buried bomb bay cannot be placed." Mitchell explained.

"If we encounter a Japanese transport fleet or a second-class battleship, we will use bombs to deal with them, and if we encounter a Japanese capital ship, then we will use torpedo machines? On, our torpedo attack can only last once?" Nimitz asked.

"Yes, that's the case. So, if we want to rely solely on the aircraft carrier to sink the opponent’s main battleship, then there is only one chance. Of course, if the target of our attack is an aircraft carrier, then the bomb is equally deadly. Damage the flight deck, and a 1000-pound bomb can destroy the core compartment Mitchell said.

"Then how do we take care of this Japanese battleship?" Nimitz asked.

"This is a rare opportunity in actual combat. I will make full use of it. First, use fighter jets to clear the opponent’s seaplane to gain air supremacy. Then dive bombers attack first. We want to know the survival rate of dive bombing in the face of lossless warships and What is the accuracy, followed by horizontal bombing, and finally solved the opponent with a torpedo." Mitchell said.

"It sounds good. The only regret is that we are a little closer this time, only 50 kilometers away. If we are farther, we can better simulate the actual combat in the future." Mitchell said unfinishedly.

"Forget this, we can't let the Japanese run 100 kilometers, otherwise, it will be dark." Nimitz said half-seriously and half-jokingly.

"Well, let's hurry up and work, we can celebrate our victory on the Constellation tonight. This will be the beginning of a glorious journey!" Before Mitchell's words fell, it was already on the deck. With the roar of the propellers, all aircraft have been positioned, the windshield at the front of the deck has also been lowered, and the aircraft carrier Constellation has begun to travel upwind at its highest speed! The first plane has been placed in the middle of the runway. When the deck personnel waved the signal light to indicate that it was ready to take off, the fighter jet began to taxi quickly and rose into the air as it approached the end of the runway!

The U.S. Navy Aircraft Carrier Squadron launched their first naval attack in history!

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