The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2459: The steel boom of the future

? So, at least in the eyes of Carlipt now, only the northwestern part of Africa will be able to break out a large-scale ground war between Germany and the United States in the future. As for the Indian Ocean direction? The entire West Indian Ocean is almost the inner sea of ​​the Allies, and it is not easy for the Americans to want the past.

"In my opinion, although the American hardware is very good, at least in the artillery, logistics, infantry equipment and communications, it will definitely be at a first-class level in the future. However, they always feel that their army strategy and tactics are very backward. In the future, armor Troops and armored infantry will be the core of the army. They will be the offensive engine and the backbone of mobile defense. However, in my opinion, the US Army’s armored force development is still centered on infantry, not just now, but in the foreseeable future. In the future, the U.S. Army seems to have not considered dealing with tanks! Most of their future tanks are equipped with howitzers, not cannons.” Calypte said.

The German Army had very clear goals for tanks and assault guns when it began to develop. For example, the earliest cricket-type tanks. The 40MM cannons above were actually used to cover infantry operations. They were low-profile tanks. The assault gun is compatible with anti-armor and bunker missions. No way, you can't expect to make a tank with a rotating turret and a 75MM cannon before the first battle.

Then when it comes to the wolf tank, its main task is to deal with the tank. Otherwise, the 75MM cannon can be replaced with an 88MM howitzer. The warhead of the former weighs up to 7kg, and the warhead of the latter weighs 10kg. If it is a grenade, it must be The latter is better, and the weight of the gun may be lower. The Wolf tank also proved its value on the subsequent battlefields. In the Balkans, Asia Minor and the Western Front, the tanks of the British and French allied forces were destroyed.

If the German armored force was still in its infancy in World War I, then in the future armored force development plan, the German military made a very clear definition and division of tanks, assault guns, and tank destroyers, and provided different armors. The unit has established specific tasks.

Tanks are naturally divided into medium tanks and heavy tanks. The design requirements of medium tanks emphasize a cost-effectiveness. First of all, they must be easy to produce, have the firepower that can destroy most of the opponent's tanks, and effectively resist the firepower of the opponent's tanks at a certain distance. Armor. The artillery is mainly equipped with medium-caliber cannons. At the beginning, the 75MML48 artillery of later Germans can be used. In the middle and late stages of the war, if the pressure is high, they can be replaced with artillery similar to the 17-pounder. After all, the British can mount a 17-pounder gun on the Sherman. Why can't the Germans?

As for the heavy tank, it is natural to aim at all the opponent's and possible targets. It must be ensured that the front can block more than 95% of the opponent's firepower at a relatively close range. The side can use the angle to be immune to the attack of the opponent's medium tank. The heavy tank itself has enough firepower to destroy the opponent's strongest tank! There are not many heavy tanks, but they are the spearhead of the offensive. They are used to tear open the opponent's tightly fortified line of defense and play a pillar role in large-scale tank battles.

In fact, with the offensive and defensive level of the second battle, it is not difficult to create a tank with a hard front. The most difficult thing is to have a certain defensive ability on both sides. The Germans used tonnage for defense, the Russians used angles. Trade space for defense. The final result is that Germany has artificially produced more than 70 tons of Tiger King, which is too big and improper. The Russians finally came up with IS2M tanks (IS3 came out, but the number was too small.) The data was good, but there were many details, such as the oversized D25T artillery turret caused by the excessive torque and slow rotation, and the equipment with only 28 rounds. Ammunition.

The Americans have a peculiar mind on the heavy tanks, and the result of the Americans on the Pershing tank is focused defense. (Let’s call it this way.) The front part of the side is 3-inch vertical armor, and the back is brittle. Generally speaking, the Pershing tank is a very good production version. With strong American technology and industrial strength, the 90L50 artillery has good performance, and the frontal defense is quite satisfactory. Very suitable for mass production. But on the issue of side defense, Pershing was still unqualified because of the weight problem, and in this plane, the power of the 90L50 artillery might not be enough!

As for firepower? From a historical point of view, the Germans walked to the black on the length-to-diameter ratio, and finally came up with fishing rod artillery such as 88MML71 and 75MML70. The artillery is difficult to make, and the effect is not good when facing large angle armor. As for the Russians, the final choice is the 122MM D25T and 100MM D10T. Generally speaking, the D25T will be better in the face of large-angle armor, but because of the use of split bombs and the weight of the bombs, the rate of fire is very problematic. Cannons above 120mm cannot be mounted on armored vehicles, but the premise is that your internal operating space is larger and you can maintain a reasonable rate of fire. The D10T is more balanced, with a higher penetration depth and a suitable rate of fire. Of course, it would be even better if the US emperor’s armor-piercing bullet technology could be added...

As for assault guns and tank destroyers? How do you say this thing? Although the Germans also distinguished between these two weapons in history, there were many things that they often mixed with each other, such as the No. 3 assault gun... This thing has also been equipped with 75MM howitzers, 105MM howitzers and 75MM cannons of two calibers, L43 and It is more common to hit tanks. The reason why the No. 3 assault artillery is called assault artillery is because they are generally used as artillery formations to support infantry operations...

In fact, the No. 3 assault gun was a real assault gun at the beginning. It used a short-barreled 75MM artillery, or the Germans found that the chassis was good, and the anti-tank pressure was a bit high, so the No. 3 G-type assault gun was rescued. The 75MML48 artillery, but also felt that the power of the 75MM howitzer was not enough, so the F-type No. 3 assault gun equipped with the 105MM howitzer came out!

Of course, after the 105MM howitzer was forcibly mounted on the chassis of the No. 3 assault gun, it was somewhat reluctant to prepare the ammunition. The No. 3 assault gun using the 105MM howitzer seemed to have only 30 rounds of ammunition.

As for armor protection? The defense of the assault gun is not necessarily bad, and the defense of the tank destroyer is not necessarily strong. For example, the assault gun of the No. 3 is better than the No. 4 tank in the late stage, and as a tank destroyer? Things like panthers and tiger hunting are naturally stronger. But there are also vehicles like the Rhino that have almost no defense in their convertibles.

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