The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2458: future

? "The U.S. industry and financial resources give the future U.S. Army a huge advantage in most areas. At least in the future, I don't think our troops can surpass the U.S. in logistics and mobility." The entourage confirmed the surroundings. With no monitoring personnel or equipment, Major General Karls said.

It is not that he believes that the future German industry will not be able to compete with the United States. After all, the future Germany will also be a large country with 1.5 million square kilometers of land, a population of more than 120 million, and tens of millions of square kilometers of colonies. The industry is not necessarily worse than the United States, but there is a problem that the German Army needs to maintain a huge organization to deal with Russia. The size of the first-line armies of the two sides is not graded. If everyone invests the same capacity and funds, then the level of equipment will definitely be different. what.

"The Americans have a transportation vehicle ration that exceeds our current expectations. Their troops have extremely high mobility advantages, and they are also remarkable in equipment research and development. The level of infantry equipment is also first-class in the world. As for heavy artillery. Like, to be honest, I don't think there will be too much difference in quality among the world's powers. At this time, the quantity and the maneuverability of the heavy artillery are very important." Karls said.

"I've been thinking about a question." General Calipute said. "If we fight with the Americans in the future, where will the battlefield be?"

"This... I really don't know, France is impossible. No matter whether France will become our enemy again, at least we can guarantee that we can be in the Champs before the US Army arrives on a large scale. Lische Street celebrates our victory again."

"It seems unlikely for the United Kingdom. If it is time for our army to land on the British Isles on a large scale, then the arrival of the Americans is at most sending a group of prisoners. At such a close distance from the mainland of the empire, it is impossible for the Americans. Defeated us. Even on the European continent, the U.S. army has no chance. Even if we let them land, we will still be easily driven off the sea." Major General Kars said without hesitation, there is no way, after the first war The confidence of the Allies is too much. It is foreseeable that in the future, the empire's national and military strength will be substantially improved!

"So, here comes the question. If we fight with the United States, Britain and Russia at the same time in the future, where will the Americans' pre-[31] battlefield be?" Calipute said with interest. "This battlefield cannot be far away from Europe, because if it's too far, we don't have to worry about it, and we won't send troops. At the same time, we can't be too close to us, otherwise, the US military is tantamount to death. And this battlefield must be able to generate distance to Europe Great influence. So that we have to divide our forces to deal with."

"So, I think that if we were to have a battle with the U.S. Army, it would most likely be in the deserts of North Africa, because it is far away from Germany and Austria, and our military projection may be affected by politics. Due to the above restrictions, our army will deploy more slowly. Secondly, North Africa will have a profound impact on the war situation, because once the Americans gain a foothold here, their land-based aviation power will seriously threaten our routes in the Mediterranean. And you know, the Mediterranean is our lifeline. A considerable part of the materials we obtain from Africa and the Middle East must pass through the Mediterranean to enter the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and then enter the territory of Germany." General Calipute said.

"North Africa? But whether it is northwestern Africa or Algeria, this is a colony of France or Spain. Do you mean that if there is war in the future, the Americans might act against neutral countries?" Major General Kars said in surprise.

"It is entirely possible. In fact, before the war, we were worried that Belgium would not be able to fully deploy our army, and we had a plan to pass through the Netherlands, but we gave up because of political and economic reasons. The neutrality of the Netherlands is guaranteed." General Calipute said.

"But the Imperial Navy should be able to deal with the Americans? How could we allow the Americans to travel across the oceans to Europe?" Major General Karls was still somewhat unacceptable.

"This question is difficult to say, or it depends largely on the attitude of France at the time. If France cooperates with us, we can naturally deploy our fleet on the west coast of France and the Mediterranean region. Without the support of the French, then our Mediterranean The fleet can only rely on the ports of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Of course, this is not the most troublesome. Our biggest trouble is because of the existence of the United Kingdom. The German-Austrian fleet is split, and our fleet must be moved around every time. Passing through the United Kingdom, and this road will definitely be obstructed by the British navy. Before we completely settle the British fleet and land-based aviation, our fleet movement is actually not so smooth." General Calipute said.

If the future problem of the Eastern Front is to solve Russia, then the ultimate problem of the Western Front is to solve Britain with the help of the United States. The victory of the First World War did not allow Germany to completely solve the European problem, because in Western Europe, Britain was still stuck on the way for the German High Seas Fleet to freely enter and exit the Atlantic. Although Germany gained control of the Shetland Islands and Iceland. However, once part of the US fleet and a large number of aviation troops enter the British mainland in the, this will still be serious. It is very inconvenient for the fleet to enter and exit the Atlantic,

It is impossible for the German fleet to send all its main forces to the Mediterranean, and it will still happen when the fleet circumvents the Danish Strait in wartime! Therefore, in Calypte's view, the core of the future war in Western Europe lies in the United Kingdom. If the United Kingdom has surrendered, then the Americans can only be realistic and admit defeat. After all, without the British pedal, the United States can't exert its strength no matter how powerful it is. Before the fall of Britain, it was still possible for the Americans to do something in North Africa because of the mobilization of the Allied fleet. After all, when fighting in North Africa, if Germany had not settled the Spanish and French governments at that time, then it was outside the combat range of German aviation, and the only thing that could be relied on was the German-Austrian Mediterranean fleet. At this time, this squadron needs to face half of the American fleet.

As for the Americans who want to deploy in this way, what about the cost and safety issues? This is also impossible for the United States. The decisive battle on the British mainland is to see the navy and the air force, and the army is to fight soy sauce. Unless the US Army does not launch a large-scale campaign against Germany, it can only do something in North Africa. The Americans must do it regardless of cost, because if Russia is simply to face the main force of the German and Austrian army, then it will only be a matter of time before the Russians play GG!

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