The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2534: Talk about

God, this is the negotiator you said is not high? "Korninov whispered to Denikin when he learned of the representatives of the German and Austrian side.

On the way to the negotiation site, the Germans finally notified the situation of the Russian negotiators. The Bavarian Army General Kaliput will be the German envoy, and General von Seckert from Prussia will be the deputy envoy! Needless to say, Kalupt served as the chief of staff of the group army at the beginning of the war, and then became the chief of the general staff of the Bavarian Army, with a very high status.

What about von Seckert? This person is relatively unfamiliar to Denikin, but Korninov’s ambassador is clearer, because when the Brusinov offensive was launched, Korninov’s troops had been with von Sekt. Passed, yes, von Seckert was the commander of the German army that the German emperor deliberately pulled out from the Western Front to aid the Hungarians!

The status of these two men is now very high. Calypte is responsible for the military affairs of the entire eastern region of Bavaria, and von Seckert has transferred from the Prussian army to the Bavarian Army and served as General Calypte. Chief of Staff. Is it weird? A former Prussian general finally took up a post in the Bavarian Army?

This is actually unexpected and reasonable. First of all, from a relational point of view, von Seckert was not liked by the high-ranking army of the Federal Prussia and the Kingdom of Prussia. The former naturally did not need to be explained. He was born in the Junker noble family and was a supporter of the German Emperor. Will be appreciated by the parliament, so if he can't take a position in the current parliamentary army.

Well, he is more politically inclined to the Kaiser. Will he be appointed by the Kaiser? From a political point of view, there is no problem, but from the relationship within the army, it is not the case. Von Seckert and German infantry general Fakingham are relatives. But Fakingham's popularity within the imperial army is relatively bad, first of all he and Xiao Maoqi didn't deal with it much. Secondly, when fighting on the Eastern Front, he was independent of the East Prussian Group Army independent of Mackensen, and had nothing to do with the high-level German Eastern Front Army. Later, he was assigned to the Bavarian Army and fought in Turkey. In other words, von Seckert is not the kind of likable person.

Little Mochi and Markenson will not trouble von Seckert. It is not that he will be forced to retire after the war, but because the number of troops has been drastically reduced, it is obviously inappropriate for him to continue to serve as a front-line leader, so he was given a spare job.

However, von Seckert is naturally unwilling to continue to be a salted fish. He always believes that his strength lies in leading and establishing a complete military system, rather than sitting in the office drinking tea and reading the newspaper. Therefore, Feng wants to realize his own value. Seckett remembered the Bavarian Legion that had fought alongside him. So he began to try to establish contact with Crown Prince Ruprecht through private channels.

As for the "father of one hundred thousand national defense forces" in history. Ruprecht still values ​​it very much, after all, his ability is still there, especially in establishing a complete military system and high execution power. His abilities may be of little use to Bavaria, but they can make him play a role in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. After all, in addition to the Bohemian Army, the quality and ability of the officers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire are a bit poor. It would be nice to let von Seckert manage them.

Of course, it would be a little troublesome to just plug him in. After all, the Austro-Hungarian Army was accustomed to following the command of the crown prince, but not to the command of the Prussian officer. Moreover, von Seckert was a commander of a group army at the end of the war. The manager’s experience was still limited, so he was Temporarily arranged to serve as the chief of staff of the military region under General Caliput.

And this time, the personal participation of Calipt and von Seckert in this negotiation is enough to prove that the German military attaches great importance to the negotiation, which makes Denikin and Korninov both surprised and happy. , I was surprised that I would not be able to face such a heavyweight at the beginning, and I am happy because the Germans value them, of course, maybe it is the gold they have!

"On behalf of the Russian Provisional Government, I would like to express my gratitude to your country for your kindness. I hope that we can reach an agreement in this negotiation and fight side by side against our common enemy." At the beginning of the negotiations, Cole Ninov first expressed his position-this is an equal negotiation between the two governments. In order to equalize the status of both parties in name! This is what Denikin specifically emphasized before!

"Sorry, our government does not recognize the legitimacy of the Russian Provisional Government, and we do not even recognize any government in Russia. We can represent the German government, but your Excellency can only represent your army and those who follow you. The party is just a group, a group that needs the help of the German Empire, not the government. What we discuss is the help provided to you and the price you need to pay, not the negotiation between the two countries.” Von Seck Special said.

"We have been recognized by all countries in the world, the British, French and Americans, they all recognize the legitimacy of our government..." Korninov emphasized.

"Unfortunately, the German government did not recognize it. Moreover, judging from the current situation, can your so-called government fulfill the government's rights and obligations? Being squeezed in a corner by the enemy, if it is not for fear of us~www.novelhall .com~I'm afraid the enemy army on the opposite side has launched a general offensive, right?" Von Seckert's words were full of mockery.

"I hope that you will not get entangled in this issue, otherwise our negotiations will definitely fall apart! Even if the negotiations are successful, you entered the German Empire, Austria-Hungary Empire or Ukraine, you also entered as refugees. , Does not represent any government status. This is a prerequisite, a prerequisite that cannot be changed. We can have cooperation and transactions, but if you can’t face up to your own status, then everything will be impossible to talk about!" Von Seckert Emphasized.

The Russians struggled with government status to obtain equal bargaining status. So why did the German government do this? First of all, the German government has never recognized the legal status of the Russian Provisional Government, so it is naturally impossible for Calipt to make such an opening. And what if he admits it? The German government does not recognize it!

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