The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2609: Small abacus

The current situation is that the two sides use non-armor-piercing shells to kill time. After the Benson fleet is in place, the Japanese fleet can still guarantee that the armor-piercing shells will be enough for another round, and the 343MM sidestring armor of the strongest battleship in the US fleet is not so reliable. Considering the small circle of artillery in the US fleet, poor artillery skills, and worse walking, Su Xiong was really worried about what happened. Therefore, based on the conservative principle, Su Xiong suggested that Benson should just drive away his opponent and stop fighting.

Of course, this is the case from the battlefield analysis, but Su Xiong absolutely cannot say it, otherwise it would be a political mistake. Think about it, the Americans suffered such a big loss tonight, you let him give up? is it possible? If you can't meet it, then forget it, if you do, it will definitely be a fight! Even if Su Xiong's fleet is no longer able to help by that time, Benson must die for the final face of the US Navy!

Therefore, Su Xiong didn't want to worry about these very complicated political issues. Even if he wanted to understand, he wouldn't do it. All he had to do was to hold off his opponent as much as possible, while waiting for the arrival of the Benson fleet.

"Actually, I think, the Japanese fleet seems to be waiting for Benson's arrival?" Raidel said while looking at the same absent-minded Japanese fleet fighting in the distance. He is not sure what he thinks, because this idea is too incredible! The Japanese fleet was also paddling against Su Xiong. They kept their distance and released smoke from time to time. The salvo speed was also very slow. This is obviously a delay. I don’t expect to hurt you, but you don’t expect it. The kind that hurt me. Drag the awakened fleet to fight with them. The other Japanese fleet is also hunting down transport ships, but now, they are more inclined to approach and attack with secondary guns instead of main guns.

"According to the normal script, the Japanese should have evacuated at this time. They must know when the Benson fleet will return, and then can calculate the time based on the estimated speed. It should be fast now, but they still have not evacuated. This is very abnormal," Raidel said.

"This idea is crazy," Su Xiong said. "Order, all naval guns once again reduce their rate of fire, and one and a half rounds will be fired every minute and a half. If the Japanese makes an assault, we will withdraw. Ensure that every usable artillery has 20 rounds of armor-piercing shells!" Although Su Xiong also I was a little shocked by Raidel's statement, but he also adopted Raidel's suggestion to further save ammunition in order to deal with the possible counterattack of the Japanese army.

"Your Excellency Commander, the German fleet has once again reduced its rate of fire. They are only in contact with us now." Soon the Germans' actions fell in the eyes of the Japanese. After receiving the report, Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu looked at Betty, meaning, what do you think?

"The Germans have realized our thoughts, and there is no point in staying any longer." Betty said with a long sigh. Raidel is right, Betty and the Japanese navy executives are indeed bolder! They are now deliberately reducing the consumption of their own ammunition in order to let the Su Xiong fleet first use up the ammunition and then withdraw from the battlefield, and then they still have the ability to fight the American fleet!

The Japanese know very well that the conditions of the American fleet are very bad. After a long time of pulling, the old ships of the US fleet will definitely be left behind. If the number of warships in the US fleet does not exceed 9, then the Japanese fleet really dares to bite the US fleet after Su Xiong exits the battlefield. of!

In fact, the Japanese have this idea largely because of the additional effect brought by the shocking explosion of the name Haruna! The sinking of the name Haruna directly stimulated the Japanese wanting to die to the end, what? Does it feel surprised? Think about the history of the battle of Midway Island, Yamaguchi often rushed to the US fleet when the situation was unfavorable. In fact, the Flying Dragon released the carrier-based aircraft at this time and tried to get as far away as possible to have a chance to escape to the sky. As a result, Yamaguchi often heard the charge of abnormal head iron. It is difficult to explain this behavior rationally.

As a result of this battle, the Japanese did indeed win a strategic victory, sinking or destroying at least 80 various transport ships! Hundreds of thousands of tons of ships and materials on it, as well as more than five figures of casualties! The Japanese army won this time. This is true, but at the same time, it must be noted that the Japanese navy also paid a heavy price!

The battlecruiser Haruna sank in battle, the only remaining two quasi-dreadnought battleships of the Satsuma class sank in battle, and the sea fog sank in a quasi-fearless battle at high speed. The light cruiser has sunk 4 ships so far! 1 Tatsuta, 3 Kuma-class light cruisers. The destroyer has lost 20 more ships so far! That's right, 20 ships! Half of the destroyers that followed the Japanese Navy’s battles can no longer be returned. In addition to the German fleet’s credit, in the final stage, although the US fleet cannot cause much damage to the Japanese capital ships, it is still possible to kill some destroyers. !

What about the loss of the US Navy? Although the US Navy's transport fleet suffered heavy losses, the loss of the fleet was really small, but it sank 1 dreadnought, 3 quasi-dreadnought, and 4 armored cruisers. (Later Fletcher tried to stop the Japanese and finally sank a Baltimore-class armored cruiser.) Destroyer and torpedo boats died a lot, but unfortunately, the Americans didn’t care about these miscellaneous fish. !

From this point of view, the loss of the Japanese fleet is actually not less than that of the US fleet. However, depending on the impact, the damage to the Japanese fleet seems to be greater, because after this battle, the Japanese light cruiser is also a squadron, and the destroyer fleet loses half! It can be said that in addition to the preservation of the main fleet, the auxiliary fleet is almost crippled! This is a painful thing! You know, according to Japan's industrial level, it may be faster to replenish destroyers. It is not easy to replenish light cruisers! Because now a large amount of materials and manpower are still guaranteeing the construction of the two Nagato battleships and aircraft carriers.

As a result, Betty's previous prediction was verified. Even if the Japanese fleet achieved a decent result, it would only be a delay, and it would be difficult to completely change the battle. Because of the support of the German fleet and the help of the powerful industry of the United States, the US fleet must be able to recover blood much faster than its own! If the Japanese can win this wave, they won't win the next wave. So, even though the situation of the Japanese fleet is already very bad, thinking about the situation that may be faced in the future, the Japanese think it is a good idea to fight the Benson fleet now?

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