The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2650: Negotiation and compromise two

"But your country has also raised tariffs on imported food and raw materials from the United States." Lansing said.

"We both return to the original standard at the same time, can it?" the crown prince said with a smile.

If the tax is cut at the same time, then the United States must be at a loss. The reason is very simple. If Germany must obtain the necessary copper or other raw materials from the United States before or during the war, then what raw materials does the German Empire have, which has been unprecedentedly expanded? Can't satisfy yourself? As a result, the problem now arises. Even if tariffs are lowered, the competitiveness of US raw materials will be greatly weakened.

As for the products that Germany exports to the United States? For most chemical products, especially synthetic dyes, Germany is the top in the world. Even during World War I, Germany’s large-scale submarine trade exchanged dyes for products from other countries. This aspect has formed a huge advantage for American products. After lowering tariffs, Americans will definitely suffer.

As for the automotive sector? Although, the Ford Model T reduced the price of the car to a very low level and created an era. However, on this plane, the German automobile industry has been several levels higher than in history due to government support and the stimulus of war. In addition, after the end of the war, all strata of society received a lot of war profits, so they also had the idea and ability to buy cars, and the large-scale expansion of the empire also made society’s demand for cars soar. So in this era, Germany Although the scale of the auto industry is not as large as that of the United States, the gap is not too big.

In terms of personal car sales, Germany has an advantage in exporting cars from the United States, and this advantage comes more from German cars targeting high-end areas. Ford Model T is cheap, but the same shape does not meet the needs and vanity of the American middle class and above!

The vehicles produced in Germany and designed for special groups with different styles and full of European aristocratic style are extremely attractive to Americans of this era. After all, if a local tyrant says that the car I bought is the same car of the Bavarian royal family, then it must be unique. It's higher than the simple Ford Model T. I don't know a few grades. The star effect or the noble fan has existed since ancient times. It can be compared to the French luxury goods.

The Crown Prince understands these issues, and Lansing understands the same! He knew that if everyone lowered the tariffs back, the United States would definitely suffer. But having said that, this time, the Americans are at a disadvantage in negotiating. How can it be possible to do things without losing a bit?

This time, it was the Americans who begged the Germans to do things. Although the Americans had considered filling up the warships they needed from Italy or even France, it was a pity that these two countries would definitely not be able to make up the United States without the support of the Germans. The fast fleet that people need, South Dakota changed to a fast battleship and then served at least a year, this time, how do you let the Americans survive? Fight after the war has dragged on for one year? Don’t you know how much money was spent every day during the war? And who knows what will happen to the war situation a year from now? These uncertain factors have caused Americans to bet!

"We can talk about this issue, we can first lower the tariffs on cars." Lansing hesitated and said. After all, some of the cars imported from Germany are luxury goods, and the demand is relatively limited. Chemical products are bulk products. This opening cannot be easily opened, so we should talk about it slowly.

"Yes, in return, we will prepare the corresponding warships for your country to choose. If you choose, then you can choose to maintain and modify them. Of course, if your country does not require modification, we can also send the ship receiver first. Come over part of it, and then do the preliminary training." The crown prince said.

"We need to obtain these warships as soon as possible. Time is everything. If it is too late that the United States' own fast battleships are in service, then these warships are not necessary. I think you should understand this very well?" Lan Xin said.

"The right to choose is in your hands. As long as the agreement has not been finally signed, you can decide whether to buy." The crown prince does not seem to care about it.

"In addition, we need a larger number of aircraft engines and wolf tanks. If possible, we hope to purchase production lines and product production licenses." Lansing said.

"Aero engines can continue to be provided in accordance with your requirements, but the production authorization of the Wolf tank may be a bit troublesome. After all, this is the core equipment of the Imperial Army, and the diesel engine technology involved is also the core technology. In a short time, your country will not have the capability. Produce products of the same level." The Crown Prince said.

"Then buy the whole vehicle first, we may need more than 700 wolf tanks and related accessories and services in the future, and must be modified for tropical operations." Lansing said.

"We can do it naturally," the crown prince said.

At this point in the negotiation, the bigwigs have set the tone, so what remains is the discussion on various technical levels. Up to now, the result has not exceeded Lansing's expectations. The Germans really want to use this opportunity to knock the United States. Once, but they didn't mind the provision of equipment to the United States, but instead provided help to directly dispatch the fleet. This made Lansing very surprised, and even a little upset, because, in the dark, it seems that the Germans underestimated the combat effectiveness of the US Navy? The Germans almost said that if you give you the best equipment, you can't beat the level of the German navy!

But there is no way, the performance of the US Navy in the last battle is indeed a bit The Su Xiong fleet is indeed the mvp of the previous battle. This is a fact that cannot be changed. So Lansing thought for a while and decided to tentatively ask Ruprecht's views on the future war.

"Admiral Scheer said that the Japanese may carry out ocean-breaking operations in the future. How do you view this issue?" Lansing asked.

"That is certain, and it will be implemented soon. Maybe, you wake up in Germany these days, you can see the news that a certain transport fleet has been attacked in the Pacific." The crown prince said very calmly.

"Uh, not so fast. The Japanese didn't move so fast, right? Their fleet has just been hit hard." Lansing said.

"The verbal argument is actually meaningless. War is a very scientific and serious matter. It is actually a science, just like a formula. At some point, what results will appear is necessary. Explain something with you. I will feel very strenuous about things. Why, let us wait and see? Maybe, you can solve these problems yourself?" The crown prince said with a smile.

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