The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2510: The Bloody Sea

"Fortunately, there is no problem with the core car body, but the skirts on the outside have been ruined seven or eighty-eight. Three road wheels are dead, two on the left and one on the right. It can still make do." Patton said depressed.

"The other bad news is that now there is only one platoon that I can directly command. Almost all T1 tanks are dead, and their sides can't even hold infantry artillery." Patton looked at the wreckage of the T1 tanks left on the beach through the commander’s command tower and let out a long sigh. This is war. Those colleagues who were alive and kicking a few minutes ago have become cold corpses. Some of them have not even killed an enemy!

A total of 17 tanks, 6 were lost during the landing, 5 were destroyed in the previous battle, and now only 6 are left, but fortunately, the combat effectiveness is still half, because from the violent shelling Of the 6 tanks that survived, 5 were all wolf tanks! Although the American offensive was very unsuccessful, the wolf tank still made its own reputation in the distant Pacific Ocean!

"Damn, I thought that when I came to the Pacific, I didn't need to see those intimidating guys." A British officer looked at the wolf tank that had been withdrawn from the effective range of the Japanese flat-fire artillery. Said.

To be honest, under the guidance of the British Army, the Japanese Army still attaches great importance to anti-armor operations. Although the Japanese cannot deploy a dozen 15-pounder guns or 75MM rapid-fire guns at one support point to anti-tank like the British and French coalition forces. , But they still tried their best to strengthen their anti-tank firepower.

In the current Japanese army, there are not only various flat-fire guns of formal production, but also a large number of rapid-fire guns removed from old warships. Part of it comes from the Japanese Navy, most of it comes from the British inventory in the Far East... However, limited by domestic production capacity, the Japanese Army’s anti-armor capabilities are still far from the standards of European powers. No way, in the later stage, the French pulled a large number of 105MM cannons to the front line as anti-tank weapons, and this level of artillery in the Japanese army can only be equipped at the division level. Every division has These cannons are regarded as treasures, how can they be thrown into the front line as consumables?

Therefore, the Japanese tried their best to increase the level of grass-roots level fire. Fortunately, according to intelligence, the American T1 tank belongs to the iron head tofu waist (well, the so-called iron head is the standard for resisting 6-pounder guns.) The side is very thin, so The Japanese army’s solution was to improve the 92-type infantry artillery. In fact, this artillery is not as good as normal mortars in terms of projection capacity and performance, but the key is that people can shoot directly! Although the muzzle velocity of the shells is not high, although the armor-piercing ability is not enough, it is definitely enough to hit the side of the American tank!

Therefore, in the previous battle, the US tanks that suddenly entered the Japanese positions suffered heavy losses. The 6-pounder guns and even the infantry guns can easily penetrate the T1 tank armor on the side. The wolf tank that has undergone the tempering of the war in Europe said that he was in Europe and was talking and laughing with the French anti-aircraft guns. This loss is nothing. Therefore, as long as the reaction is fast enough and the luck is not particularly bad, the wolf tanks have successfully retreated. Almost all T1 tanks produced by the United States were left on the battlefield.

At this moment, the sound of tapping came from the tank shell.

"Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, we need your tank support." Homan, who has become the acting company commander, said as he looked at Patton from the turret.

"Well, boy, arrange a liaison for me, and we will join hands." According to the original plan, Lieutenant Colonel Patton would lead a force of tanks and armored transport vehicles into the depths of the Japanese army, but it depends on the current situation. , His own troops suffered heavy losses, and the subsequent reinforcements were even more distant. In that case, it would be better to form a team with the same down-and-out colleagues.

Afterwards, Patton temporarily gave up his intention to break through and used tank guns to kill the exposed vulnerable targets one by one from a safe distance. When the US battleships and carrier-based aircraft were once again on the battlefield, the subsequent US forces could finally continue to land. In the rain of bullets and gunpowder, the US military moved forward with difficulty.

"We finally landed on the land of New Ireland, but we paid a heavy price." Admiral Benson said to Sims next to him.

When night fell, the day's battle was finally over, and the US Army finally gained ground at two landing points after paying at least 4,000 casualties. Some of these areas have even penetrated into the first line of defense of the Japanese army, but such a price is too great for the United States, which has not experienced a tragic war. As an officer wrote in his diary: We will advance in waist-deep blood in the future!

"The naval air force has suffered heavy losses. Today, the number of aircraft lost due to battles and accidents has reached 70. If this continues, maybe our aircraft carrier can only be used as a transport ship in a week. What's worrying is that we lost a net 50 units." Sims said.

Killed 50 carrier-based aircraft crews in one day ~ ~ How many US Navy's next batch of carrier-based aircraft pilots? It seems, maybe, there are only 500 people... This TM is not enough! Of course, this is not to say that there are more NB pilots in Japan and the level of American pilots is not enough. In fact, just looking at the air combat exchange ratio, American pilots are actually better. After all, those who can be carrier-based pilots may not be trump cards, but at least they are at the elite level. In addition, the performance of carrier-based aircraft also has advantages, so the fight naturally prevails. In fact, in today's engagement, the exchange ratio between the two sides in pure air combat is about 1 to 1.5. One American plane was exchanged for 1.5 Japanese!

The real loss lies in two points. The first point is the bomber crew responsible for suppressing the Japanese long-range heavy artillery. Of the 70 aircraft lost, bombers accounted for more than half. Those carrier-based aircraft carrying 250KG bombs were those of Japanese fighters and anti-aircraft guns. It's a miserable under attack! The seaplanes responsible for the reconnaissance accounted for 10 planes, and the rest were fighter losses. The second point is the issue of range. Many US pilots have subconsciously ignored the fuel consumption due to long-term air combat. This is not a problem of capability, but sometimes they know that they are running out of fuel, but they can’t get off. ! And because most of the battle sites are inland, if the plane is shot down, even if the pilot parachutes, it will definitely be difficult to return....

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