The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2649: Negotiation and compromise one

"There have been some repetitions in the war situation in the Pacific. The Japanese are stronger than we thought before. Therefore, in order to solve this country that is extremely disgusting for our two countries as soon as possible, I think both of us should increase our participation in the Pacific. So, this time I come to Munich, just to discuss with you the composition of the fast battleship ordered by the United States from your country and the next batch of German fleets to the Pacific. Of course, all these efforts will get what they deserve Return." After a brief greeting, Lansing went straight to the topic.

"Can the question of buying battleships be put aside for now? I want to know now, when will the four Bavarian-class battleships commanded by General Su Xiong complete basic repairs in the Americans and then return to China? You know, these battleships are fighting at sea. Injuries were serious. Various key equipment suffered heavy losses, and some things cannot be repaired in the United States. They must be returned to the sea to be completely repaired." Ruprecht said.

"According to the agreement between our two countries, if warships are severely damaged and have war injuries of level 2 or higher, after a short period of maintenance, these warships can set foot on their return home within 15 days with the assistance of related ships. Journey. From the current situation, at least three of our warships meet this condition. 20 days have passed since the current time, and your navy still has no plans to release. This violates our previous agreement."

"I can only say sorry for the occurrence of this kind of thing, but you know that the entire US fleet is now in a weakened state. We don't even have a fast battleship. And it's too early for the fleet replacement time we agreed upon. So, what we mean is that it is best for your country to let the Bavarians return home after the next fleet arrives early. After all, although some warships are seriously injured, they still have some combat effectiveness. We can install some parts of other warships. On a certain warship, at the same time to ensure its combat effectiveness." Colonel Leahy said.

"This violates our previous agreement, and I heard that your country respects the spirit of the contract." The crown prince did not care about Colonel Leahy, but stared at Lansing, because the latter is the one who speaks.

"The situation is always changing, and sometimes the agreement needs to be revised." Lansing said euphemistically.

"What's the price? We already have 4 of the most powerful battleships in your country's hands. We have to exclude another squadron. Your country has to buy battleships from Germany. Then I would like to ask, when the empire is more than half While all of the battleships are serving your country’s war, has your country considered what price it will pay?" the crown prince said sternly.

"We can pay according to the previous agreement, even if it goes up slightly, it doesn't matter. How about a 20% increase in the rent of all warships? We will pay for the repair and maintenance costs of all warships, as well as personnel expenses." Lansing thought for a while and said.

"We are not talking about business. Military transactions are never a simple matter of money. The funds you pay are only the use and maintenance of these weapons. The reason why the empire really supports your country is that your country gave it during the war. The help provided by the German Empire, and this kind of help cannot be measured by simple money. Your country has paid sincerity, and we have given it back. But what your country wants now is beyond our previous scope. Your country’s needs It has affected the defense planning of the empire, so your country must pay for the problems caused by these costs." Ruprecht said.

"Well, tell us your conditions and requirements." Lansing, who is the weaker party, said.

"The first question, regarding your country’s issue in Turkey, we respect your country’s leadership in Chile’s copper mines, Bolivia’s tin mines, and Venezuela’s oil. Your country regards South America as its own Back garden. And has taken all kinds of behaviors that conflict with free trade, then can your country respect the dominance of the empire in West Asia, Europe and Africa?" said the crown prince.

"This is just a normal trading practice." Lansing frowned. He naturally knew that American companies were trying to enter Turkey to extract oil. The purpose was actually to obtain a nearby oil field. However, to enter the European crude oil market, it would be best if it succeeded. Well, this allows the United States to make a nail in the energy supply of Europe. Although it is meaningful, it is not very important. After all, the Americans have no traversers and do not know whether this well can be drilled and oil can be produced. !

"Your request is very excessive. Turkey is an ally of your country, not a colony or a vassal. They have the right to choose who to cooperate or not to cooperate with." Wilson said.

"If everything is in accordance with the agreement, then it is good. The Su Xiong fleet can continue to stay in your country, and then we will wait for them to come back after the eight-month service period expires, and we will mobilize the next wave of fleets. As for the Lord Lansing just proposed We can ignore the proposal, because your offer did not meet our expectations." The crown prince said with a smile.

"Are you extortion?" Wilson said with a gloomy face.

"Anyone has the right to choose, you just said." The crown prince said indifferently.

"It is difficult for us to accept this request. I feel that the authority of the United States has been insulted." After Lansing pondered for a while, it was better to refuse temporarily. After all, although the situation of the Americans is a bit, it is still Don't just throw away your layout in West Asia in the first round.

"So good, if this is the case, then in the next three months, we will no longer discuss the issue of early replacement of the fleet." The crown prince seemed to care nothing about it.

"So can we talk about buying warships?" Lansing asked.

"In order to ensure that the imperial fleet has sufficient strength to deal with certain possible accidents, we can export warships to your country, but before we sell the warships provided to your country, the Suxiong fleet must return to homeland. This is a prerequisite. We. The first batch can sell 2 battleships other than the Bavarian class. Your country can choose, and the modification and quotation of the battleship will be provided to you later. However, we also have other conditions before, regarding the trade between the two sides." Ruprecht said.

"Please speak." Lansing said.

"Your country has raised tariffs on automobiles and chemical products imported from our country. I hope these tariffs can return to their previous levels." Ruprecht said.

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