The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2657: Transoceanic phone

"Give me the call from Pearl Harbor and let Sims answer the call himself." Old Roosevelt took a deep breath and said, and half an hour later, with the slightly familiar voice on the other side, Old Roosevelt picked up the phone and put it down. In my ears.

"Do you know what happened in Panama?" Old Roosevelt asked.

"Yes, I know, just earlier today." Sims said.

"What about your measures? Your Excellency Admiral?"

"We currently decide to send a search fleet consisting of two battleships to Panama to ensure the safety of our maritime shipping in Central America," Sims said.

"Can two battleships guarantee the safety of the thousands of kilometers of routes from the Panama Canal to Hawaii or the United States? This passive defense method is too negative. We have to solve the problem fundamentally! Give me Japan The human battleship is dug out and killed!" Old Roosevelt said sharply.

"But who is going to perform this task? All of our ships that can catch up to these warships are either waiting for repairs or are working overtime on the berth. You can never expect the Japanese to go to the muzzle of our dreadnought ship. Hit it?" Sims said angrily.

"Tell the Germans to let them kill these guys, just one Bavaria is enough to clean up these two bastards!" Old Roosevelt said.

"All warships are under repair, and I want to make one point that the status of the German warships gives them reason to refuse our request. You are only the President of the United States and not the Emperor of the Germans." Sims said helplessly.

To be fair, the German fleet actually just returned to Pearl Harbor not long ago, so the Weimar didn’t say anything. It was a miracle that the Weimar went back with more than 4,000 tons of seawater and suffered so much trauma. . Hessian will also go, but the losses are equally heavy, the hull results are not bad, but only three artillery can be used, and the main rangefinder was also destroyed. This is troublesome to repair. The situation of the Mecklenburg and Oldenburg is much better, but these two warships have just returned to the port and have just entered the dock. Should they be sent out before the repairs begin? This is obviously inappropriate!

"Then use an aircraft carrier! If I remember correctly, the German aircraft carrier successfully sank the Japanese former dreadnought ship on India." After all, the old Roosevelt was the Deputy Chief of the Admiralty, and it was also for the development of the Navy. Always concerned. So it is not uncommon to know some battle cases.

"If it were the U.S. Naval Air Force three months ago, it would be feasible to use carrier-based aircraft to attack former Dreadnoughts without **** power, but our most experienced and sacrificial pilots have been killed and injured on the front lines of New Ireland. Now, the people who come are all newcomers. They belong to the kind of master who has just completed a few months of training, and the bomb can be thrown several hundred meters away from the target. It may be difficult for them to complete the attack mission." Sims said, this Normally, think about the first line of officers and soldiers of the British expeditionary force during the war. They were replaced almost three months later. The first ones either died on the battlefield or stayed in the hospital!

"But you can try. Compared to waiting for a new warship or praying to the Germans, this plan is the most realistic, isn't it?" Roosevelt said.

"Well, I will arrange it, but it is really difficult to find two battleships over 100 meters long on the vast ocean by relying solely on a few battleships. You must be prepared to endure failure." Sims said.

"If you want to complete this task, what do you need?" Roosevelt asked.

"More fast battleships, more aircraft, and efficient intelligence networks. To be honest, the US Navy has never wanted to hunt down opponents’ assault ships in the ocean, and it may take a certain amount of time and huge investment to adapt to all this. "Sims said.

"We need a more effective plan, speak your thoughts, and if you have any difficulties, let me handle it." Roosevelt said.

"First of all, your proposed plan to consume or even destroy the Japanese ocean-going assault ships with aircraft carriers is feasible, and we will implement them as soon as possible. Second, we will repair the Oldenburg as soon as possible, and after obtaining the consent of the Germans, Unload the parts of some other warships to meet the maintenance of this warship. Of course, this may require communication between you and the Germans. Third, the warships purchased from Germany must be fast, and we can even hire a large number in order to form combat effectiveness. German navy personnel. Fourth, we have to speed up our self-built battleships. Even if the fast capital ships cannot work, we have to quickly complete the armored cruisers." Sims came up with a whole set of plans. However, in general, except for the first point, the next three points will take a long time to complete.

"Well, let's work together to solve these troubles." Roosevelt hung up after speaking.

Is Sims’s fear of failure in the siege justified? Naturally, it makes sense. This is not a question of ability, but that the hardware is not satisfied! In fact, any successful siege of a powerful assault fleet in history has mobilized the equivalent of several times the target’s forces and carried out encirclement and suppression from multiple directions. The besieging party has laid a net of heaven and earth, and there may be some luck in the end. The fleet destroys the target, but what lies beneath it is the vast naval heritage.

For example, take the famous battle of the Falkland Islands in Really think that the British let the two battlecruisers, the invincible and the indomitable, against the Earl of Spey? Not at all. In fact, on December 1, 1914, Britain and even Japan as an ally had already concentrated an unusually large fleet! These fleets are as follows.

The former Dreadnought Honor and the armored cruiser Suffolk were deployed in Halifax, Canada. Five cruisers were deployed in the West Indies, namely the Berwick, Lancaster, and Essex of the Royal Navy and the Kong code of the French. The protective cruiser is on Ascension Island. In Cape Town, South Africa, the former dreadnought Albion, the armored cruiser Minotaur, the light cruisers Dartmouth and Weymouth are deployed. And a super-dreadnought battlecruiser Grand Princess also went to the Caribbean from Halifax to prevent the German fleet from passing through the Panama Canal. Coupled with the two battlecruisers, the Invincible and the Invincible, it can be said that the Royal Navy has invested a considerable amount of force in the Atlantic to open its nets.

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Recommend a new book by the same group author Xin Haiyue 1, "Holy Roman Empire". It is about the affairs of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the Franz era. It is very interesting. Book friends who are interested in the Absburg Dynasty and the situation in Europe at that time can take a look~~~!