The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2535: Talk about

Secondly, once the negotiations were fooled by the Russians, afterwards, Americans who recognized the Russian Provisional Government could make a fuss about it, such as asking the German government to retain the leadership of Korninov and others over the original army and this The organization of the army, after all, the latter is the government. Even if it is the government in exile, it is impossible for the Germans to dissolve Denikin’s army easily. This is not a question of feasibility, but a question of face. The German government needs to dismantle the other party completely in the future. The prerequisite for dismantling the other party is to let them turn from official organizations to civil organizations, and then use them separately!

"This premise is really unfriendly." Korninov wanted to be harder, but think about the state he is in now, let it go...

"In fact, no matter what you think of us, whether you treat us as a government or as a non-governmental organization, one thing remains the same, that is, we all want each other, and we control most of the Tsarist Empire. Legacy, whether it is military, political or economic, is not based on whether your country will accept or not recognize it. Therefore, we are actually a transaction this time. What we are doing is an equal transaction. We use our Your wealth and efforts serve your country, and your country provides us with shelter and the materials we need! We all have a common enemy. We should be allies rather than enemies, so you use the identity of a charity or judge It is obviously inappropriate to come and treat us." At this moment, Denikin finally spoke! After abandoning all the hypocritical cover-ups, only interest relations remain between the two parties!

"Although it is very explicit, it saves a lot of trouble. We are all soldiers. It is better to be direct! So good, tell us what you have and what you want!" Calipute said.

"300 tons of gold! I think all of this is enough to buy the lives of all of us, right? With our army of more than 70,000 people and more than 180,000 people, we can directly buy food and medicine with gold. As well as the necessities of life, as well as the weapons and ammunition needed by the army, we hope that you can provide us with these things at a fair price, because I know that you don't just want to get gold, you also need our knives and guns!" Said.

"Have you ever heard of what is going on the market? Under the current circumstances, only we can provide you with the necessities of life. What we give you is the hope of life. You must know that during the war, the cost of a share is only 2 Mark’s Bavarian individual rations can be sold for more than 10 marks on the front line, and even 25 marks in your country’s army! That’s good, give me a reason!” Calypte’s words are full of cruelty!

"By the way, you said that we need your swords and guns. I don't understand this. As General Denikin who has been on the Eastern Front for more than two years, do you still suspect that our swords are not fast enough?" Pute sneered.

"That's because of the equipment gap. Our soldiers are more fearless and able to tolerate bad environment and pressure! Cossacks are born as soldiers, and their military qualities are obvious to all." Denikin said. "I know that no matter whether it is Germany or the Austro-Hungarian Empire, you have no intention of continuing to wage war. It is not that you are satisfied, but because you can't fight anymore. You have also suffered heavy losses in this war. And, you Unable to control a wider area, so you established a puppet state."

Denikin, who has been driven to a desperate situation, has also begun to let himself go, and those words that are obviously likely to stimulate the opponent are continuously said. This is a vent, but also a temptation! He wants to know if the Germans think the same as himself!

"Our combat effectiveness is indeed not as good as the German army, but we have our own advantages compared to you. Our soldiers are very cheap. The cost of enlisting a Bavarian army soldier can completely hire 5 white soldiers, and you don’t have to worry about pensions. Question. Our hatred with Soviet Russia is not shared, and you don’t like this government. In that case, why don’t you support us? You provide arms and logistics bases, and we provide personnel."

"Don’t think we have only 70,000 people, but as long as we have weapons and food, I can fully expand my army to more than 100,000. We can even recruit troops from other places with the victory of the war, and ultimately defeat the opponent completely. It's not impossible, and then we will become allies." Denikin said.

"Haha, ally? Let's forget it. As for defeating Soviet Russia? This is impossible." Calypte said in his heart.

"Our first requirement is very simple, to provide us with what we need at a fair price, whether it is from the interests of both of us or from humanitarianism, there will be no loss to your country by doing so." Denikin said at last. In fact, this issue is the least important to the other issues that Denikin will talk about, but it is the first issue to be resolved. After all, there are more than 250,000 people who need to solve the food problem!

"This reason is fine." Calypte's words made the Russian breathe a sigh of relief. "But it's worse than our expectations."

"Since you keep saying that you want to take care of the Russian people who are accompanying you, if some of them are willing to join a certain country, then you shouldn't stop it?" Calypte asked~www.novelhall. com~ Yes, the first target for Germany to choose is those who have a skill or expertise. These people are worth much more than pure gold and silver! Moreover, the Germans have even listed a catalog, planning for those who need to buy it!

Bavaria and Austria-Hungary really do not want to accept too many Russians. After all, this may cause serious ethnic problems in the future. However, the pressure to accept technical personnel and intellectuals who do not even have 5% of them is very small. And these people can quickly be transformed into productivity, which is very beneficial to the recovery of the economies of the two countries!

"But some of them hold important positions in my army and the interim government! You may not recognize the legitimacy of our government, but as a political group, our operations need relevant talents. From this perspective, we are I absolutely disagree with your move of digging walls. This is very unfriendly. And it will directly weaken our combat effectiveness and strength, and it will be harmful to your country!" Denikin said.

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