The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2658: compromise

And this is not over yet. Even when the front is blocked, there are many pursuers behind. The former Japanese dreadnought battleship Hizen, and the armored cruisers Asami and Izumo are chasing from the west coast of Peru. It can be said that, Even though Earl Spey dodges the two battlecruisers Invincible and Indomitable, in the end, they are most likely to be strangled by the British fleet in the Atlantic. After all, luck cannot always accompany Spey. In addition to these warships, the fleet and personnel that provide supplies to the fleet are even greater. It can be said that the failure of the Spey fleet is a manifestation of the planning and strength of the Royal Navy on the ocean.

Therefore, for the current United States, it can face the Japanese navy's broken warships, and the US Navy, which lacks sufficiently powerful fast warships, will be quite strenuous. It is normal if you can't catch it. If you catch it, it's luck!

"Hey..." Old Roosevelt sighed. After putting down the phone, he took out a document from the bottom of the folder on the desk. The corners of the document were a bit worn and he had obviously read it many times. He took out this document again, and then looked through it, it looked like that this document was a document sent back to China by Secretary of State Lansing. It described the results of the US-Germany negotiations and the requirements of the Germans. Roosevelt believed that the requirements of the Germans. It was too harsh so he ignored it, but now, he needs to read it again.

"Abandoning the oil exploration in the Mesopotamia and reducing tariffs on both sides to the previous level." Old Roosevelt said silently. Then he looked at the world map hung on the wall. In the vast Pacific Ocean, dotted lines criss-crossed. It was a trade route related to the core interests of the United States. Now, this route is being harassed by enemy countries. As long as the Japanese naval assault ships are still a day away, the American maritime transportation will inevitably be greatly damaged. He now somewhat understands the situation of the British during the war. Hundreds of merchant ships will be affected by this. Fear of naval attacks and reluctance to leave the port, insurance costs for sailing have risen sharply, and panic spreads from the maritime field to the entire social level like a plague.

Military failures can be concealed or weakened, and the impact can be mitigated through various social operations, but the maritime transport and economic losses are difficult to conceal. He will greatly affect the foreign trade of the entire United States, and with the decline of the US foreign trade, those European powers can use this time to quickly restore the previously lost markets, right? Even in the back gardens of Americans-South American countries, I am afraid that future trade trends must be considered, right? Roosevelt would not forget that many South American countries are actually somewhat pro-German.

"Temporary retreat is to advance better. We are in war. Now, the core of all work should be to let us resolve this war cleanly. After the war, we entered the Far East and gained great international reputation. The United States can definitely better deal with all challenges." Roosevelt muttered to himself. After thinking about it for 5 minutes, Roosevelt made an important decision.

"Telegraph to Secretary of State Lansing, saying that we fully accept the request made by the Germans." Roosevelt took a deep breath and said to the staff nearby.

"In addition, I sent a telegram to Colonel Leahy and asked him to immediately investigate the possible warships sold by Germany, France, and Italy. We must buy enough warships, especially fast warships, in the shortest possible time. Money is not a problem. What we care about is Time limit!" Roosevelt continued.

"Do we still need to seek the opinion of Vice President Taft?" an official next to him asked.

"No, before Taft's visit to South America, we have reached an agreement on this possible issue. If I think that it is necessary to compromise, I can make the decision alone. And I believe that Congress will do this too. Will understand. After all, those big consortia can't tolerate that the routes that flow with gold are cut off in this way." Roosevelt said.

As a result, following Roosevelt’s order, in this round of the game between the United States and Germany, the U.S. temporarily retreated. The Germans regained control of the entire Mesopotamia oil and reduced U.S. influence in Europe. Restricted within a certain range, and in terms of trade, the Germans created a gap in the gradually closed US trade barriers, and because of the prevalence of Japanese naval assault ships, Germany, which has the largest ocean-going fleet in the world, has a maritime transport industry. It has achieved considerable development and has formed an overwhelming advantage over other countries. Moreover, after mastering the economics of world shipping, it has also had a profound impact on other aspects of trade. Of course, this is something later. , Leave it alone.

In exchange, the German Navy also gave some kindly rewards. For example, the two Helgoland-class battleships that were in a sealed state have been re-unsealed. The two ships were severely damaged in the decisive battle in the Norwegian Sea. The warships that were sealed up after the port will undergo thorough repairs and modifications, and then serve as the second batch of fast battleships sold by Germany to the US Navy.

The first two battleships for sale were selected from the high seas fleet. Originally, someone wanted to sell Scharnhorst and Gneisenau, but considering these two The ship’s condition is a bit poor, and it has a very special historical significance. (After all, you have to take care of Admiral Su Xiong’s face, and as the German Navy’s squadron in the Indian Ocean region, it’s not pretty to sell them all.) The German Navy finally decided to sell the Gneisenau, and at the same time Choose one of the Helgoland-class battleships for sale.

In this way, according to the plan, the German Navy will provide four fast battleships to the US Navy in the next nine months. At this point, the number of capital ships that can be moved by the German Navy has become 18. And such a low number of warships made the German navy and even the German government uneasy, so someone in the imperial government asked whether this order could be cede to Austria-Hungary or Turkey? After inspecting the Gneisenau, the U.S. Navy was not very satisfied with the ship's condition and raised some objections. Therefore, the whole process still needs negotiation, but the German Navy guarantees that within three months, the first batch of two fast battleships can be delivered to the US Navy in quality and quantity!

Even privately, Ruprecht said that if the sincerity of the Americans comes, even if the German Navy is temporarily unable to meet the requirements of the US Navy for fast battleships, he still has a way to find suitable battleships, and where the battleships come from, It goes without saying.

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