The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2511: Summary one

"In addition, our ammunition consumption has exceeded expectations. We must arrange ammunition replenishment in advance. In addition, what I am most worried about is how we will fight in the future. We can never have dozens of lives of pilots to suppress the Japanese army every day. Long-range artillery?" Sims said.

"Then we can only hope that the army advances faster and can kill the Japanese heavy artillery positions with its own strength." Admiral Benson said a seemingly less reliable choice... If the U.S. Army had this ability, wouldn't it be strong? Will he be pressed on the beach and beaten up? From the preface to the Japanese heavy artillery positions, I am afraid that there is a straight line distance of nearly 18 kilometers! And the terrain is complex, with beaches, woodlands, hills and mountains all the way past! How does this make the Army fight?

"We only have three days. We must figure out a way to solve the problem of suppressing the Japanese heavy artillery force. Otherwise, our naval aviation force will collapse before seeing the Japanese fleet. You must know that the Japanese also have 3 aircraft carriers. Yes, and you can also get the support of land-based aviation. If there is nothing on our aircraft carrier at the time of the battle, then you should know how tragic the situation of the United States of America fleet will be." Benson said.

"But how to solve the problem! Our naval guns can't reach, and the carrier-based aircraft can't afford to lose. All our weapons can't effectively suppress the target. If it is not for the limited ammunition, the Japanese continue to cover the target area with artillery. We are probably not even able to maintain the current landing site!" Sims is also a little anxious. As an artillery expert in the US Navy, he has no choice.

"Look for Germans! They will definitely have a way! They will definitely run into this situation on the Western Front." Benson thought for a while and said.

"Major General Kars is proficient in breakthroughs on the battlefield, he is not an expert in artillery." Sims said.

"But there must be artillery experts in the German fleet. They have at least participated in the bombardment of the British mainland, and they must have studied ultra-long-distance artillery and ballistic problems." Admiral Benson said very positively.

If the current artillery and artillery systems of all countries in the world are the strongest, Germany is definitely the strongest. This is well deserved, otherwise it would be impossible to win the First World War. After all, the overall quantity is inferior, and the quality is not superior Frozen, it is possible to overwhelm Britain and France in the epic battle on the Western Front. This is a manifestation of strength. The second one is France. After all, the main force of the Western Front is the French. If France is not strong, neither will the Germans. It will take more than two years to overthrow France, right? It has been able to fight the world's number one Germany for more than two years, and the French artillery and artillery level can be seen to be average. The third is naturally the United Kingdom. The army that can have a presence on the Western Front will not have a weak chicken!

what? What level do you ask Americans? It must have fallen out of the top five. The Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Russians have more artillery experience than the Americans, whether it is the army or the navy... Just think about it. Not long ago, a country that decided to order a large number of K09 150MM cannons, which were finalized by the Germans in 1908, as the long-range medium-caliber artillery of its own army, how much practical experience can it have? (In history, the U.S. Army used the French artillery system with reference to the 75MM rapid-fire gun and the 155 cannon.) Therefore, the problem that the Americans cannot solve does not mean that the Germans cannot solve it!

So in the evening, Admiral Su Xiong and Major General Karls took the transport boat to the Admiral Benson's period. The black old man Pershing and Major General Marshall came together. Together, they will solve the problems currently encountered by the US military.

"It seems that our worries have finally become a reality. The level of equipment the Japanese possess is beyond our expectations. If these long-range cannons are not suppressed, our progress will be difficult because of all the logistics that we plan to set up. The sites are all within the range of Japanese artillery. General Su Xiong, you are an expert in the navy and have deep research in artillery. Is there any solution to the immediate problem?" General Benson asked.

"It's difficult. According to our previous agreement, the Bavarian-class battleships are equipped with armor-piercing shells and semi-armor-piercing shells. The former is used against battleships, and the latter is used against armored cruiser-level targets. For ultra-long-range targets, our attack method is to use Flick, but in this battle, we were not prepared for a single shot, and even the entire United States did not have a flick suitable for us. For your country’s 14-inch naval gun, we can only say that we even have a complete firing table. I haven't seen it, so there is really nothing I can do," Su Xiong said.

"What about the army? Major General Karls, do you have any suggestions?" Pershing asked.

"I want to know whether the new 155MM cannon in your army can be put on the battlefield at any time. It is the one modified with the German K09 150MM cannon. If I remember correctly, the firing table of this gun is similar to the original German product. "Major General Karls did not dare to ask for a big deal, so he asked.

"Yes, it's just that the caliber has been changed, and the ammunition has been slightly adjusted. In order to facilitate this landing operation, we have lightened the gun mount, but the firing table and trajectory will not change." Pershing was very sure. Said.

However, this time, Major General Karls did not immediately answer Pershing's words, because at this time, he was holding a document that was the data file Marshall just gave him about the US M1A3 155MM cannon.

"With all due respect, your army has done a little too much in reducing the weight of the gun mount. It is barely possible to reduce the weight of the **** support by opening holes, but reducing the strength at the connection between the hydraulic equipment and the artillery is a bit too much. Because when shooting at a high elevation angle, the impact force of the artillery on the rigid joint of the gun mount is very large. You can understand that every time you shoot, a heavy hammer hits the ground fiercely." Karls said.

"Is this a big problem?" Pershing asked.

"That's it. Although I am not a real artillery expert in the German army, after all, in the Imperial army, if you can't command and coordinate at least 400 artillery groups composed of 8 different artillery, then don’t I say that I am an expert, but I have also personally commanded military-level engagements, and I have also had the opportunity to come into contact with weapons such as the K09 cannon and the 210MM heavy howitzer. I also have some research on the performance and operation of the artillery. I guess if If the returned M1A3 long-range artillery is fired at a large elevation angle, the life of the gun carriage may be only about one-third of that of conventional products.” Major General Karls said.

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