The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2598: The mist cleared

"Hehe, it seems that this is a good way." Old Fletcher said with a smile. "At least it can make our sacrifices more valuable."

"The method is good, but it still needs good execution. I think we must now gather all the elite destroyers so that we can concentrate our forces to launch a fatal blow in wartime." The Chief of Staff said.

"Okay, let's start preparing, I don't know what General Pershing is doing now." Old Fletcher made a report while mobilizing the fleet and watching the transport fleet in the distance. It seems that General Pershing has believed the words of old Fletcher. The warships that had been anchored were all ready to anchor and set sail, and exhaust gas began to be discharged from the chimney. Obviously, this was a sign that the boiler had re-ignited and was ready to go. At this point, some transport fleets that had already set sail began to transfer to the second reserve point. For a while, the originally silent night became noisy at this moment.

"Add a sentence to Benson's telegram, saying, the whole world wants to know where you are now!" At this time, General Pershing, who was in his command post, was sending a telegram to Benson. He used an unprecedented harsh tone.

"Damn it, if there are such large-scale naval and army operations in the future, our army will definitely have the lead." Pershing vowed secretly. In fact, from a command level, Benson and Pershing are the same, everyone is general, but now Pershing is a five-star general, so he has a higher status than Benson, but because after all, everyone is not the same army. In China, before the war, the status of the two sides was actually not finalized. In principle, Pershing should be the largest, but in fact, Benson can veto Pershing's order under the excuse of the peculiarities of the Navy. Just like the previous question about the need for fire support from the army to the navy.

Unless Pershing expresses his willingness to bear all the consequences caused by a certain order, he will not be able to force Benson to submit. After all, Pershing is not very good at the Navy. Once a certain order leads to serious consequences, his own gains and losses are trivial. , The US military has to pay a huge price, which is why Pershing has never used this right in the war until now!

But this time, Pershing, under the persuasion of old Fletcher, finally decided to use this right.

"It seems that we really have a problem this time?" When Benson received a telegram from Pershing and Fletcher at the same time, he finally completely shaken his previous inference. What he is pursuing is not the main force of the Japanese fleet, but a Japanese fleet to lure the enemy!

But a moment later, what shocked and frightened him even more was that when the destroyer approached for reconnaissance again, the information sent clearly mentioned that this was not the Japanese fast battleship Benson hoped, but a former dreadnought. Benson's spirit is about to collapse at this moment! Not only was he worried about the terrible consequences of his actions, but at the same time, he felt that his IQ had also been blown out!

Of course, you have to say that the US fleet has been chasing for a long time and there is no effect at all. That is absolutely wrong. At least, the sea fog, which has been on the edge of death, was hit by a torpedo! For a warship from the pre-fearless period, once it is hit by a torpedo in this situation, it basically cannot be returned. Whether it is an American gun or a torpedo from a destroyer, it can be sent to the seabed in minutes. !

"Fleet turn! Prepare to return to defense immediately!" Benson, already sweating in fear, gave the order to return. Of course, he would definitely not let this Japanese battleship in thunder before returning home. Before returning home, under the cover of the firepower of the main fleet, a clean lightning strike from a destroyer detachment drove the sea mist to lure the enemy. The battleship sank.

"To send a telegram to Admiral Su Xiong, hoping that he can try his best to prevent the Japanese fleet's offensive for the alliance between the two countries. After the battle is over, the United States of America will definitely give the German Empire and the High Seas Fleet sufficient compensation. All war-wounded and dead will be Get more than usual compensation. That's it." At this time, Benson remembered Su Xiong who had been scolded all night by himself. But this time, he was extremely humble in the telegram he sent to Su Xiong, hoping that the other party could block the Japanese fleet, provided that Su Xiong's fleet had combat effectiveness.

Now, the only thing Benson can rely on is the silent Su Xiong fleet again, because on the road from Japan to the berthing area of ​​the American transport fleet, there are now only the armored cruisers of old Fletcher, and I want to count on it. These warships are obviously unrealistic to block the Japanese fleet.

Although Su Xiong's fleet disappeared, Benson believed in the Germans' combat effectiveness at this time. (Well, to a large extent, he caught the life-saving straw.) He believed that the German fleet would be hit suddenly. It will definitely preserve its strength, and if the Germans can get wounded and fight again, then at least they can share some shells for the American transport fleet, right?

Well, how should I put it, now Benson wants the Germans to be the Blücher of the Battle of Waterloo in history! At the most critical moment of the battle, you can bring your troops back!

As for letting Benson save himself? how to say? It is estimated that it will not be able to catch up. Now, his fleet is conservatively about 50 nautical miles away from the combat area, which is nearly 100 kilometers. According to the fleet’s current maximum speed of 18 knots per hour, it is estimated to run for 3 hours. about! Three hours! The day lily is cold, maybe after the passage, it may not be too late to collect the bodies of the overboard crew of the US Navy transport fleet! In fact, the cruising speed of the entire US main fleet is no longer able to maintain a high speed of 18 knots. In other words, so far, the American transport fleet has to find a way to persist for at least 3 hours! 3 hours! This is really terrible!

To be honest, up to now, the fog on the battlefield has almost cleared. The US fleet knows the ultimate goal of the Japanese and can guess the size of the Japanese fleet. What about the Japanese? When others in Yamaya saw the Benson fleet turn around and evacuate, they also sent a telegram to the Japanese combined fleet as soon as possible. Thus, Hayao Shimamura and others also knew that the Benson fleet had begun to turn around. Well, now there is only one force that does not appear in the eyes of the high-level leaders of the United States and Japan, that is, what is the Su Xiong Fleet doing after encountering the Japanese fleet before and then escaping? !

"Haha, now I know? It's a pity that it's a bit late." At this time, Su Xiong, who was out of the scope of the Japanese military's electronic interference, finally received Benson's telegram, but as he said, it is indeed a bit late now. ! Naturally, Su Xiong would not send a call back to Benson, because there was no point except exposing himself. He knew that the battle tonight has just begun!

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