The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2664: Turkey's Future II

"But judging from the current situation in Turkey, it is not realistic to want to become a powerful country comparable to Italy. Your country lacks internal cohesion, and the political system and government are in a mess. In the end, problems within your country are very likely. The empire will be completely brought down. Your Excellency does not understand. And I believe that your Excellency is determined and capable to complete this important change for Turkey, right?" Von Seckert said if he pointed out.

"I don't understand what you mean." Kemal was surprised. He naturally knew what the German general's so-called change meant. Under the current circumstances, if he wanted to completely change a country, he would have to use a radical method such as a military coup. This is similar to what the Young Turkish Party did. The only difference is that Kemal will do more thoroughly! He does not want Sudan and does not want religion to influence politics! To wipe away the bad habits of hundreds of years on the land of Turkey!

"You should understand, my friend. Don't be surprised by all of this. The power of the first-class powers is not what you can imagine. Not to mention the entire German Empire. Even Bavaria will be beyond France in the future. Its energy Let us know many things, even if you think it’s a secret, even if your monarch doesn’t know anything about it.” Von Seckert said calmly. "Of course, you can rest assured, at least for now, we do not use this to threaten your ideas."

"Holding? I didn't do anything. Your words are just trying to catch the wind." Kemal sneered.

"Actually, as a politician, I think you should understand the way of thinking of some superiors. There are many things that do not require evidence. As long as they feel threatened, they can limit or even eliminate. Especially for the current Sultan, he I came to power in this way, and the so-called bad name is him." Von Seckert said.

"General, your topic is very unfriendly. If you provoke me like this, I think our conversation will be over." Kemal said with a grimace.

"There are some problems that you can avoid if you don't want to. Well, in order to continue this conversation, we might as well be more euphemistic. What will happen if there is a major political unrest in Turkey for some reason? Haven't thought about it?" Von Seckert said. It seems that he took a step back, but he never gave up the key to the problem! The fate of Turkey in the future!

"Kemal, my friend. Don't avoid this question, because when there is internal turmoil in Turkey, if there is no strong external force to intervene, then the complete change of Turkey's political outlook can easily lead to the final collapse of this country! The Turkish nation may be divided! Because some of the Turks believe in religion, and some of them yearn for the West." Von Seckert’s words hit Kemal’s heart like a heavy cannonball. This is indeed what Kemal worries about. Now Turkey is really scattered, and the national and religious situation in the country is even more chaotic than the Austro-Hungarian Empire!

The Young Turkey Party pursues Grand Turkism. It actually denies the existence of other ethnic groups, including Arabs and Kurds, and adopts a high-pressure policy to rule foreign races. There is no hint of tenderness. This directly caused the opposition between the Turkish nation and other nations. More importantly, the Turkish nation is not an absolute dominant position in the country, so this is a bit embarrassing.

And what about Turkey? There are quite a lot of people who follow the old fashioned way, and when changes touch their interests, they will inevitably cause strong backlash. In fact, after Kemal's reforms in history, there have been rebellions by religious people. So, now the problem has arisen. The Turkish people want to suppress other peoples and it is impossible to do it. If there are problems within Turkey, it is very likely that the entire empire will collapse into a pile of fragments! Looking at Prussia before the war and becoming two states after the war, Kemal felt cold. After all, within the German Empire, everyone was still a nation, and the fuse of Bavaria did not allow the empire to split. And in Turkey? There is really no guarantee at all.

In fact, Kemal agreed with von Seckert's statement. Without the support of strong external forces, and if the reformers cannot obtain enough control over the country to suppress all opposition in a short period of time, then once it is prolonged, the split of the Turkish Empire will be inevitable!

And where can Turkey get strong foreign aid? Obtained from the United States? That is impossible! If Turkey doesn’t realize it, I’m afraid that you don’t have to do it yourself. The Germans will find a way to subvert Turkey’s previous regime and turn Turkey into a small country that is easier to control!

And if you want to gain German recognition or even support, what price does Turkey have to pay? The price is definitely not small! And now, the arrival of General von Seekert is just a reminder for himself, and if he arrives in Bavaria and then meets the crown prince, then it’s really time for a showdown, and if you accidentally get the game, you will lose. possible!

"I am very annoyed about the current situation in the Turkish and also very confused. I know that some things must be done. If you don't do it, you will die, and if you do, there is still a way out! I may have A general vision, but I don't know how to implement it." Kemal said very candidly.

"It doesn't matter, you have plenty of time to consider this matter now. I know what you think. In fact, in the future, you want Turkey to become a Western model country, and then uphold neutrality in international relations and have both sides. Rely on the power of the country. To develop yourself. As a Turk, you have nothing wrong with this idea. But reality tells us that if you have ever received help from Germany, and treat Germany and other countries equally, we will I feel very dissatisfied, because our past efforts and goodwill have been forgotten. As a power, there is no reason to just suffer and not fight back."

"Moreover, don’t think that the Americans will have nothing to ask for. When they realize that Turkey cannot stand on their side, in order to prevent the empire from having a reliable and powerful ally in the Middle East, the Americans are likely to directly destroy it. This country. Think about it, is it true?" Von Seckert said.

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