The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2506: The Bloody Sea

Slowly, the sound of heavy artillery fire on both sides became thinner, and the Americans were worried about the consumption of ammunition. The Japanese were destroyed because of the frontier artillery. At the same time, ammunition consumption is also a problem. After all, in the view of the Japanese Army, if people can solve the problem, then don’t use precious heavy artillery shells, like the European battlefield. In a battle, both sides fired tens of millions of shells, which in the eyes of the Japanese is almost unimaginable! The price of a 6-inch shell is 150 yen, and a postcard for a Japanese soldier is only 2 yen. Well, there are so many two-legged soldiers in Japan. However, heavy artillery shells should be used carefully!

With the decline of heavy firepower on both sides, the battlefield was once again dominated by infantry and light artillery. The US forces that had been crushed on the beach can finally catch their breath, and the US forces in some areas were even preparing to fight back.

"George, throw away the bar in your hand and hold this!" Homan threw a MG09 general-purpose machine gun imported from Germany into the hand of the machine gunner, and then assigned him an ammunition hand. The battle between the infantry of the two sides has been going on for nearly 45 minutes, but the U.S. military has still not opened up the situation.

If taking the first participation in the war as the standard, the Americans’ response is still very good. After the initial panic, under the command of the officers, the Americans finally began to establish their own front, the machine gun team and the force of the company. The firing team began to use the wreckage, craters and terrain as a cover. The soldiers carried boxes of ammunition snatched from the landing craft. The boxes of mortar shells were taken out, and then the corresponding propellant ring was pressed according to visual inspection. The subsequent 82mm mortars began to suppress the Japanese machine gun positions in the distance, while the 60 mortars were responsible for releasing smoke bombs.

The roar of Browning's machine gun finally broke the situation where the Japanese Wicks machine gun dominated the battlefield. After long-term live ammunition training, the American soldiers controlled the shooting accuracy and rhythm very well. The fire snakes were flying around the Japanese bunkers, accurately Some even blocked the shooting holes of the Japanese army to death. From time to time, one or two Japanese shooters were killed by the burst bullets. Although there is no strong bunkers for protection, the U.S. military also suppressed the Japanese firepower in the distance as much as possible. Everything unfolded according to the previous script, with machine guns and mortars being responsible for suppression, and then the infantry squad carrying Browning machine guns and blasting tools opened the way.

However, it seemed to go smoothly together, and collapsed in the mid-range battle of about 500 yards.

"Pay attention to alternate shooting, don't let all the machine guns finish the ammunition at the same time!" The commander in charge of the entire assault team said to the two bar shooters next to him. At this time, the engineers were lying on the ground, blasting the blasting tubes. Extend forward to detonate the minefield ahead. The Japanese rifle bullets almost flew past their scalp, and the only thing that could provide cover for these engineers was the bar machine gun behind them. However, listening to the intermittent shooting of the machine gun behind him, the ensign always felt that the firepower would be interrupted at any time.

In order to ensure the suppression of the enemy, the second lieutenant concentrated at least 5 bar machine guns, and there were also 4 grenade players with grenade launchers to attack possible grenadiers in the Japanese army. They have now left the starting position for 400 yards. The machine guns in the distance can only provide them with limited support. All the firepower can only rely on themselves!

boom! Along with a series of explosions, a 15-meter-wide safe passage was opened from the minefield. Then, according to the predetermined plan, the ensign needed the troops to alternately cover and advance. However, two of the machine gun groups started to move along with the infantry. At that time, the roar that suddenly came from the front side caused heavy losses to the moving US army!

Accompanied by a hiss like a rattlesnake. Two flaming snakes swiftly passed through the marching U.S. troops, and four U.S. troops caught off guard were sieved by the dense bullets. The Americans immediately took all the weapons they could find to suppress the firepower that appeared on the side, so that they could pass through the small open area in front. The bar machine gun and the Garland rifle became the main firepower. However, in this confrontation, the Americans 3 bar faces 2 Lewis machine guns are not at all dominant!

However, relying on a large number of automatic rifles, the Americans gradually stabilized their position, but just as they were preparing to make a further breakthrough, two low-pitched gunfire disrupted the entire plan! After two 70mm infantry guns joined the battlefield, the flank of the US assault team without artillery support was instantly gnawed off. Under the impact of less than 4 kilograms of shells, the two bar groups and their weapons were blown to pieces. The opponent’s shooting angle is very tricky, between howitzers and mortars, and the muzzle velocity is faster than that of mortars. If it’s a mortar, the U.S. military can still consider evasive, but when the speed increases, at such a close In terms of distance, when you hear the sound of the shell, the shell will fall in less than a second.

When the firepower of the US machine guns on the flanks was suppressed, a small group of Japanese soldiers would rush up under the cover of Lewis machine guns. At this time, the US military commander discovered a very special place, that is, many Japanese soldiers seemed to be from They passed the side of the area before and even rushed out from behind!

It turned out that compared to the complex structure of the trench system on the Western battlefield, some Japanese soldiers like the small and concealed individual bunker, which can only accommodate a soldier and his equipment ~ There is a cover on it. The camouflaged wooden plank, if you don’t look closely, you won’t be spotted from the side. Later, when the Japanese army launches a counterattack, these "nails" behind the US army will take the opportunity to make trouble. And this made the US military who encountered this situation for the first time felt very uncomfortable.

However, in this situation of being about to collapse by the front and back, the Americans' sufficient melee firepower once again saved a considerable number of people's lives. The firepower of the m1 carbine and submachine gun formed an airtight at a distance of about 100 meters. The net of fire, swept away all living creatures that dared to straighten up more than half their body like cutting wheat! Accompanied by the roar of the carbine, yellow-orange-orange shells fell on the beach, and they disappeared together with patches of Japanese troops.

Caught off guard, the two sides quickly entered close combat. Bayonet, engineer shovel and pistol waved in the smoke and blood. Accompanied by the sound of killing and the roar of various firearms, only a broken body and a broken body were left on the beach. Pieces of red blood. Most of the American offensive was contained, and the hasty counterattack by the Japanese did not work. The losses on both sides are huge, but the gains are small.

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