The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2681: Results

"Okay, let our warriors have a good rest. For the rest, all those with interrogation experience are moving. We must pry open their mouths as soon as possible!" Little Fletcher said excitedly. And after a whole night of hard work, when the day was dark, when the distant sun gradually became angry and the light dyed the sea into a golden color, the Americans who had been busy all night finally digested the fruits of victory through the night. They have mastered a lot of data, and know the destination of the swordfish and the supply target!

"Send a report to the headquarters to inform us of our gains, and ask the headquarters to equip us with another destroyer squad. If nothing else, we can catch a Japanese armored cruiser this time!" Fletcher felt tired. After getting the scheduled replenishment time and location of the Japanese fleet, he was as excited as a leopard ready to hunt!

After a hasty breakfast, Fletcher and the staff worked out a thorough plan. The Louisiana cruiser will converge with at least one destroyer squadron, and then directly ahead of the ambush site, and before they arrive, the submarines close to the target area will first be deployed to see if the Japanese will enter the relevant waters, if the Japanese are not there If so, then little Fletcher will lead the fleet to the next supply point! Continue to ambush the Japanese fleet!

Although according to the initial intelligence, the Japanese fleet is generally composed of two warships to form an attack fleet, so considering that he only has one armored cruiser, Fletcher decided to deal with a Japanese armored cruiser when the supply was initiated. The 6 destroyers and seaplanes of the destroyer squadron deal with another one! Strive to achieve both goals!

Of course, this time, the Americans have gained far more than just ambushing a Japanese assault fleet. The most important thing is that they have a very clear understanding of the deployment of the Japanese navy in the East Pacific, even when standing on the enemy. From the angle of view, little Fletcher also had to admit that the Japanese's tactics of breaking the relationship were really good!

Actually, the number of large Japanese naval battleships active in the East Pacific is about 3 to 4, of which 2 are armored cruisers and 2 are former dreadnought battleships. Fortunately, the little Fletcher, this time he encountered an armored cruiser, and he was able to deal with armored cruisers like the Kasuga class 20 years ago, but if you deal with the Rurik class battleship, it would be troublesome, although it is an old ship. , But we must pay enough respect to the 12-inch heavy artillery above...

In addition to these four regular naval warships, there are more than half a dozen camouflaged assault ships operating in this sea area and even in the Atlantic Ocean. They are unlikely to attack large fleets protected by the fleet, but because of their good concealment, and With better endurance, these piranha-like camouflaged assault ships are more difficult to clear! And because in many cases, they directly use the seized materials, so the requirements for supplies are not high, unlike naval warships that require frequent supplies.

Little Fletcher thinks of the time when some merchant ships that ran single gangs disappeared. There is no doubt that a considerable part of these ships should have been cleared by Japanese camouflaged cruisers. Looking at the chart, some missing merchant ships were even located in the Atlantic Ocean. Central, from this we can see how large the range of activities of these camouflaged cruisers is. Because they are camouflaged, these ships can even go to neutral ports to receive supplies! After all, these ships can forge their names and even change their appearance. In short, it is really difficult to find out without careful inspection by neutral countries!

Under the water, the Japanese navy has also dispatched at least 20 ocean-going submarines to carry out the task of breaking the diplomatic relationship. But how to say, their level is obviously not as high as that of their German counterparts. These submarines did not make the Americans feel threatened and sound. The **** mechanism allowed Japanese submarines to attack and return home many times, and even lost at least 4 valuable submarines. From the Japanese trident-like system of breaking the relationship, the threat of submarines is the smallest....

The Japanese or the British may already know that their supply ships will be intercepted one day, so they have made corresponding arrangements, that is, the supply work of different fleets is generally not interactive, that is, a supply ship The fleet corresponds to a broken fleet. The A supply fleet supplies the A fleet, but the A supply fleet cannot supply the B fleet. In the supply system of different fleets, the two sides are completely insulated, and even the codebook and radio communication methods are different! As a result, although the Americans got the intelligence of a Japanese fleet this time, and knew the approximate size of the Japanese fleet of broken-off fleets through various channels, it is still more difficult to kill all the Japanese fleet-broken fleets. They seized a supply ship again!

And when the Americans obtained the deadly key to break the battle, the Japanese fleet seemed ignorant of its own destiny. At least for now, Kazuo Kitahara, the insignia of the armored cruiser Kasuga, is not aware of the supply point that is about to go~ There will be an American armored cruiser waiting for itself!

Originally, this broken fleet consisted of two Kasuga-class armored cruisers, but before, in a battle, the steam turbine of another armored cruiser seemed to have malfunctioned. In order to keep this important battleship, Kazuo Kitahara It can only be ordered to go back first, and 5 days have passed since this warship retreated!

"It is estimated that in a few days, Matsuda and the others will be able to return to the Philippines and enjoy life in the navy club?" Kitahara Kazuo muttered to himself with some envy.

"Report to the sir, the telegram sent by the Swordfish supply ship to us." Just when Kazuo Kitahara was distracted, the words of an officer brought him back to reality.

"Is the supply as scheduled? Very good. At least we won't worry about the ammunition and fuel for the next month." After reading the telegram, Kitahara said.

The Japanese are very slippery. They usually choose to supply supplies in the afternoon. In this way, after completing several hours of supply, battleships and supply ships can be quickly evacuated under the cover of night. If it is daytime, during the supply process Once discovered, trying to escape may be a hassle. Of course, you can also arrive in the replenishment sea area ahead of time, go around in a water plane, and see if there are any dark spots around. If there is a problem, the supply can be cancelled immediately.

The second one is more~~~! Please subscribe for a reward~~~!


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