The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2618: Mixed Japanese

"Have the results come up?" asked Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu.

"According to statistics, in general, our attack achieved its goal, destroying 87 U.S. Navy transport ships and other types of ships. Among them, there are about 42 ships with a displacement of more than 5,000 tons. At least 300,000 tons of ships were killed in World War I. Of course, there were some landing ships. It is conservatively estimated that we caused at least 12,000 casualties to Americans in the final massacre, tens of thousands of tons. From this point of view, our attack was very successful," said Yasuo Shimura.

"In terms of the fleet, we also gained tactical advantages. We destroyed one USS Texas Super Dreadnought, one Dreadnought, and 3 former Dreadnoughts, destroyed 5 armored cruisers and 1 light cruiser. , There are at least 15 destroyers. The German Navy also lost at least 5 destroyers, a Bavarian-class battleship was severely damaged, and the other three are expected to return to port for long-term repairs. In a short time, Germany The fleet will have nothing to do." Shimamura Yasuo continued.

"What about our loss?" asked Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu.

"The King Kong-class battlecruiser Zhen Ming was sunk, the Sea Fog was fast and the dreadnought was sunk, and two slow and quasi-dreadnought were sunk. In addition, we lost 5 light cruisers and more than 20 various destroyers. 6 Four of the Fuso-class battleships need to be overhauled, and three battleships equipped with 14-inch guns need to be returned to Hong Kong for repairs. For a long time, we will not be able to launch a large-scale attack like this one." Said embarrassingly.

"Hiss." Hearing the news, Shigeru Yoshimatsu felt a sore head. To tell the truth, the results of this battle are still very satisfactory to him. Except for some unclear details, the entire plan of the Japanese Navy went smoothly. However, even in the near-optimal situation, the Japanese fleet was still severely damaged. Although there was only one ultra-fearless battle sinking, the Japanese navy’s main fleet had the theoretical strength intact, but Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu knew that from the overall perspective, this Victory is just a delay!

The Benson fleet has a complete system. Compared to the overhaul of the Japanese fleet, all they need is maintenance. The US fleet that had withdrawn earlier will soon be able to return to the battlefield. When the main force of the Japanese joint fleet needs almost the entire army to return for maintenance, the Americans can still maintain a large-scale battleship formation on the battlefield!

Although Japan destroyed a large number of US military supplies and transport ships, Shigetaro Yoshimatsu knew that all this was not an irrecoverable loss for the Americans. Maybe American transportation will be tight for a while, but it's definitely more than an immediate collapse, because the Japanese fleet simply doesn't have time or enough ammunition to blow up the US military warehouse on the coast! The piles of materials alone will be enough for the Americans to persist for a while!

"It seems that we don't even have enough auxiliary warships for the next voyage." Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu felt a headache. To tell the truth, the Japanese combined fleet now has only 3 light cruisers and less than 20 destroyers! Although there are still some in the Philippines and mainland China, those warships are relatively old and have poor performance. Even adding estimates is not enough.

As a result, the current Yoshimatsu Shigeru Taro was caught in a special predicament. He won the first battle, but he didn't know how to fight the next battle! It's not too much to say that it was a Pinocchio victory! The Japanese fleet had to avoid the Virtue fleet before the battle, but now? After the end of the battle, the Japanese fleet was still unable to obtain control of the sea, but the rhythm of the US Army's attacks was chaotic. The strategy has changed, but it is limited!

"It seems that we need to re-adjust the production of naval armaments," said Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu. "By the way, what does General Betty think about the current situation?"

"Next, the combat effectiveness of the Japanese navy depends entirely on how much hard currency you have in your hands." At this time, Betty comfortably came to the two with a cup of black tea in her hand.

"What do you mean?" Shimamura said with a frown.

"It's very simple. The Japanese Navy lost a large number of auxiliary battleships. However, although the Royal Navy is no longer in the glory, it has no problem to make up for the loss of your country! Whether it is a light cruiser or a destroyer!" Betty said with a smile. At this moment, he No longer a former Royal Navy general, and no longer the head of the British military delegation to Japan, but a businessman! A businessman who is ready to slaughter the other side severely!

"Isn't your navy being put on layers of shackles by the Germans? Not only has the fleet size been greatly reduced, even the newly built warships have to be stopped and scrapped?" asked Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu.

"Although I don't want to admit it, I have to say that the Royal Navy can no longer challenge the German maritime authority on its own." There was a trace of sadness in Betty's words, but it quickly passed away! "The Germans also know this, so there are restrictions. They will not allow us to equip these warships, but they don't mind if we sell these warships and let the money flow into the Germans in the form of compensation. Waist bag."

"Well, virtue is still an ally, right? They always have to worry about the attitude of the Americans?" said Yasuo Shimura.

"It must be scrupulous. Before the Germans might have to sell some face to the But after today's war is over, it may not be the case. The Americans are clumsy. As the superior side, If Germany doesn't use America's weakness for some benefits at this time, it would be strange." Betty put the teacup on the table with a crisp sound. "Well, this issue is not discussed by us. I am a businessman now, tell me your needs, and then I will give you some reference opinions and quotations!"

"The conversion speed of your identity is really fast." Shigeru Yoshimatsu said meaningfully, not knowing whether it was a mockery or a compliment in his tone!

"People always experience many identities in their lives. In fact, the identities of soldiers and merchants still have something in common. We are all selling things. Soldiers sell death, while merchants sell goods." Betty said disapprovingly. It seems to be talking about a trivial thing.

"Very interesting idea." Shimamura Hayao said.

"In addition, I want to make one point. As buyers, you must be cautious. Behind this business is not only an arms deal, but also a deal for the fate of the country!" Betty said with a smile.

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