The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2619: transaction

Ha ha. "Yoshimatsu Shigetaro laughed dryly, then looked at Hayao Shimamura next to him, and the latter asked after knowing: "Although we have lost some destroyers and light cruisers, we are not worried, because it can be done with money. We know that your country has a lot of surplus materials, and you will surely sell them! So I don’t think it is necessary to discuss these things! At least our level of communication should be placed on more valuable issues. "

"For example?" Betty raised her brows and started to get serious!

"We want a follow-up battleship of the Fury class," said Yasuo Shimura.

"This difficulty is a bit big, and the Germans will not agree." Betty refused very decisively. Although Thomas had told Betty before coming, the Rage-class battleship could be considered in some cases, but Thomas did not tell Betty, what are the so-called certain situations. So Betty chose to refuse. Because if the Japanese really want it, and the British government wants to sell it, then there is always a way to contact it.

Of course, there is another important reason, that is, Betty is actually not willing to make the current United States and Britain too antagonistic! It is a problem for the British to help Japan deal with the United States for the sake of money and the security of the colony. It is another problem to continue to commit death and offend the United States. Betty knows that in the future, the only one who can contend against Germany is the United States. The United States and Britain should be comrades in the trenches. Although there is no way to get close now, they will always get closer in the future, so some things cannot be done!

"We can operate." Shimura Hayao said with a smile.

"Operation?" Betty said he was a little confused.

"Remember how the Kasuga-class armored cruiser came to Japan? We can replicate this process." Shimamura said.

"Well, let me tell you the truth." Betty sighed and said: "Even if the British Empire agrees to this deal, the Empire may not be able to complete the remaining work of the Fury-class battleship. The Germans have fundamentally weakened the Empire. Capital ship construction capabilities, the Royal Navy Shipyard, Armstrong Shipyard, Portsmouth Shipyard, a large number of mechanical equipment has been dismantled or destroyed, we can not even produce the 13-inch armor plate prepared for the Fury class. And two ships The Fury-class fast battleship is still a long time away from completion, so this result disappoints you."

"If you want to complete these two battleships, then you have to find the next home to complete the outfitting, or directly pull the battleship with only the most basic power system to Japan and then outfit it. This task may be quite arduous. !" Betty said with a smile.

"This is indeed a problem," said Shitaro Yoshimatsu, who has not spoken. "In that case, we should not discuss this matter until this problem is solved. How about a lighter topic?" Shitaro Yoshimatsu decided to change the subject. .

The words of Shigeru Yoshimatsu made Betty feel relieved, because Betty knew that her words were a bit overstatement. Although the British industrial capacity is indeed weakened, there is still stock in the warehouse after all, such as 330mm steel plate, and there is nothing left in the warehouse. Is enough for one of the Fury-class battleships to complete the armor outfitting. But then, Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu's next sentence made Betty put her heart in her throat again!

"Since the battleship issue is not easy to talk about, what do you think of aircraft carriers? I always think that our number of aircraft carriers is far from enough. Do you know why we invited you? Because you are the best aviation warfare expert in the entire Royal Navy!" Motaro said with a smile.

"So, what do you want me to do for you?" Betty said helplessly.

"First of all, we need a list of your country’s high-speed maritime transport ships in wartime. This list should be as detailed as possible, and it’s best to describe the ship’s performance and condition clearly. However, we will base it on our You can purchase it according to your needs and your suggestions, and transform it into an aircraft carrier." said Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu.

The submarine is terrible, and in this dimension, does the British have a plug-in called the United States of America! Therefore, to ensure the transportation of some key materials and personnel in the future, the British conscripted a large number of so-called fast merchant ships to transport them during the war. The first thing to note is that the so-called fast transport ships do not mean that they can reach speeds of more than 20 knots. In fact, a merchant ship that transports general supplies can be called a high speed if it has more than 12 knots, while the cruising speed of a large number of slow-speed merchant ships is generally only about 8 knots!

Of course, the Japanese Navy will not want the so-called high-speed commercial ship with a speed of 12 knots. What they need is a transport ship of at least 20 knots, and this kind of ship is generally a high-speed cruise ship. In fact, because of the high-speed cruise ship cabins. It is too complicated. If you want to change the aircraft carrier, unless it is a preset ship, it will take a long time to dismantle the redundant cabins. Therefore, in terms of selection, the Japanese can only ask the Royal Navy professional who knows these ships best. People! It just so happened that when Betty was the commander of the aircraft carrier squadron, in order to find a suitable ship to change the aircraft carrier, he specifically studied this issue! And collected a lot of information.

"Well, I have all the relevant technical information, you can check it at any time, but some of the ships have been compensated to the Germans, and they may be sunk. I can't guarantee that they are all there." Betty paused. Then he said: "Tell us your In the short term, we will at least add 2 to 3 more aircraft carriers over 10,000 tons in the future, requiring as fast as possible and carrying capacity. To be larger. As for the tonnage and cost issues, we would like to refer to your opinion." said Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu.

"Do you want to transform? No longer use battleships as a decisive force, but use aircraft carriers and battleships as the decisive force together?" Betty asked.

"Yes, we can't beat the Americans with battleships," said Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu. "Instead of waiting to die like this, why not change your mind and give it a go?"

"That makes sense," Betty said with a sigh. "But I need to point out that the aircraft carrier and the aircraft on it are more responsible for making up the knife, because carrier-based bombers have limited damage to battleship-class warships and have low bombing accuracy. Torpedo planes fly slowly and are easily affected by combat effectiveness. Interception. And the number of aviation torpedoes on an aircraft carrier is only between 20 and 40 rounds, so you know.

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