The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2635: Trouble Two

"The crown prince's approach is very excessive. He regards all positions and rights as a bargaining chip for the exchange of interests. When dealing with the local people, it can be described as rude. The crown prince is making friends with various people. Many people are obviously Bad intentions. They regard the crown prince as an ascending ladder, and the crown prince also thinks that they are their reliable allies. There are already enough mountains in the empire, but now it seems that there will be one more, and this faction The purpose seems not to make the empire grow healthier, but to looting the interests of the empire like a cancer cell!" Grand Duke Baden said in an atmosphere.

"Does the Kaiser and the Junker noble class have any opinions? I don't believe that after experiencing so many things, the Kaiser doesn't even know how to deal with this kind of thing." Ruprecht said.

"It's difficult. Since the civil strife, even in the Kingdom of Prussia, the authority of the Kaiser has also declined drastically. The Junker nobles themselves control the administrative power, and the loyalty of the army to the Kaiser has begun to decline, especially now. With almost no external troubles, everyone turned to fighting for power in the country. At this time, the so-called leader is just someone who can lead everyone to gain benefits. This is the case with the crown prince, so does the Kaiser, and the Kaiser does things. Must be concerned about many aspects, so the German Emperor temporarily transferred the crown prince away from the center. As a balance, Prince Albert also left Berlin and then went to the border provinces." Grand Duke Baden said.

"Corruption and competition for power? Well, the Prussian Kingdom is a bit messier than the Prussian Federation." The crown prince said. "As for the behavior of the Junker nobles, it was actually the same before the empire." The attitude of the crown prince still makes people confused.

"Well, I know, you don't want to directly intervene in Prussia's internal government affairs. I understand that. But from the perspective of the empire or from your perspective, it is necessary for Germany to maintain long-term stability in the new territory, right? Don't you have any ideas?" Grand Duke Baden said.

"What do you think of my handling of the new territory?" the crown prince asked.

"Your solution is the best, the Prussian Federation is second, and the Kingdom of Prussia is the worst. Those Junker nobles who own a large number of real estate and industrial and mining enterprises do not want German nationals, but a group of people who can let them squeeze. Cheap labor can not even be described as a serf! This is very unfavorable for the empire." Grand Duke Baden said.

"However, this is an internal affair of the Kingdom of Prussia. In addition, I would like to ask, this time, you came to talk to me about this issue, did you think it yourself, or did it come from the instruction of the Kaiser?" The crown prince's attitude was still very stable.

"I think, from the overall point of view, I don't want this kind of artificial separation of the people of the empire to be right, and from my personal point of view, once this kind of people's anger and dissatisfaction accumulates to a certain extent If so, then the turmoil will inevitably wipe out Baden's territory in the east, and we just can't deal with it. Baden is too weak and we have too much stuttering." The Duke said.

"Listen to me, do your domestic affairs first. In fact, your problem is no different from the Kaiser. You have seen the problem, but because of internal constraints, it is not easy to deal with it. But the Principality of Baden The situation is better, isn't it? If you don't even handle the affairs of your own principality, then it is meaningless for you to talk to me about this issue," the crown prince said.

In fact, the Grand Duke of Baden came to the crown prince to discuss two issues, one is the corruption and degeneration within the Kingdom of Prussia, and the other is the rule of the new territory. The crown prince believes that the Grand Duke really wants to solve these two problems. The reason is simple. The Kingdom of Prussia is the last backer of the Grand Duchy of Baden. If there is a problem with the Kingdom of Prussia, the Grand Duchy of Baden will also be unlucky. Even these problems are two very crucial points for the empire. The crown prince keeps ensuring the vitality of the bureaucracy and the competition mechanism. Isn't the two-pronged approach to the new territory aimed at alleviating these problems? These internal factors are the fundamental factors that ultimately restrict the height of the empire!

However, it is a pity that Ruprecht has no way to promote his ideas to the entire German Empire, because under the current circumstances, the crown prince cannot enter the center. The independence of the German state has brought the crown prince’s behavior before. Convenience also limits the crown prince’s ability to influence other countries. Therefore, Ruprecht was really unwilling to mix things with the Kingdom of Prussia before his own affairs were settled.

"I agree with your point of view, and even if you encounter some resistance when you implement your policy, the Kingdom of Bavaria can give some support as appropriate, but for the Kingdom of Prussia, I can really do Less," Ruprecht said.

"In fact, we can pass a law to give the newly added population a suitable right through the Federal Parliament. In this way, we can at least alleviate the contradictions within the empire." Grand Duke Baden said.

"This idea is very good, but at least it can't be done now." Ruprecht shook his head and said: "Do you think this kind of squeeze only exists in the Kingdom of Prussia? There are many people in the Prussian parliament and even Bavaria who don't want to give this. Equal rights and living conditions for each because this means that the increase in production costs will reduce the interests of the exploiting class! To produce the same thing, in old Germany, it may require 100 marks of labor costs, but in New Germany, maybe only 30 marks! Why do you think capital is swarming in now?"

"The change we want is a long-term process. We can change little by little. For example, if I am in Bavaria and you are in the Principality of Baden, gradually make changes, and then slowly drive everything around. Only when most people realize this We can finally solve this problem only after the benefits of this system. Now that the resistance is too great, 70% of the federal assembly may fail, and the Prussian Federation may not be on our side.” Ruprecht said.

"Perhaps, we have differences on many issues. Perhaps the Kingdom of Prussia and the Kingdom of Bavaria are born with a certain degree of opposition, but we still have some things in common on the fundamental issues of the empire." Baden The Grand Duke said. "Some of the issues you just mentioned are too remote. But there are some issues you must prepare now."

"If, I mean, if His Royal Highness's behavior conflicts with your ideas, then to what extent will you do it?" Grand Duke Baden asked.

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