The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2599: Su Xiong Fleet

"How is the fleet?" Su Xiong asked.

"Now, the entire fleet still has 18 main guns that can be used. Among them, Mecklenburg has 7 guns, Hesse has 5 guns, and Oldenburg has 6 guns. Although the Japanese bombardment failed to penetrate us. The main armor belt, but still brings water ingress ranging from 1500 to 2500 tons to each warship. The two power shafts on the left of the Hesse seem to have some damage, but the problem is not big. There are currently 3 A destroyer followed us, and the number of torpedoes remaining on them was less than 5 rounds. In short, our combat effectiveness may only be half of the previous. Ammunition is not very abundant." Raidel reported to Su Xionghui.

"It's a bit bad." Su Xiong frowned. "Theoretically, if the Japanese separate out two intact Fuso-class battleships and some destroyers, we will not be able to break through the opponent's line of defense." Ryder continued.

"Can we determine the position of the Japanese combined fleet now?" Su Xiong asked.

"Not yet. We currently lack reconnaissance capabilities. If we want to determine that there are only two ways, one is to launch an offensive by the Japanese fleet, and the other is to wait for Japan to break the radio silence again. But overall, the distance between us and them It will not be far, after all, we have already arrived near the core area." Raidel said.

"Your Excellency, we must stop the Japanese fleet from attacking the transport fleet and the targets on the shore. Otherwise, after tonight, the United States may have to pay more than five-figure casualties! And if the transport fleet is lost, more than the island The United States Army of more than 100,000 will also be in crisis. You should now join the armored cruiser squadron of General Fletcher immediately. Then establish a battle line.” Nimitz looked at Su Xiong, who had not given combat orders for a long time. Said anxiously.

"But we got together and were beaten down by the main force of the Japanese combined fleet?" Su Xiong sneered: "Well, major, accept the reality. Tonight, the United States of America is destined to experience a baptism of blood and fire. Even in war, there will always be failures and losses in wars, and we are not gods, we can only save within our own power. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Furthermore, Nimitz, because you are of German origin, I will say one more thing. In the future, if you can sit in the position of the commander of the fleet, then you must be a problem solver. Rather than a problem proposer! I am now a problem solver. We all know the problem you put forward, but we can't come up with a solution, so your speech just now is meaningless. If you can, I hope you will take it When I get down, I can be quiet. Tonight, the success or failure of the German fleet will be judged by later generations." Su Xiongyu said earnestly.

"Raidel, do you have any ideas?" Su Xiong turned to his old buddy again.

"Hey, fight the fleet. It is almost impossible to stop the Japanese fleet from the front." Raidel's answer was very straightforward.

"The hero sees the same." Su Xiong said with a smile. According to the tacit understanding between the two, Su Xiong naturally understood Raidel's thoughts, that is, since the remaining power in Su Xiong's hands is not capable of directly blocking the Japanese joint fleet's attack. Then the only way is to attack a branch of the Japanese combined fleet, and then make the Japanese fleet scrupulous and unable to attack effectively. And the target of the attack was the same as the old Fletcher thought before, naturally it was to fight according to the weakest King Kong-class battlecruiser in the Japanese fleet!

To be honest, although the situation of Su Xiong's fleet is not good, there is still no problem with 3V4 killing Suzuki Kantaro's Second Battleship Squadron! For the Japanese navy, if four fast battleships are sunk tonight, even if the remaining six Fuso-class battleships are successfully fought, the Japanese will lose out because after this battle, in theory, the Japanese fleet will not Except for the 2 Nagato-class battleships, fast battleships can no longer be supplemented!

Of course, the Japanese would definitely not watch their King Kong-class battlecruisers being scumbed by Su Xiong, and would naturally try to save them, and this undoubtedly reduced the pressure on the transport fleet. This is the reason for the so-called siege of Wei and Zhao. Only in this way can the Su Xiong fleet survive the three hours before the Benson fleet returns!

Someone may have said that if the Japanese fleet does not divide its forces, once you attack the King Kong-class battlecruiser, the Fuso-class will definitely attack you. Don’t understand, right? In the last battle tonight, the Japanese combined fleet will be divided! the reason is simple! Although the transport fleet is stationed in the same area, it is also very divided. In order to better kill the opponent, the Japanese fleet can only dismantle the fleet, and in the Japanese perception, the resistance in this area is only old Fletcher's armored cruiser detachment is out. Even the King Kong level is enough to kill old Fletcher. Therefore, in order to maximize the results of the battle, the Japanese will inevitably disperse the fleet, and even destroyer detachments will go out to hunt down American transport ships that have no resistance.

"When shall we do it?" Raidel asked.

"It depends on the situation, it must be done after the Japanese fleet disperses." Su Xiong said.

While both Su Xiong and old Fletcher were considering how to hold the Japanese fleet as much as possible and buy time for the evacuation of the transport fleet, the Japanese fleet was also preparing for it. However, the American rescue operations were contrary to the Japanese. Thinking about **** opponents efficiently!

"Re-organize the The previous formation method is very unsuitable for dealing with some emergencies." Betty said to the joint fleet commander Yoshitaro.

"Why? I need a reason. At present, capital ships are organized according to ship types, which are very suitable for mobilization and command." Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu said. Although the former still bears the title of joint fleet commander, it is between Betty's this evening. Outstanding performance, the top Japanese navy attaches great importance to Betty's opinions. As long as there is a suitable reason, it will definitely be adopted.

"First, we need to separate an alert fleet and deploy it to the west to alert the Benson fleet. After all, we already know that the Benson fleet is starting to return and our decoys are useless."

"Secondly, the power of the two battleship squadrons in our hands is too unbalanced. The six Fuso-class battleships of the first battleship squadron are too strong and have a serious excess of firepower. And the Ibuki in the second battleship squadron has been severely damaged, and three King Kong-class battleships The battlecruiser is the level of the lion and tiger. Don’t forget, there may be a monster hidden beside us!” Betty said meaningfully.

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