The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2630: Domestic and foreign

"This is not so good? This is a very bad signal, which will cause misjudgment by the outside world." Grand Duke Baden was surprised. He had already thought that if the crown prince wanted to calm the different opinions within the empire, then he would definitely have a conflict with the crown prince, but he did not expect that the crown prince would use such a radical method! The heirs of the Kingdom of Bavaria and the real power sent to invite Prince Albert and give them high-standard treatment. This shows the tendency of Bavaria to imperial power in the future! The attitude of the Kingdom of Bavaria is more important than a lot of principalities and princes combined! The crown prince may not mind having a political quarrel with Bavaria, but it is impossible for him to care about such things that directly refer to imperial power!

However, the most important thing is that the crown prince can't do anything to Bavaria! What can you do to the crown prince? Is it illegal to invite a prince? Even the Kaiser would not object, because on the issue of Turkey, the Kaiser and the crown prince actually had a tacit understanding. The crown prince did this to beat the crown prince and let him know what to say and what not to say. In fact, not only now, if nothing happens, the crown prince will not have any idea about Prussian inheritance in 10 years, because William II can live for 20 years!

Of course, the fun of politics is that people who actually operate may not have too many ideas, but people outside the circle will have very complicated or even inexplicable ideas. This will inevitably affect the situation to a certain extent, and as a superior, he needs to guide this confusion or speculation at the right time! The crown prince didn't want to be unable to reconcile with the crown prince because of such an incident, so Ruprecht then said to the Prince of Baden.

"If, after my meeting with Prince Albert, the performance of His Royal Highness is better, then you can tell the crown prince that General Caliput will not appear on the list of envoys to Turkey. That's it."

"Huh?! Your political skills are as mature and terrifying as your military." Grand Duke Baden said after a moment of thought. If Prince Albert was accompanied by a Bavarian general when he was on his mission to Turkey, then the standard would be quite high. It can even be said that to a certain extent, Prince Albert’s actions were endorsed by Bavaria, or even such an endorsement. There may be military ones! After all, as Bavaria becomes more and more powerful within the empire, in addition to having embassies in certain countries, Bavaria now also has limited foreign military rights! This is not a joke. Bavaria now says that heads-up against France is a bit fake, but it's okay to put pressure on Turkey at will!

And if the crown prince chooses to back down, then the crown prince can naturally give him face, and Bavaria will not send official high-ranking officials. In this case, everyone can talk about it, and each other's face has been taken care of. Through this method, the crown prince solves domestic problems first. Compared with international problems, the crown prince is the best to deal with!

"What about the actions of the United States in Turkey?" Prince Baden asked.

"If it was before, we didn't have a great way, but now, we have it!" The crown prince waved the report. "The Americans suffered a big loss in the battle that ended recently. The long-termization of the Pacific War is inevitable, and the Navy is a game that requires accumulation. They are not the same as the Army. Therefore, this gives us diplomatic gains. Advantage! If nothing else, the Americans will soon come to Germany, and I will be responsible for turning this advantage into practical benefits.” The crown prince said.

"Do you use military aid in exchange for US concessions in the Mesopotamia?" Prince Baden asked.

"Forget it, use military aid in exchange for the United States' non-interference in Turkey," the crown prince said.

"So what if the US and Turkish governments choose to act secretly?" the prince asked.

"We will do the same. In international relations, it is normal for both sides to use small means behind the scenes. In fact, I don't mind that the Americans provide Turkey with money and weapons, because this cannot fundamentally make Turkey a powerful country. I really mind. It’s the United States helping Turkey build a complete industrial system independent of us. If that’s the case, then it’s really troublesome. As long as this large-scale behavior can be stopped, then I don’t mind Turkey accepting the benefits of the Americans. In the Arabian Peninsula, Mesopotamia and North Africa, they are caught in the quagmire of wars," said the crown prince.

"What about France and Italy? How do you prevent the United States from approaching these two countries?" Prince Baden asked.

"Actually, from the current point of view, the United States is at a disadvantage in its aid to France. Because the United States does not need French things, the American industry is stronger than France, and the French are far less equipped than us, and they are not compatible with the Americans. The government now only chooses to support the French for political needs. Now, the United States is in a state of war and its domestic financial pressure is relatively high. Therefore, in general, what the Americans give is far from the French. The relationship between the two parties went further, and the Americans felt that the French were asking too much. Do you understand what I mean?" the crown prince asked.

"But if this situation continues, it is not good for the because we need to let the French gradually stand on our side." Grand Duke Baden said.

"Yes, we really have to use various means to destroy the relationship between the United States and France. We must make the French realize that there is a future in following us! Note that the root of this idea is not simply because the empire is military. At the same time, it is also because following Germany can make France better! We need to show goodwill to France at this time!" said the crown prince.

"We also provide loans to the French? This is not financially realistic." The prince said depressed.

"Loans? No, no, no. We can't give this, and it's impossible to give free financial aid to the French now. I mean other things we can do, but the Americans can't do things, such as, The Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs can immediately issue a statement stating that the German imperial government is determined to support the security of French colonies in Southeast Asia. The wording can be harsher, even if it is threatened by war, it does not matter, because we are already fighting the Japanese. The attitude must be Resolute! It reflects the confidence and strength of the empire!" Ruprecht said with a smile.

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