The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2608: Go down

Ever since, old Fletcher escaped another catastrophe, and in just over twenty minutes, another armored cruiser was sunk. There is also an armored cruiser rushing to avoid sinking. Until now, the San Francisco and Baltimore still had a certain fighting capacity during Fletcher's period, and while Fletcher was struggling to live an extra minute, three terrifying ships The Fuso-class battleship actually let go of them and immediately headed northeast at high speed!

"We obviously got some face back tonight, although the Germans helped to get it back." After knowing everything, old Fletcher sighed and relaxed a little. He was not afraid of sacrifice, but He was afraid that his sacrifice would not prevent the tragedy from happening. He worried that he could not change anything if he tried his best. But now, it seems that things are getting better?

"We are in big trouble." Looking at the four Fuso-class battleships that were raging towards him, Raidel said helplessly to Su Xiong. To be honest, just using the method of sneak attack to kill a Japanese battlecruiser is already The Su Xiong fleet is at its limit. The German fleet used 2V1, used sneak attacks, used the precious time that the Japanese did not release the smoke, plus some luck, successfully lost the opponent in seconds, but then, when the King Kong hid in its own release In the smoke, when 4 Fuso-class battleships were put on the battlefield, what the German fleet could do was just keep delaying!

Really, the state of the Japanese fleet is so good. In the previous 10V4 short-term battle, the Fuso and Yamashiro suffered some damage. Although the four Fuso-class battleships were shot, they did not. Big impact. And even if the advantage was gained by maneuvering and tactics, the three Bavarian-class battleships in front of the Suxiong fleet were very uncomfortable when they were fired by five Fuso-class fire ships. Water in the cabin, damage to the artillery, and damage to some secondary protection areas have greatly reduced the combat effectiveness of the Bavarians.

And then, if four Fuso-class battleships were to be spotted, the battle would be really bad! Although it is difficult for the Japanese to sink their own shells, it is impossible for Su Xiong's fleet to make other moves unless they escape! Because even if you want tactics, you need the cooperation of destroyers, but now, Su Xiong's remaining destroyers are a bit hard to defend against lightning strikes!

"Just hold on for a while, just bear it." Looking at the Japanese fleet in the distance, Su Xiong was also very troubled. Now there seems to be no other way besides death. At this time, a worse news made Su Xiong's heart cold!

"General, we are running out of armor-piercing ammunition," an officer said. As Steddy expected, after the series of wars, the Su Xiong Fleet's artillery shell reserves are definitely insufficient. Don't look at the Japanese fleet playing longer than the German fleet, but don't forget that the German fleet's highest rate of fire is 2.5 per minute. 3 shots! The Japanese fleet's rate of fire is 1.5 rounds up and down! How much is this difference? Without such a high rate of fire, how can Su Xiong's fleet successfully escape from previous encounters? And then the Japanese army used high-explosive bombs when dealing with transport ships. So now, the Japanese army has more armor-piercing projectiles than Su Xiong!

"Use a semi-armor-piercing bullet." Su Xiong hesitated and said. Neither side would get too close. The Japanese worried that the German 15-inch gun could penetrate their armor, while the Germans worried about the Japanese destroyer. Everyone will definitely keep a long distance, and in this case, each other’s armor-piercing projectiles cannot penetrate each other’s core area. In this case, use semi-armor-piercing projectiles to hit the secondary area. It's bigger!

"Use semi-armor-piercing shells, our armor-piercing shells still need to be reserved for the US fleet that may emerge!" Su Xiong did not expect that in the second king-to-king battle between the two sides, the Japanese fleet also chose to use semi-armor-piercing shells instead of armor-piercing shells. As a result, the two sides reached a certain distance and attacked each other with semi-armor-piercing bullets. As for the battlecruiser King Kong? Naturally, he immediately left the battlefield and headed for the fleet commanded by Kantaro Suzuki. This battlefield doesn’t need it anymore, so let’s follow Suzuki Kantaro and continue to hit the transport ship!

"Report to Benson and say, the whole world wants to know, where are you now?" Su Xiong is really tired, thinking that when he was running solo in the Indian Ocean, or when he participated in the Great Battle in the Norwegian Sea, That's so tired! Even when he faced Thomas’ siege, Su Xiong was not so tired. After all, he could run at that time, but now, he can’t run. He can only wait until Benson arrives, or until he runs out of ammunition. When not retreating!

"To be honest, we need a larger caliber artillery. The 15-inch cannon is no longer enough." Su Xiong watched as he sat on the chair securely, feeling the vibration of each salvo of the hull. Now, three ships. The Bavarian-class battleships have deliberately reduced their rate of fire, and the fleet moves more frequently. If this is a football game, then for the Germans, they are trying to delay the defense until the end of the game! They will not run away, but at the same time they will not let the Japanese fleet leave the battlefield.

"I think should we give Benson a suggestion? That's the first for today's battle?" Raidel said suddenly.

"From a military point of view, even if today's battle is a result acceptable to everyone, politically speaking, we cannot persuade the Americans to give up revenge." Su Xiong thought for a while and said.

In fact, although the Benson fleet has not suffered any loss under the current circumstances, some warships have been out of the battle sequence due to long-term navigation issues, such as those dreadnoughts. In fact, Su Xiong estimates that the number of American battleships that can reach the battlefield is about 10. Theoretically, with the addition of the Su Xiong fleet, the US-German fleet has regained its numerical advantage, but don’t forget that the Su Xiong fleet’s ammunition is severely insufficient, and it is now in a state of counting rice. It is conservatively estimated that the US fleet needs one more. It takes only a few hours to arrive. Even if it is calculated as one round of salvos per minute, it is estimated that after the US fleet is in place, the Su Xiong fleet will burn out even the high-explosive bombs. After the main gun is used up, the Japanese fleet will ignore you!

At that time, it didn't really matter whether Su Xiong's fleet was present or not. And if there is no control of the Su Xiong fleet, then the Japanese will leave if they want, and even if they fight hard, it is not a fake American fleet!

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