The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2629: Rare Guest 2

"Your Highness, you..." Grand Duke Baden explained hastily.

"Okay, Your Excellency, I will state my terms. Go back and tell William that if he agrees, then this matter will be closed by me! If he disagrees, then I don't mind talking directly to the emperor on certain issues. The prince have a talk." Ruprecht said.

"Grass! What's the situation?!" Grand Duke Baden shuddered in fright. To be honest, Wilhelm II does want Bavaria to take action to solve the problem, but the Kaiser is definitely not willing to let Bavaria and the crown prince directly confront the Turkish issue! The reason is simple. The identities of the two parties are very sensitive, and the confrontation between the two on national policy is likely to spread to other areas. Whether they win or lose, it is a very bad thing for the Kaiser, who barely controls the central government. The Kaiser really didn't want to make matters worse.

"Your Excellency, although Turkey's economic and military status is very low, its geographical location at the intersection of three continents directly determines its importance. We will never allow problems on the wing of the empire. Therefore, what we discussed before must Implementation, Turkey cannot continue to expand! This is the red line."

"Of course, for the Kaiser’s commission, I can also consider doing it, but it is impossible for William to let me solve the problem without paying a price."

"Well, I'll state my conditions. In the future, Germany's oil and gas exploration in the Mesopotamia must be based in Bavaria, and the Kaiser cannot intervene." Ruprecht put forward his own conditions.

"Is this requirement too high? This is equivalent to a monopoly." Grand Duke Baden said.

"I mean dominance, not monopoly. The Kingdom of Prussia, the Prussian Federation, or the Grand Duchy of Baden can all participate, but Bavaria has the dominance. We paid the cost, and even took the blame for the Kaiser. There must be a reward! No one can ask others for free service.” Ruprecht said.

"But this is only a diplomatic operation after all. The oil resources of the entire Europe and West Asia are in your hands. Even if you can share the dividends, I am afraid that the outside world will still be quite criticized. The resulting shock may be more than the domestic policy in Turkey. The differences are even greater, you know, the oil industry’s profits are quite high, and for these benefits, they can even trample on the law and challenge the state machinery."

Grand Duke Baden is still unwilling to let go, but obviously, his attitude is not resolute. If he is resolute, he can completely shirk his inability to decide and need to hand it over to the Kaiser. But now, he is still fighting, it can only show that he has been authorized before coming, and the crown prince's request does not exceed the authorization too much! The crown prince emphasizes control rather than pure interests. Therefore, for businessmen who only pursue interests, as long as the dividends are appropriate, they are acceptable. In fact, it is the Kaiser that is really unacceptable, because the Kaiser wants to control it now!

"Simple diplomatic operations cannot solve the problem fundamentally. We discussed it a long time ago. Turkey has been hard to come back. The only thing that can fundamentally solve the problem is to overthrow the old government and establish a new Turkey in line with the interests of the empire. There are many involved. On the one hand, military and financial means are inevitable. We will even have a head-on conflict with the United States. We will also be suppressed by another faction at home. We will fight on two fronts. Of course, if you do not agree, then we too This issue can be referred to the Federal Parliament, and I am confident that it will be resolved through the Federal Parliament."

"You should be very clear that the opinions of the three kingdoms in southern Germany are the same. We can contact the Prussian Federation, and if the latter also agrees, then the German emperor cannot refuse, let alone the prince? The cost of doing this is our cost. Very low, because the final executor changed from the Kingdom of Bavaria to an empire. Of course, because we did not pay much, the new oil fields in the Mesopotamia were shared by everyone," the crown prince said.

"So how do you plan to quell the disputes and diplomatic turmoil caused by this?" Grand Duke Baden said loudly. Obviously, once the crown prince and the Prussian Federation cooperate, then the Prussian kingdom of the Kaiser will definitely be at a disadvantage. Once this kind of dispute involves a strong state, it will definitely shake the current German authority. The most direct possibility is that the next imperial prime minister may be the Prussian Federation. The Kaiser will lose the power of the central government. This is enough to make the Kaiser heartache. Of course, the Grand Duchy of Baden will not be comfortable either.

And once Germany expresses its dissatisfaction with Turkey in public, it will cause considerable ups and downs. After all, more than a year ago, the two sides were still allies, and what would the United States do? What will the rest of Europe think? Punishment in the name of the empire is the most direct, simplest and rude method, but it is also the most unfavorable to the German emperor and the empire. As a qualified politician, Grand Duke Baden could not accept this extremely unfavorable result!

"Do you think this will work? We can put aside some issues. For Turkey and the European powers, we need a long-term plan, and some issues can be discussed slowly. We all step back, you first propose a plan, and then start Implementation, and His Majesty the Kaiser has temporarily suspended the oil exploration plan in the Mesopotamia. We use energy development licenses to control the development of the Mesopotamia oil and in the next 1 year, it will be yours Responsible for the issuance of this license?" At this moment, Prince Baden also jumped out again.

The current German prime minister and the previous imperial prime ministers are not the same. The Prince of Baden can neither be like Bismarck, with the emperor’s unreserved support, have sufficient rights to deal with certain things, nor can he be like the previous prime minister of Holweger. That way, only the emperor ordered things to follow. Because the current imperial power has been very weak. Therefore, the first skill that the future prime minister of the empire must learn is to mix mud! Seek a balance between multiple forces.

"Within three years, the oil extraction rights in the Mesopotamia are owned by Bavaria. We guarantee that other states have no less than 35% of the share, which is the bottom line." The crown prince said.

"Deal." Grand Duke Baden nodded in agreement.

"So good. First of all, I hope Prince Albert can come to Bavaria. I will greet him with the most formal ceremony. He will receive no less courtesy than the Grand Duke. In addition, I will make a proposal to the Reichstag. Let Prince Albert and General Caliput go to Turkey for a visit." Ruprecht said.

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