The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2634: Trouble one

"Are we relaxing now? Eat something and then drink something?" Looking at the wall clock on the wall, it is now dinner time, and now, due to the privacy of the discussion topic, the Crown Prince and Archduke Baden Maybe sit in the spacious dining room and dine under the service of servants. Therefore, it is the best choice to get some afternoon tea-like things and make up.

"Whatever you want," Grand Duke Baden nodded and said.

"You seem to be more energetic than before, and I was exhausted during this time." Grand Duke Baden said with a sigh.

"I always thought that your period was smooth. After the end of the war, your income was not inferior to that of the Kingdom of Saxony. The position of the Grand Duchy of Baden in the empire was further consolidated, and the absolute strength was even no less than that of the middle Europeans. Countries. For example, a country like Portugal. Your territorial area has nearly tripled, and your brother, the future heir of the Grand Duke of Baden, is still a popular candidate for the next Prime Minister of the Empire. Many people even call Baden the fifth Kingdom. What else are you dissatisfied with?" the crown prince said meaningfully.

To be honest, when distributing the benefits of the Eastern Front, the Kaiser was really good to the Grand Duchy of Baden, directly giving it to the transfer area between Belarus and Lithuania, which covers an area of ​​30,000 square kilometers! In terms of gains, the Grand Duchy of Baden and the Kingdom of Württemberg are actually similar. In time, I am afraid that the strength of the Grand Duchy of Baden will be about the same as that of the Kingdom of Württemberg. What it lacks is only a little bit of political status!

"I thought that the Principality could take advantage of this opportunity to take off directly after gaining profits, but reality tells me that this is not the case. We are suddenly going to rule a large number of foreigners who have different ideas, languages, and even hostile colors from ours. The territory and personnel of the newly added area are even more than that of the Grand Duchy of Baden. Many times, we feel that we are using serfs instead of integrating them into the state. We want them to become the Grand Duchy of Baden. People, but this process is very difficult.” Grand Duke Baden said.

"Your Excellency once asked the Bohemia and Moravians to identify with Bavaria's rule, so I want to ask, how did you do it?" the Grand Duke asked.

"In fact, you know all the truths. Cut off the thorns, support the refugees, and then gradually assimilate most people in all aspects of social life, so that they are full of hope for the future. However, in reality, what is really done is At that time, there will be a huge gap between all your ideas and the actual. This is the so-called execution problem." The crown prince said calmly.

"What you need to do now is to get rid of the old bureaucratic system in the country and choose other aspiring and willing classes in the new territories and homeland to manage these areas. The Junkers have their credit, but they also have their limitations. , We are kings and grand princes, we are rulers of the country, and we are not the tools of the Junker nobles. I hope you realize this.” Ruprecht said: “If you have any needs, please tell me , I will help within my ability."

"Your answer surprised me. I always think that the relationship between our two countries is full of uncertainty, and sometimes it is even okay to call it hostile. I am very grateful for you to say this." Grand Duke said .

"Those who have the ability will inevitably be reused, and those who have contributed will inevitably be rewarded. Party and private sector must be eliminated. The country and the people have the same interests. This is the goal I pursue, and it is also the foundation of Bavaria's current strength. As the power of the empire, I hope to extend all of this to the whole country and make Germany stronger in the future." The crown prince said calmly but very firmly.

"Did you break away from simple interests and start to pursue your ideals? You live at a higher level than me," Grand Duke Baden said with some envy, because he had experienced the unification of the German Empire in those years. Common ideals, the German states that had been disintegrated for hundreds of years were finally united under one banner, and the unification of the German Empire led by Prussia was not only strength, but also ideals and beliefs! Sometimes the spirit is far stronger than the material interests!

"Okay, the pavement has been done, let's get to the point, I don't think that a simple matter of governance will make you personally chat with me, and even the Prince will be excluded." Ruprecht put down the teacup in his hand. Said half seriously and jokingly. He tried to create a relaxed atmosphere, but because of the sensitivity of the topics about to be launched on both sides, this ease was more a cover up!

"His Royal Highness and Prince Albert are about to be released. They will be released to two newly established provinces. His Royal Highness is in charge of the newly established Polish Governorate, and Prince Albert is sent to the Baltic Governorate. There is a strait separated from Finland to the north, and a new boundary line to the east. St. Petersburg, Russia can be seen from Tallinn Province. Do you understand what I mean?" Prince Baden said.

"What then?" Ruprecht frowned. If he remembers correctly, the status of commander of the Royal Guard given to Prince Albert by the Kaiser has not been exempted. In other words, in theory, Prince Albert also has certain military power. And you must know that under the current German system, no provincial leader can obtain both military and administrative power at the same time! Only the top leaders or heirs of the major states have both administrative power and military power!

If the Kaiser’s arrangement with Prince Albert can be understood as training him as a future prime minister of the Kingdom of Then now, if the two are released at the same time, it will inevitably cause For some excessive speculation, maybe the Kaiser or the Prince of Baden will give some reasons, but anyone with a discerning eye knows it!

"You know all of this is abnormal. The royal family should not have too much power, let alone be expatriated as the chief executive of a province. Even your uncle has never been involved in administrative power. ." Grand Duke Baden twisted his brows into a rope.

"So, do you want me and Prince Albert to keep a distance? Or let me and you to persuade the Kaiser to restrict Prince Albert's rights?" Ruprecht's words were very calm and he couldn't hear his attitude. .

"If it was before, I might have this idea. Of course, I know that you will definitely not do it now. You have your own ideas, but you will not do it when the conditions are not ripe." Duke Deng seemed to be willing to give up this time, and he didn't care whether he offended anyone in his words.

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