The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2533: Situation in Russia III

"Don't think that the Allies are indifferent to our existence. In fact, they have been paying attention to us and have released some signals intentionally or unintentionally." Denikin said meaningfully. "Even if they look down on us, they must also value the wealth in our hands!

"I'm going, no wonder you are not in a hurry, you already have an idea?" Korninov now has a somewhat admiring feeling for Denikin!

"The Germans have actually entered our control area. Some people with us have tried to cross the border secretly or use their belongings for food and clothing in the district, and the Germans have also begun to contact some of the leaders. , They want to have people with a higher level of technology or knowledge. These wolves are eager to rip off a piece of flesh from the wreckage of the empire!" Denikin said angrily.

"Then you stopped it?" Korninov frowned slightly.

"No, we are now at a dead end. I can stick to my principles, but I have no reason to stop others from seeking survival. Let them go." Denikin said with a sigh.

"Well, maybe Germany and Austria want technicians, farmers and workers who are willing to work hard. But what do we do? The soldiers and officers who follow us?" Korninov said.

"Actually, there are some things you can do if you want to. There is no need to pull me." Denikin said with a complicated expression looking at this colleague who had been with him for more than a year. To be honest, he didn't like Korninov very much. But I have to say that even if the relationship is not good, the two sides have been working together for so long under tremendous pressure, supporting and helping each other. There are always some personal feelings.

Although Denikin disagreed with Korninov's approach, if Korninov wanted to leave, or even pulled some people away, Denikin would pretend not to see it. But the problem now is that Korninov did not decide to act alone, but had to pull himself up, which made Denikin both disgusted and somewhat relieved, after all, Korninov did not forget himself at this time. Also want to make a living together.

"Didn’t I just say that? We have enough wealth to make the king’s heart tempted. We don’t ask to enter Germany and Austria to gain asylum. We only ask to enter Ukraine, and then use our swords and guns to help the Germans defend the country. They have no reason to refuse. We, and even I think, as long as we give my men enough supplies and German weapons, we can even fight Bujuni back! We are using our own efforts in exchange for help, rather than praying for the protection of each other! "Denikin said.

Denikin is not arrogant. In fact, the personal qualities of the Russian army, dominated by the old army and Cossacks, are relatively high. After all, they have received professional military training. The Cossacks became the mercenary of the Tsar even more than a hundred years ago. In fact, both in history and in this plane, the White Army also won some tactical victories in the early days of the Russian Civil War, but it is a pity that it is based on the masses. Too bad, and with the loss of experienced veterans, combat effectiveness is getting lower and lower.

"Well, I believe in your ability and judgment, so now have you found a good contact?" Korninov asked.

"It has been found, but the status does not seem to be that high. At least not the few people we often heard on the Eastern Front." Denikin said.

"It should be civilian officials who contact this kind of thing. We haven't heard of it. It's normal." Karninov breathed a sigh of relief. He does not worry about the status of the people who come to negotiate. For him, he can let himself It is enough to turn the crisis into peace with his army immediately, nothing else matters!

"Then send a request for negotiation tomorrow. Although it is a bit hasty, we really can't wait. In addition, Korninov, we represent the Russian Provisional Government, and we are recognized by all countries in the world, so from this perspective In terms of speaking, I hope that when facing Germans, we can emphasize this. We should enjoy the treatment of the government. Even if we are under the fence, we must also speak our voice to the world, preferably with the Americans, French, The British get in touch, and only if we get the most extensive help, can we take the initiative in the game with Germany." Denikin said.

"Is it the provisional government? This brand is not necessarily easy to use." Korninov said mockingly.

"Why is it not easy to use? No one likes our enemies, whether they are the Americans, the Allies or the Allies in the past. They are incompatible with the whole world. We are the orthodox government of Russia, and for the Americans and British, we It would be better to rule Russia," Denikin said.

"Haha, Denikin, your ability is very good, but unfortunately, you are naive on this issue." Korninov said in his heart.

On the issue of survival, the Russians are still very efficient. After the two had finalized the plan, they notified the Germans through special channels. One thing Denikin was right, that is, the Germans have been paying attention. The situation in Russia, and the hundreds of tons of gold in Denikin’s hands are indeed very important. After all, this is a considerable amount of money, which is more valuable than converted into pounds or marks. Among those who follow Denikin, those knowledge Molecules and skilled people are also the targets of the Germans. These are important treasures left after the collapse of Tsarist could the Germans not understand their minds?

But if you just think that the Germans are just coveting the gold and other hard currency, then you underestimate the Germans' vision. In fact, the Germans also value the army under Denikin and the White Russia. Denikin is indeed very national integrity. Even if he is dissatisfied with Soviet Russia, he is consistent with Russia on national issues, but he can’t let the army and civilians under his command maintain such a high national integrity. In fact, Deng Nijin's army and personnel will be a very large asset for Deao if handled properly. Their wisdom, ability, and hatred of Soviet Russia will help Germany and Austria gain a firm foothold in this land! But recruiting Denikin is only the first step. Kolchak, who has entered Central Asia, is also the target of the Germans. It is not impossible to even establish a new country in Central Asia!

Therefore, Germany and Austria responded very quickly to the negotiation signal sent by Danny. The two sides set the negotiation time in three days, and the negotiation site is in the border area of ​​the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

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