The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2682: Easily beat one

The Japanese are indeed very slippery. In fact, on the day when the supply was agreed, Kazuo Kitahara rushed to the periphery of the supply area early and released the seaplane to investigate the surrounding waters. After roughly 4 hours to confirm that there were no unknown ships, he was finally relieved! However, what he didn't expect was that there were indeed no unidentified surface ships in this area, but under the water, at least 4 American submarines had already used this time to come from various places! Naturally, it is impossible for them to catch up with a cruiser, but this does not prevent them from searching the sea through the smoke plume!

For the sake of safety, the Japanese chose a sea area that almost no merchant ships would pass through. This is good to avoid being discovered, but at the same time, it is also problematic. The reason is simple. The Americans also know that there are very few in this sea area. The merchant ship passed by, so good. Now the problem is coming. If there is a plume of smoke, then there is no doubt that this will be a Japanese battleship! And to be honest, even for aerial reconnaissance, it is very difficult to find a submarine with only the hull control tower exposed in the vast sea! But the submarine found the smoke plume of the battleship very simple, after all, the cruiser Kasuga was mixed with kerosene... The smoke is a bit big when burning coal!

The Kasuga also carried at least 4 seaplanes, but after a long period of use, one of them was lost in the artillery battle. This aircraft was destroyed when the Kasuga attacked a difficult armed merchant ship. , And the other one was damaged. Today, after using two seaplanes to investigate for 4 hours in turn, the pilot and the plane said they couldn’t stand it at the same time. So, the Kasuga began to wait patiently for the arrival of the supply ship, and as agreed every half One hour, send out a radio signal so that the other party can find it easily! However, this time, it was not the transport ship that sent the supplies for the Kasuga that followed the signal, but the **** of death who was desperate!

"We found the signal from the Japanese!" An American officer threw away his headset, and several of them came to the chart and began to write on them. A few minutes later, a bright red dot was marked on the chart. On, at this time, the armored cruiser Louisiana is in the southwest of the target, the distance is about 15 nautical miles!

"Very good, it almost overlaps with the information sent by the submarine force before. If nothing else, it should be a Japanese armored cruiser." Little Fletcher said.

"Are we not waiting for Colonel Hawke's fleet to arrive?" an officer asked. According to previous estimates, there might be two Japanese armored cruisers here. So the navy headquarters agreed to allocate a detachment of destroyers, and said She was willing to provide a large warship, but unfortunately, the number of large warships in the United States was scarce and the speed of maneuvering might be relatively slow, so Fletcher rejected it. The U.S. Navy also gave him the right to make arbitrary decisions, allowing him to bite one ship first, and then use the destroyer to follow the other one.

"No need, order the warship to accelerate to the highest speed immediately, we rush up and kill them!" Little Fletcher replied very simply!

So, the San Luis Anna rushed up at a speed of more than 30 knots, and before departure, they also released two seaplanes, one of which was responsible for reconnaissance and the other was responsible for guiding artillery attacks!

"The fleet has entered a state of first-level combat readiness! We may be engaged in 20 minutes!" Little Fletcher's words sounded in the control tower again. The effective engagement range of the new American 10-inch L45 naval gun is 16 thousand. In fact, compared with the combat distance of the battleship’s main guns, it is not bad, and the heavy bombs weighing 270KG are used. The power is also very good. The 8-inch original hardened armor equipped by the Germans for the Kasuga does not guarantee this ship. The safety of the battleship! Even if it is a one-to-two, Jr. Fletcher believes that with the help of 10 destroyers, (6 of which are reinforcements and the other 4 are to follow the USS Louisiana.) The US Navy still has hope of winning!

"Damn, there is only one! The British deceived us! There is only one! What about the two?" When the American pilot saw the armored cruiser Kasuga sailing alone on the sea, the pilot said Even full of frustration. To be honest, the Americans really want to kill two ships at the same time this time!

However, when Kitahara Kazuo saw the seaplane in the sky, he was shocked, and soon, when a column of smoke appeared in the distance where the water and the sky met, Kitahara finally realized that the last moment had come. , For the broken warship, if it comes into contact with the opposing fleet, it will definitely be dead!

"Using all the communication frequency bands and sending out the telegram with the maximum power, it said that we were ambushed by the US fleet. The Americans may already have our password and contact information." Kitahara took a deep breath and continued: "After sending the telegram After that, destroy all the documents, and we cannot let the Americans get any information from us! Our destiny is to perish in battle!"

It’s worth knowing that everyone knows Even though the armored cruiser Kasuga has created its own brilliance during its long service period, but now, it is too old, facing new opponents, it has no chance of winning. ! Even, because of the long-term break-in battle, it now runs out of ammunition.

"The Japanese fleet is evading, but the speed is very slow, it is estimated that it has not even 20 knots." An officer put down the telescope in his hand and said jokingly.

"Yeah, this warship is too old. When I was studying at the Naval Academy, we still regarded it and its brothers as the strongest enemy of the US Navy, but now? Hehe, we use second class The capital ships can easily clean them up! Okay, stop talking nonsense, hurry up and send them to the bottom of the sea! Then, the rest of the day is to celebrate our victory!" Little Fletcher said.

Half an hour later, the armored cruiser Kasuga entered the range of Louisiana's main gun! Along with the bomber launching heavy shells and propellant packs into the barrel, four huge turrets were aimed at the Japanese armored cruiser in the distance. The combined image rangefinder at the top of the mast firmly locked the target in the middle. After magnifying 26 times, the fire control personnel could clearly see the Japanese armored cruiser!

"Fire!" Along with the firing order, eight thick and long artillery pieces highlighted orange fireballs, and the roar of artillery fire resounded throughout the battlefield. In the first half of the shot, more than one ton of shells roared towards the target. Twenty seconds later, water jets rose up around the battleship!

The third one is here~~~! Please subscribe for a reward~~~! !