The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2665: Turkey's future three

"Hi..." Kemal took a breath. Von Seckert’s words were like a divine enlightenment, which made him understand many things in an instant. The Germans may demand something from Turkey. They will restrict Turkey. But are the Americans really friends of Turkey? Not necessarily! The United States and Germany are the top existences in the world, they are wolves! They can ignore the rights of small countries when necessary for their own interests!

The Germans will act because of Turkey's volatility, and if the Americans find that Turkey can't win over, then they have reasons to act on Turkey! The Americans can't move Germany and Austria, can they not clean up Turkey? Regardless of the distance between the United States and Turkey, in fact, the Americans only need to provide some money and weapons to support the countries in the Arabian Peninsula or stir up a pot in Turkey. And if the Americans do something again when civil strife occurs in Turkey, then the consequences will be really disastrous!

So, now there is a new question. If the Americans act on Turkey, will Germany lend a hand? Although in most cases in this world, the enemy’s enemy is my friend, but there is also a situation where the enemy’s enemy is not my friend! If the Germans find that they can find another country to replace Turkey's status in the Middle East, and this country is better controlled, then the Germans might really throw Turkey away and let it collapse!

Is there such a country in the Middle East now? Naturally! It is definitely not a country on the Arabian Peninsula, they are too weak, even tribal mode! Far worse than Turkey. What about further east? Persia is a very good candidate country. First of all, the Persian Kingdom also has abundant oil resources, which at least means that the Germans will not suffer economic losses in supporting Persia!

Secondly, the geographical location of Persia is also very important! It is located in the Middle East, and close to the British India region! To the north is the Caspian Sea, and it directly borders Central Asia. In other words, whether Germany wants to take certain actions against India in the future or against Russia and Central Asia, Persia is the target that must be drawn! And if the Persians are willing to join Germany, then Germany will naturally support it! Even if one day Turkey collapses, it is possible for the Germans to allow Persia to take some benefits from the legacy of the collapse of the Turkish Empire! For example, the Mesopotamia adjacent to Persia!

When he thought of this, Kemal felt a cold air rushing from his tailbone to his forehead. At this moment, he wanted to understand everything. His previous thoughts were too dangerous and too naive! Turkey is not the only candidate for regional power in this region. Persia may have an advantage over Turkey. In terms of government, the Persian government is more enlightened than the rule of the Turkish Sultan. At present, the national strength is still weaker, and it will not give the Germans the feeling of being overwhelmed.

Moreover, Persia faced the direct threats from the British and Russians, they could only rely on Germany in exchange for support in the future, and there was almost no possibility of betrayal! So, for Germany, is Turkey really necessary for Germany? When Turkey wants to choose neutrality, will the Germans really tolerate the Turkish dynasty Qin Muchu from both sides? This answer seems to be easy to think of!

"Your country holds a handful of good cards, and you still come to me at this time, and you have said these things sincerely, then what is your purpose? Or why did you choose me instead of others? Personal preference factor, this kind of personal emotion should be eliminated on national issues! And your arrival can only be specially arranged." Kemal said with a complex expression.

"Because of your ability, Prince Ruprecht believes that only you among the top Turkish leaders are capable of realizing the transformation of the whole Turkey, and are determined to improve it into a modern country. And we also believe that once fighting alongside the empire Your Excellency can have a clearer and more direct understanding of the power of the empire, which will make our communication a lot easier. And it will be easier to make the right choice. Do you think these reasons are fair? They are rational enough and cold-blooded enough. !"

General von Seekert finished speaking, and leaned his body on the chair in relief. In the end, he finally used simple violence to break Kemal's last psychological defense, allowing him to throw his unrealistic fantasy aside! He didn't want to do this because he thought he should be friends with Kemal.

"So what if I refuse?" Kemal seemed to want to ask the end.

"It's very simple. Find another suitable partner. If not, then a divided Turkey is not unacceptable for the empire. Then we will choose Persia to become our spokesperson in the Middle East and deal with Russia. A bridgehead with the British." Von Sekt said.

"It seems that for Turkey and myself, I have no other choice?" Kemal muttered to himself.

"The right to choose is in your hands, my friend. But as your friend, I really hope that you can stand with us. The empire can tolerate France and even forgive Italy’s betrayal. Then for once with yourself Allies who are fighting will naturally give preferential You have to build a new country first. If you want to make Turkey a powerful country, you want to inspire people's wisdom and improve people's living standards, these empires can help." Von Seckert finally said.

"Well, I will consider it carefully. Thank you for being here today to say these things to me. Also thank His Royal Highness Ruprecht, who at least considered my feelings and used this ultimatum. It was delivered to me in a more civilized way." Kemal said with a long sigh.

"Then goodbye, if you are willing to go to Germany, please be sure to tell me, I will greet you at the train station, I will take you to visit the famous sights and places of interest in Germany, when we are together, we will talk about each other Friendship, rather than discussing a deal under the interests.” After von Seckert finished speaking, he got in the car and left, leaving only Kemal standing at the door and looking into the distance. There is the royal palace of the Sudan. In the afterglow of the setting sun, what Kemal saw was not the magnificent sight of the magnificent palace in the setting sun, but the decadent nature under the glorious appearance!

"Maybe I think too much. Simple choices may lead to better results." Thinking of this, Kemal turned and returned to his mansion.

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