The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2505: The Bloody Sea

Everything unfolded according to plan. A group quickly jumped from the landing craft along the opened springboard. Except for a recruit who fell on all sides, the others stepped on the beach smoothly, and then the second group! The colleagues on the landing craft nearby also began to rush out of the landing craft. The destroyer in the distance began to release smoke bombs to cover the landing of the troops. Everything was so methodical. Breathing the air full of gunpowder and sea flavors, Platoon Commander Horman felt unusually quiet, but there were strange waves from a distance. The sound aroused his alarm. Immediately, a long-lost sense of crisis came to my heart!

"Leave the landing craft immediately, as soon as possible!" Homan yelled as he quickly jumped out of the side of the ship. At the moment he just landed, a dazzling red light hit his landing craft. Immediately following an explosion, one side of the landing craft was gnawed off a large piece, and several American soldiers who could not dodge were broken into pieces. After a few seconds, the fire flashed in the distance, and the second shell flew over!

"Dodge the landing craft, hurry up! This is the British 6-pounder! Don't come back, there can be no living people on the ship!" Homan finally remembered the weapon he had seen on the exercise field. In order to familiarize their recruits with enemy weapons that they may encounter in the future, the Bavarian instructors specially collected some of the seized items and brought them to the United States. This 6-pounder naval gun, which can be used for armor and anti-infantry, is naturally among them. , Small size and light weight. After removing the shield, the barrel can almost be said to be on the ground. And the rate of fire is as high as 15 rounds per minute or more! Very deadly for infantry who lack protection.

Fortunately, the power of the 6-pounder gun is limited, and the high-explosive shells used are difficult to penetrate the entire hull. Therefore, Homan and his men who came down first can rely on the cover of the hull to quickly move to a sheltered place. When the Japanese 6-pound rapid-fire gun fired a shell, the horn of the Japanese counterattack finally sounded, and countless bullets and small shells were turned into a fire net in the air. Their first goal was the landing craft that washed up on the beach, and then the American soldiers who could not evade.

"If you can't find a suitable bunker on the battlefield, then jump to a nearby crater. In a battle, the probability of a place being hit by a shell twice in a row is very low. It doesn’t matter, it means that God is not going to let you go.” In Homan’s mind, recalling what his instructor had taught, the God of Fortune did not abandon him in the end, and there was a huge crater not far away, which at least seemed to be If an artillery over 8 inches is thrown out, people don’t have to worry about coming out if standing inside!

"Damn it, now I am directly the squad leader?" Homan looked at his colleagues around him, his nose was almost crooked, his platoon was a strengthened platoon, in addition to 3 squads, there is 1 brown The Ning machine gun team, however, in the previous battle, at least 20 people stayed on the landing craft and did not run out. Looking at the landing craft that had been beaten into a ball of burning fire in the distance, the Japanese rapid-fire guns no longer attacked the landing craft. People should be dead. The worst thing about two teams who ran out was that the machine gun group was thrown inside. Homan and his colleagues only have a rifle and 3 bars in their hands.

The previous plan was impossible to try. According to the original plan, a company was assigned to an engineer squad. The former was responsible for clearing obstacles, and the latter was responsible for covering and following up. Homan was the first landing platoon in his company. It was half of the reimbursement within 5 minutes of being on the court. More importantly, the engineering squad was caught off guard by firepower, and most of the blasting equipment was lost! You can't go there, right

"Collect the troops and prepare to suppress the firepower on the opposite side. In addition, look for a few clever people to see if some weapons and ammunition can be collected around." Homan is still very clear in the face of this situation, and he knows that it must be reckless to continue. Fully hung, took out a small mirror, picked it on the bayonet and looked through the reflection, countless fire snakes flying on the battlefield, countless firepower points almost all the landing US troops were firmly pressed on the beachhead.

The rapid-fire guns that fired in the distance continued to attack the stranded landing ship. Their location was very concealed. The navy behind could not know the location of these rapid-fire guns. In this era, radio technology is still very backward, and it is not necessary to call for naval gun support. reality. The first wave of troops has been suppressed, so the only chance is the second wave! Because there are tanks in the second wave of landing troops!

"Damn it, why didn't the navy blast the entire landing field twice and land again, these **** guys." A soldier spit out sand from his mouth while cursing. The U.S. Navy in this era is still a little immature and lacks in every aspect, both in quantity and quality. Because of the existence of the Japanese fleet, the U.S. Navy must carefully calculate every shell, like the support ship equipped with artillery, mortars, and a large number of rocket launchers in World War II. No, there is no reason, I didn't expect it!

The pre-dreadnought battleships and armored cruisers of the four squadrons performed a full 45-minute fire suppression mission before landing. In fact, it is already a long time. According to the plan of the US military, the main gun fire suppression time of the battleship does not exceed one and a half hours. ! Otherwise, they will wipe out all the high explosive bombs on today's battleship!

The American soldiers who landed are angrily cursing the navy’s Actually, the navy has done a very good job. In addition, there are some problems with the deployment of the Japanese army. The howitzers above 100mm are just beginning to emerge. Has been destroyed or suppressed, so the U.S. forces on the beach can shrink between the wreckage of the landing craft, the crater and the sand dam. Otherwise, if the Japanese medium-caliber howitzer can still be used, it is estimated that there will be more people who survived. Make a half discount!

But even so, when the Japanese army on the first line of defense only had machine guns and small and medium-caliber rapid-fire guns, the U.S. army was still crushed and beaten, even if it was less than 1,000 meters from the shore, there were destroyers’ artillery in support. . In order to help these army brothers who are fighting, the U.S. Navy is still working hard. At the risk of being attacked by the remaining land artillery, these small boats with a displacement of only 1,000 tons bravely rushed up and fired wildly with 127mm and 105mm artillery. However, due to the issue of the firing boundary, the effect was limited. When a destroyer hit the remaining mines and was directly cut in half, the American destroyers dared not continue to approach for support. At this time, the cruel battle has just begun!

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